YLTESCIA: A Reincarnator’s Tale in the Lands of Merusia

Chapter 316: The Reigning Champion

"Haah... That was exhausting..." [Grey]

The winds rocked like a gentle cradle, words strung along as they rode the breeze. It was a room silent as the dead, the warmth of sunlight barely seeping through the tiny windows and the curtains fluttering softly from time to time.

In such a room, three figures lay motionlessly. One was sitting on the couch laying his back against the seat as he heaved a lengthy. Another was beside him, resting her head against his shoulder. And the last one was looking at them from the other side of the room, giggling to herself.

"Fufufufu! Must be nice being so popular, huh?" [Lisandra]

"Mou... Stop joking around, Lisa... It was so troublesome..." [Yuna]

"Oh my, I never thought I would see the day that Yuna would act so sluggishly. Where has all your energy gone to?" [Lisandra]

Grey and Yuna had just finished all their selected challenge matches, and now they are resting at the wailing room along with Lisandra. Both wore lifeless eyes as they enjoyed the fluff and comfort of the couch, not wanting to part with it.

With them ending every round, it wasn't really physically tiring, however, with all the expectations from their opponents and the cheers from the audience, it took quite a toll on their minds. It was so troublesome dealing with such a crowd.

It would have been fine, save for the fact that some of their fans were too enthusiastic for their own good. Some were even making some weird jingles and waved flash with their names. The embarrassment was really what finished them.

"Lisa, just curious... How often should we accept challenges again?" [Grey]

"Hmm.... There aren't rules regarding that, however, I think accepting one or two a week would be very beneficial. I think it's for the best." [Lisandra]

"I see.... Once or twice a week, huh... That means we need to duel more and more... Haah... And here I thought we could rest for a while..." [Grey]

"Fufufu! Quite unfortunate, aren't you?" [Lisandra]

Or so she said but her expressions begged to differ, merrily enjoying herself as she watched the two be troubled over the challengers. She could only smile at how many more letters would come after today's spectacular events.


The sunlight turned golden and the afternoon wind started to cool down. As the fourth bell of the day echoed all over the Royal Capital, the cheers and squeals across the colosseum started to dwindle down and normalcy returned over the streets.

"Oh? It's already 3 o'clock? I guess it's time to head back..." [Grey]

"Okayー Eh...? 3... O'clock...!" [Lisandra]

However, not all was over. As Lisandra slowly stood up, Grey's words rang over and over inside her mind until such that it crashed like a turbulent plane, panic and chaos struck her heart as she remembered something with much importance.

"Oh, no! I totally forgot! We're going to be late for the match! Grey, Yuna, let's hurry! There's no time to explain!" [Lisandra]

She wasn't just panicking, she was super panicking, grabbing Grey and Yuna's hands without warning and dragging them away, a loud slam echoing by the hallways as the doors were slammed shut, three figures fading into the distance.

There was only urgency traced on her face as she ran, sweating bullets. She turned left and right with such rush, almost crashing into people and things alike, apologizing whilst she rushed off towards the faraway horizon.

"Grey! Yuna! Let's use the roofs! It should be much quicker that way!" [Lisandra]

"Huh? Is that really proper for a princess to suggest?" [Grey]

"Who cares about that right now?! We must hurry! Come on, quickly!" [Lisandra]

And off they go. Using the ropes and window sills as footholds, treading lightly as a feather and quickly as falcons. If one were to search up the word "ninja", such acts and movements might be seen. Such was Grey's train of thought.

They soon reached the roofs and their legs didn't stop moving. Lisandra's eyes were frantically shifting left and right despite running out of breath. She still did her best to hold up, pushing herself even harder than when she was training with Yuna.

"Lisa, isn't it about time you tell us what's happening?" [Yuna]

"A-Ah, right... Sorry... Actually... Today's the match of Lord Deltran. He rarely accepts challenges so I wouldn't want to miss the chance. I'm really sorry..." [Lisandra]

"Lord Deltran... That's..." [Yuna]

"He's the current champion, isn't he?" [Grey]

Deltran... An adventurer who suddenly appeared out of nowhere and wiped the floor with veteran gladiators. He was still in his teens when he first joined yet he already climbed up the rankings in less than two months without a single loss.

He won his first tournament 3 years ago against the then champion, Eilan, who was an A-rank adventurer and has kept his winning streak since then. Even now, he is the most favored to win the year's Carnival of Swords.

Of course, with such an achievement despite coupled with his youth and the veils of mystery surrounding hom, he was also very popular with the populace, having fans all over the Royal Capital and beyond, invited to many banquets all year.

Lisandra was also one of those fans, going gaga every time the Champion's name is mentioned. Grey and Yuna had already lost count how many times she had talked about him, acting more chatty and energetic than usual.

'Deltran... I'm also quite curious about him...' [Grey]

Both the stories from Lisandra and the ones he heard from the rumors only made the champion even more alluring. His main weapon may not be a sword but he would be more than happy to cross swords with him. Yuna also feels the same.

"Fufufu! Then what are we lagging for? Sirius, please help Lisa out," [Yuna]

"Understood, Mistress." [Sirius]

"E-Eh...? Wh-Wha-What's happeninggg...?!" [Lisandra]

There was no warning whatsoever. Yuna's shadows suddenly quivered and a lone figure appeared from thin air. Lisandra felt soft fur brushing on her neck, not feeling the roofs soon after as she was lifted in the air.

Sirius had bitten her collar and threw her up towards the air. She soon came back down, landing on the former's smooth and silky fur, feeling even more comfortable than the most luxurious of couches, fluff and warmth blanketing her legs.

Of course, it wasn't just all comfort, there was also speed. Sirius went so fast, the Princess could only see blurs as they rushed past the bushings and stalls, jumping over the large streets without difficulties and without being seen. Sirius' rode the howling winds, a perfect fit for her wolf form.


It didn't take too long before the party arrived at the Grand Colosseum, a cacophony of cheers greeting them as they landed. Their steps were soft as cotton, not making a single sound, Sirius vanishing without the need of a command.

"Looks like they're already starting. Let's go!" [Lisandra]

Time was of the essence and there wasn't a single grain to be wasted. Soon after passing through the lobby, the three rushed towards the Royal chamber, Lisandra leaning over to see who was on the stage.

"... Ranked 8th in the ranking and a B-rank adventurer of the Adventurers' Guild. He is a merciless wanderer who has crushed countless bandits and wiped out countless monsters! The 'Wild Viper'! His Excellency! Lord Enak!"

The fight had yet to start and the announcer was still introducing the opponent of the champion yet the crowd was already causing a ruckus. They cheered and chanted like madmen, raising their arms towards the sky as they yelled.

Meanwhile, there was only relief inside the Princess' heart, melting on the couch as soon as she took her seat. It felt like she just experienced the thrill of a lifetime, losing the strength in her legs as he heaved a lengthy sigh.

"Looks like we made it... Thank God, we made it..." [Lisandra]

She was gasping for breath and panting ever so heavily, sweat trickling down her face like racing raindrops. Still, there was a smile on her face, blooming brighter and brighter as she gazed at the champion with much anticipation.

However, the same couldn't be said for Grey. He was frozen whilst he looked down upon the stage, a wry smile on his face, not knowing whether he should laugh or cry. It truly was a surprise... A grand surprise was what it was.

'Haha... Who would've thought... I should have seen it coming...' [Grey]

It may only be for a moment, but Grey was familiar with such a face. The champion was one of the mysterious figures who observed his and Yuna's duo match before, and one more thing.... He was truly an interesting person...

"Oh? Are both of them High-Rankers?" [Yuna]

"Yes. And the one with white hair would be Lord Deltran! Doesn't he look cool? His green eyes look so beautiful and charming too!" [Lisandra]

"Fufufu! Looks like someone is in love~! My~ youth sure is nice~!" [Yuna]

"Geez! Yuna! I just admire him and his skills! And I already have a fiancé, you know?! A F.I.A.N.C.É!!" [Lisandra]

The Princess was quite easy to tease, Yuna giggling to herself as she poked fun at the former. Grey doesn't even have time to ponder, smiling gently as she looks at the two before looking back at the stage.

"Here he is! The reigning champion of the Carnival of Swords and ranked 1st in the whole of Avalon! He's crushed all his opponents mercilessly and carved his name in history! A man known for his strength and ability! The one who bears the moniker of 'Maestro'! His Grace! Lord Deltran!"

"Whoohooo!! You rock, Lord Deltran!"

"Lord Deltran! Wipe the floor with him!"

"Lord Deltran, you're so handsome! Please marry me!"

The audience clamored like thunder, the women squealed sharply, and the children cheered excitedly. Everyone was singing praises of the champion, the man himself only raising his closed fist in response, making the clamor even more.

Grey and Yuna may have become popular in the past few days, but they were still nothing compared to the Champion's. Just a simple gesture and everyone was on cloud nine, hearts thumping fervently like the beating drums in a parade.

"We meet again, Deltran. I'll make sure to take away your crown and repay you for the humiliation I suffered." [Enak]

"Haah... What use are your empty threats? Draw your blade already. Let's settle this as swordsmen would." [Deltran]

"Hahaha... Acting cocky as usual, huh... You've always been like this... It pisses me off... Fine! I'll make you regret your words, you f*cker!" [Enak]

The fight had yet to start yet lightning was already crackling between the Champion and his opponent, the latter gripping his sword and gritting his teeth tightly, eyes red as can be as irked veins popped all over his face. He was enraged.

"Let the duel... Begin!"

"Die, Deltran!" [Enak]

There was no time to waste. As soon as the announcer's signal rang out on the stage, Enak bolted towards Deltran, thrusting his sword without a moment's hesitation and following it up with a slash as soon as it missed.

Detran dodged the first and second attack with ease, eyes moving fast as lightning as he observed which direction Enak will be striking from, parrying his attacks whilst he prepared for a counterattack, fierce sparks flying everywhere as they clashed.

Enak attacked with feisty and aggressive attacks like a rabid predator, and on the contrary, Deltran remained calm. Yet despite how differently the two people were, their attacks matched perfectly. Not letting a single blow in.

"Stop blocking and dodging, you coward!" [Enak]

The Wild Viper halted his steps and pulled back his hands. As soon as he flexed his arms, his rapier also lunged towards the Champion like a spearー or rather, the rapier had become a spear, extending several meters as it chased Deltran.

"Alteration (3☆)"... Such was the name of Enak's ability which allows him to alter the physical characteristics of any non-living thing. Be it expanding or changing its shape, Enak can do as he pleases as long as his mana allows it.

Of course, it was also an invaluable ability when it came to battle. Not only can it extend his range, it also allows him to increase his defense and attack in irregular patterns, making him quite the difficult and unpredictable opponent.

⟨⟨Lashing Crescent!⟩⟩ [Enak]

To top it all off, it allows him to manipulate his sword art as if it was the very extension of his body. The rapier which was sharp and sturdy had now become a stinging whip, unleashing an even more deadly blade as he waved it around.


However, Deltran was already used to his tricks. As the lashing blade rushed towards him, he raised his sword and massive pillars of earth emerged from the ground one after another, acting like a tough and sturdy shield.

Not only that, it also served as his footing, allowing him to soar towards the blue sky, the glint of his blade shimmering across the arena. Glint which was soon diminished the moment heavy rocks cluttered around it, forming a massive sword.


Another explosion of sparks flew in all directions as his sword descended from above, bearing Enak with his might. The weight of the sword brought shockwaves and gusts towards the colosseum, people swayed by the winds.

It was heavyー No, calling it heavy would be a massive understatement. It was as if Enak carried dozens upon dozens of giant boulders on his shoulder, only able to grit his teeth as he pushed through, not allowing his knees to bend even slightly.

"Quit... Acting so cocky! Goddammit!" [Enak]

He unleashed his fury and swung his sword with all his might, breaking the armor of rocks adorning Deltran's sword and flunging the latter towards the other end of the stage where his earthen pillars await.

However, Deltran didn't crash towards the pillars. As he was flung away, he plunged his sword towards the ground, leaving a deep gash as he slowed himself down with brute strength, stopping right exactly before his heels touched them.

⟨⟨Pierce: Slithering Rush!⟩⟩ [Enak]

There was no time for rest. As soon as Enak regained his balance, he immediately launched another attack, thrusting his sword endlessly and attacking from any and all angles using his "Alteration". A fury of swords rained down on Deltran.

In response, Deltran brandished his blade, now once again coated in rocks, fending off all the attacks as he swung such a massive blade. Enak drew closer and closer, attacks getting faster and faster as the gap was fully closed.

⟨⟨Wild Thrust!⟩⟩ [Enak]

Pointblank range, a loud explosion thundered all throughput the colosseum, a single figure blasted through a series of pillars whilst clouds of dust and pebbles brewed on the stage, rocks flying all over the place, a series of subtle clacks echoing as they fell towards the ground.

The clouds of dust soon cleared up, and two figures were once again unveiled. One stood whilst panting his breath whilst one was just a couple inches away from falling off the stage, his sword stuck on the ground once again.

Before Enak's hit could connect, Deltran had shielded himself with his sword, making it absorb all the impact and minimizing the damage he received. He survived with barely any scratches, much to Enak's irritation.

"You bastard.... Stop fooling around and take this seriously! Otherwise, I'll make sure you regret not going all out!" [Enak]

"I suppose that was insincere of me... Very well... However... You must already know what your words meant, I presume? You better have prepared yourself." [Deltran]

Deltran breathed out a short sigh and closed his eyes. The moment he opened them again, the glow had become much sharper and more refined, an atmosphere of fear and dread gnawing away on the colosseum.

He struck the stage with his foot and cracks spread all over like spiderwebs, spikes running along them as they emerged. It was the advent of spring, only that it were spikes instead of flowers which were sprouting, blooming with the passing of time.

"Hm? Those are..." [Yuna]

"Swords... Lord Deltran is finally getting serious..." [Lisandra]

Cracks ran along the spikes, fragments falling off as they were compressed denser and denser, polished sharper every single time until such that they attained the form of swords, more than a dozen of them laid out in the stage.

"Kekeke... That's more like it, you cocky b*tch!" [Enak]

The battle resumed and Enak gripped his sword tightly once more, kicking up a cloud of dust and leaving a crater behind as he rushed like a stooping peregrine towards Deltran. The latter didn't simply wait for him either, brandishing his sword as well.

However, it was not as simple before. At his command, the earthen blades stuck on the ground suddenly quaked and started flying like bald eagles locking on their prey, their sharp blades serving as the talons to deal deadly wounds.

Left, right, front, and center, the blades rushed from all directions and slashed from all angles. Dealing with Deltran was already difficult enough, much more with more than a dozen swords joining the fray.

'Kugh... So heavy...' [Enak]

Enak had faced his swords before, and they were just as heavy as he remembered. Though he was now much better than before, he could still barely defend against the fury of blades, a couple wounds appearing all over his body,

However, the battle was still far from over. Just like Deltran, Enak had not used his full strength yet, only using sword arts all throughout the battle. A subtle smile appeared as the shadows of darkness surrounded him.

The shadows clad Enak's sword with strength and speed, corrupting the earth and making the swords crumble at the slightest touch. Swords fell one after another, and many more took their place. An endless cycle.

⟨⟨Fanged Shadow Blades!⟩⟩ [Enak]

The shadows on the stage quivered. The moment Enak raised his sword, dozens of blades emerged from the depths of the abyss and flew towards the sky, slicing the earthen swords in half, countless rubbles raining from above.

Enak didn't lose the chance and closed the gap on the two of them. As soon as he was in range, he stomped his foot towards the already battered stage, a heavy thud resounding in the air, darkness pouring in from within.

⟨⟨Lashing Crescent: Downfall!⟩⟩ [Enak]

Enak's eyes burned with darkness, his muscles tightening as he waved his sword. A wave of darkness was given life, surging like a raging flash flood, ready to engulf and destroy Deltran whole without leaving a single trace.

Even with the looming danger rushing towards him, Deltran remained calm, his eyes unwavering like the mightiest mountain. He heaved a lengthy breath and golden light radiated all over the colosseum, rocks creating an impenetrable shield to block himー or so it would seem at first.

However, such was not Deltran's intent. The wave of darkness continued to persist and the stream of rocks surged higher, sucked by his sword like a whirlpool. It grew bigger and bigger, reaching more than twenty meters in size.

⟨⟨Heavy Slash: Omega!⟩⟩ [Deltran]

He slashed down and the earth rumbled. The massive sword rushed like a meteor crashing down towards the world, devouring the wave of darkness and clashing with Enak soon after, leaving large dents on the stage.

"Kugh...!" [Enak]

Enak increased the size of his sword and defended with all his might, the floor under him giving in, creating a crater which only grew wider in time. Blood spurted out of his mouth, all the fibers in his body screaming in pain.

The sword soon shattered to pieces and Enak remained standing proud, however, the shattered fragments didn't fall down. Rather, they stayed afloat, fathering together and forming dozens of swords in the air.

"You monstrous bastard..." [Enak]

Enak didn't even need to guess. It was all Deltran's doing, using his "telekinesis" to control the earthen swords midair and refining them all the while. Fate was already spelled before him.... It was over....

"F*ck." [Enak]

⟨⟨Deep Earth Rhapsody!⟩⟩ [Deltran]

A downpour of swords rained down on Enak at Deltran's words, riding on the violent gales and bearing the weight of a thousand boulders. Each strike was heavy and precise, coming from all directions like a coordinated orchestra.

Such precision and coordination commanded by the waving of his sword, leaving deep cuts with every beat. The tempo rose and the rhythm intensified, swords now like lightning bolts thundering from the heavens. Such was the reason why he bore the nickname of "Maestro".

"Dammit... You f*cking monster"..." [Enak]

Enak tried to defend but with the tempest of swords bearing faster and heavier on him, wounds covering his body as he fell down the jaded and battered stage. A subtle thud resounded in the air.

"The winner is His Grace! Gladiator Deltran! The Champion remains undefeated!"


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