YLTESCIA: A Reincarnator’s Tale in the Lands of Merusia

Chapter 324: The Princess’ Determination

"Lady Katerina wipes the floor with Lord Kyren! With that, the final four semifinalists for the Junior Division had been decided!!" [Konan]

Konan screamed to the top of his lungs and the usual boisterous round of applause followed after it. Ruckus and pandemonium was brewing in the air as the young lady waved her hand, smiling in front of victory she worked hard for.

She was exhausted and fatigued yet she kept on waving her hands, the audience chanting her name over and over again. Her parents were especially proud, crying their eyes out as they cheered for their beloved daughter.

"That's our daughter! Our sweet baby! I'm sure she will win the championship!"

"That's right, our baby is the star of Benedict! She's the best!"

"Father, Mother, please stop it! That's embarrassing!"

Soft and warm giggles resounded along the cheers, a young lady thumping her legs in protest, her face beet red from embarrassment. Yet her parents continued to boast about her, heaving their chests high as they proudly showcased their daughter.

Even the commentators couldn't help but chuckle at the scene, finding it a fresh lick of air from the intense fighting. It didn't take too long before the young lady exited the stage, the bells ringing just in time as the clouds continued to cruise the sky.

"Oh! Looks like it's 3 o'clock already, Partner. Time really does fly when you're out enjoying yourself, doesn't it?" [Konan]

"Hohoho! You said it, Partner! I never thought I would the day that youngsters would wave their swords with pride in the Carnival of swords! They truly are the hope and future of the Kingdom!" [Terry]

"Ooh~! I can't wait for tomorrow! The matches are already amazing as they were yesterday and today, but tomorrow will surely be the best!" [Konan]

"That's right! That's right, indeed, Partner! Tomorrow will be the semifinals and grand finals for all three divisions! So make sure to remember it, folks! It's a day you surely wouldn't want to miss for the world!" [Terry]

"Hahaha! Then do you remember..." [Konan]

With the conclusion of the Junior Division's quarterfinals, the Intermediate Division is just a couple minutes away. All that was need to be done was repair the stage and see to it that everything was alright, people excited as can be,

Amongst those people, a certain family was especially excited. They were seated at the highest of chambers, overlooking the whole Grand Colosseum. They took their seats with dignity, an aura of royalty exuding even when they were just sitting quietly.

"Next round would be Lisa's turn, wouldn't it?" [Archen]

"Dear, you have already asked that one too many times. Please relax yourself, okay? I'm sure Lisandra will be fine. She's already grown up." [Miranda]

"That's right, however, what if something happens?" [Archen]

He was the only one who wore a face of worry and anxiety. Rather than anxiety, the King couldn't help but fear something might happen to their dearest daughter, asking the same questions over and over again as his heart quivered from nervousness.

The Queen was also worried, but more than that, she trusts Lisandra. She may be a princess of the Kingdom, but she was also a swordswoman. She was a warrior who wouldn't go down without a fight. A hardworker was what she was.

The King also knew how much effort Lisandra pours into her training, advancing one step at a time as she honed her swordsmanship. She has grown into a fine young lady. Even then, he couldn't help but worry, hands shaking albeit slightly.

"Archen... Relax, have you already forgotten?... Lisa is our daughter, I'm sure she will be fine. Let's just trust her, okay?" [Miranda]

"... You're right... Haha... What was I even worried for? If she loses, then I guess I'll just have to whip her up to shape. She's our daughter, after all!" [Archen]

Well, it didn't take much convincing to erase the worry that has been troubling his heart. A bright and eager smile sprung into his face, his eyes afixed on the arena as two figures made their entrance, heart now burning in excitement,

"Dear, it's good that you're enthusiastic, but don't go overboard, okay? I won't forgive you if Lisa comes back crying on me again. Don't even think about coming inside the bedroom. You will be sleeping in your office, you hear?!" [Miranda]

"Ah, yes... I will keep that in mind..." [Archen]

"Fufufu! Then that's good." [Miranda]

The two contestants continued their entrance, marching towards the stage with their heads held high and their chests filled with pride. The crowd continued to cheer on them, another wave of excitement brewing all over the audience.

Somewhere in the waiting area, a man watched over the stage in silence, his green eyes watching the princess with a gentle gaze. The fresh breeze blew, his white hair fluttering in the soft echoes of the wind as he clenched his hand over his chest.

'Good luck, Lisa...' [Lionel]

His wish drifted in the air, his figure soon fading away into the shadows, his footsteps drowned out by the enthusiasm of the people. He vanished without leaving a trace, only a certain black-haired, young man knowing about his prayers.

"Is something wrong, Grey?" [Yuna]

"Nothing... I just thought I saw someone familiar." [Grey]

Grey and Yuna also watched the entrance of the two, listening to the commentators' over the top introductions, waves of cheers and chants echoing time and time again. It has already become a routine, but it was a sight to behold.

However, unlike before, there wasn't a trace of confidence in Grey and Yuna's eyes. Lisandra's opponent was unlike the ones she faced before, an insurmountable wall standing before her. The princess herself already knew how difficult her position was.

She was a genius, but she was still at the lower end of the age spectrum. However, the one in front of her was almost 20 years old already, not only richer in experience but a D-ranker as well. A truly powerful foe has appeared before her.

"Grey, what do you think are Lisa's chances of winning?" [Yuna]

"Low... Very low... Less than 5% even..." [Grey]

Grey was not exaggerating. Though Lisandra's opponent was at the bottom of D-rank, it was still D-rank nonetheless. Their strengths were limited, but the gap in their swordsmanship was quite evident. It was not something tricks could cover up alone.

For the first time since the Carnival of Swords started, the princess now faced a true challenge which would not just take her all, but even more if she wanted to win. As she is now, it would take more than a miracle to come out unscathed.

"I'm sure that you already know, however, I want to introduce myself properly. I am Lucas myr Savier. It's an honor to cross swords with you, Your highness." [Lucas]

"The honor is mine. Let's have a wonderful match, Lord Lucas." [Lisandra]

The two youngsters bowed their heads and greeted one another, soon readying their stances, their hands ready to draw their swords the moment the round started. All that they awaited was the signal of the commentators. A signal which...

""Let the duel... Begin!!"" [Konan and Terry]

... didn't take too long before it rang out all over the massive colosseum, a resounding boom rupturing the sound barrier as Lucas struck the ground with his foot, pouncing towards Lisandra without a moment's hesitation.

Lisandra didn't waste any moment as well. The moment she saw Lucas charging at her, she immediately unsheathed her sword, a silver glint reflecting in the arena. She brandished her sword, flowing smoothly like a gentle creek in the forest...

⟨⟨Soaring Edge!⟩⟩ [Lisandra]

A creek not so gentle, that is...

The moment Lisandra waved her sword, a blade of mana formed in the air, darting towards Lucas' direction without mercy. And not just once, but Lisandra performed the same pattern multiple times, charging from all angles.

Yet Lucas didn't falter at the threat. Seeing the starving tigers rushing at him, he plunged his sword towards the ground, leaping towards the air with a spring on his foot, dodging the danger magnificently, still holding the sword in his hands.

He raised his sword towards the sky, making it glimmer brighter than the sun, another blade of mana painted in the air as soon as he landed. With a twist and turn, another blade was made, rushing towards the first, connecting as a whole.

⟨⟨Cross Slash!⟩⟩ [Lucas]

The bladed cross stormed off, rushing towards Lisandra like a bolt of lightning, easily crushing the soaring blades headed its way. It was much more powerful, leaving the princess with no other choice but to flee, her feet light as a feather.

However, Lucas didn't just let her flee freely. The moment she made a turn, his eyes chased after her and his feet rushed towards her, his blade ready to slash her down. The two only got closer and closer, crossing their blades almost simultaneously.


Sharp metallic screeches filled the air as Lucas and Lisandra exchanged blows. The former drew his blade with precision, striking Lisandra where it hurts, only barely blocking and parrying his strikes, and forcing her to take back step after step.

He plunged his foot towards the ground, withdrawing his sword as the stage suddenly started rumbling. A golden light shone before the princess, rocks spinning and coiling around his sword, spinning faster and faster as he drew more power.

Danger stung her senses, making her draw back her sword as soon as she couldー or at least, she was going to. However, it was all but a feint. The floating rocks were just for show and so was the golden light. Lucas' purpose was something else.

⟨⟨Crosss Slash!⟩⟩ [Lucas]

Lisandra thought it was going to be a thrust, but it was actually a slash, and two of them at that. The slashes once again combined with one another, rushing towards the princess. The same princess who was now defenseless as can be,

The princess managed to withdraw, but it was already far too late. All she could do was brandish her blade and lessen the damage as much as possible. A loud boom soon echoed, Lucas' blade pushing against the princess.

She was blasted several meters away, leaving deep marks traced on the tiles. The moment she stopped, she was already close to the edge of the stage. Any more and she would have been eliminated by out of bounds.

'Whew... That was closeー !!!' [Lisandra]

She couldn't even pause and think for a second. Lucas didn't give the princess any leeway and lunged a swift thrust towards her face the moment she exhaled a sigh of relief. There was nothing to be relieved of at all!

Fortunately, the princess managed to dodge the attack, her balance broken as she wobbled ever so weakly on the stage. Wobbling which didn't last too long, planting her feet firmly, her eyes swimming towards Lucas with a sharp gaze.

The fierce clash continued and Lucas struck one blow after another. Lisandra tried to launch some counterattacks, but they were all useless, all parried before she could even get the chance to pull them off. All the princess could do was defend against her opponent's ferocious fury.

"Looks like Her Highness is in a predicament! With Lucas unleashing his fury, she is slowly being driven into a corner by Gladiator Lucas!" [Terry]

"Her Highness tried to counterattack, but she failed yet again! Lord Lucas' defense is too tough to crack! An amazing defense to match an amazing offense!" [Konan]

"Is this the end?! Could Her Highness make a comeback?!" [Terry]

The commentators watched the match with such vigor, describing every scene in detail as much as they could. Every time their voices explode like thunder, the audience clamored with them, everyone cheering their favored contestant.

Lucas' fury was endless, not leaving Lisandra some time to think. And they weren't just attacks, but complete with feints and baits as well, Lucas making full use of his knowledge and experience and putting them all into good news.

'There...!' [Lisandra]

There was a light at the end of the tunnel. As soon as Lisandra saw the opportunity, she immediately grabbed it and thrusted her sword with desperation burning inside her blue eyes. It was all or nothing, a battle of luck.

Lucas managed to dodge the attack with ease, but Lisandra didn't care about such. All that mattered was it was more than enough to buy her time for escape, a light set of footsteps resounding in the air as she increased the distance between them.

⟨⟨Soaring Edge!⟩⟩ [Lisandra]

"That won't work! ⟨⟨Heavy Slash⟩⟩!" [Lucas]

Lucas tried to chase her again, but what greeted him was a deadly blade of white as soon as he turned around. He then poured a significant amount of mana in his sword, bringing it down towards the ground, packed with both power and might.

Both attacks connected, and an explosion thundered across the stage, a thin veil of dust covering Lucas's strike, making him stop. He gave up on chasing her, kicking up a trail of dust as he leaped high towards the air.

⟨⟨Black Star!⟩⟩ [Lisandra]

It was just like he expected. With the veil of dust obstructing his field of view, Lisandra took the opportunity and launched a powerful strike towards Lucas, ripping through the clouds of dust and heading straight towards the barrier, yet another defending book ringing towards the sky.

Had Lucas not dodged the attack, he would have been in huge trouble, tides turning to Lisandra's favor. Thankfully, it wasn't the first time he encountered such situations. He had to learn it the hard way, and was glad that he did.

"Try this one for size, Your Highness! ⟨⟨Raging Whirlwind⟩⟩!" [Lucas]

A rain or swords came from the sky and Lisandra was pushed back into a defensive position once more. Lucas' torrent continued even when he landed, bridging in the gap between him and Lisandra, a couple of wounds appearing on the princess' body.

Left, right, up, and down, Lisandra's eyes shifted into all directions, trying to defend against Lucas whilst also seeking for a way to get out of the predicament. However,

Luca was now more aggressive, opportunities popping out like bubbles.

The piercing barrage continued to burst and more wounds appeared on the princess' body, her blood dyeing the stage red. With each strike, Lisandra was forced to take a step back, elimination facing her from both ways.

'Tch! It's now or never...!' [Lisandra]

There was no more room for hesitation, grabbing the tiniest sliver of light that shone in front of her. Her blue eyes glowed a sharp and determined glint as she stepped her foot forward, planting her foot firmly,

"A... A devastating strike! Lord Lucas cuts through the princess' defense!" [Terry]

It was all too sudden, the princess' blood gushing forth like a fountain as Lucas left a massive and gashing wound on her left arm. All eyes widened in shock at the sight, Lucas stopping her endless barrage for a moment.

And it was that moment Lisandra was aiming for. Her arm screamed in pain, blood trickling down and painting the stage red. Yet she didn't waste the opportunity, dark shadows devouring her sword as she brandished it with all her strength.

⟨⟨Reaping Shadow Blade!⟩⟩ [Lisandra]

The princess' voice resounded in the air and the shadows quaked at her command. A blade of darkness was born from her determination, rushing towards Lucas like the raging flames of hell, bearing their fangs on him.

Lucas noticed her attack, clenching his sword tightly as he performed a downwards slash as soon as he could... However, there wasn't enough power behind it, easily blown away by the blade of darkness. He was defenseless.


The jet black blade connected towards his body, blasting him several meters away. He managed to plant his foot on the stage, anchoring himself from falling off, but he also received a lot of damage, a large wound appearing on his torso.

⟨⟨Black Star!⟩⟩ [Lisandra]

⟨⟨Heavy Slash!⟩⟩ [Lucas]

The princess didn't let him rest either, launching yet another attack to finish off what she started. Unfortunately for her, Lucas' guard was sky high. He wasn't able to block the dark star, but he was able to deflect it without much difficulty, another explosion resounding as it collided with the barrier.

She kicked the ground and wrapped her wounds with shadows. Her left arm still hurt like hell, but she braced herself and clenched her sword with both her hands, leaping towards the air as the shadows lashed out on her trail.

⟨⟨Reaping Shadow Blade!⟩⟩ [Lisandra]

Lucas looked up towards the sky and the sun was covered in darkness. A destructive slash came from above, rupturing the air and ground, and leaving a massive crater as he dodged towards the left.

There was no need to conserve mana now. With the situation dire as it is, Lisandra poured her all into every attack, her body strained with every movement. She chased and she slashed, not letting Lucas recover like she did.


However, Lucas was also the same. The sounds of metals clanging rang wildly all over the Grand Colosseum as the battle turned into one of attrition. Their sweat and blood graced the arena, violent bursts of wind running rampant.

⟨⟨Black Star!⟩⟩ [Lisandra]

⟨⟨Cross Slash: Rockslide⟩⟩ [Lucas]

The earth rumbled and the shadows quivered. Two devastating forces clashed and the Grand Colosseum clamored in terror and excitement. Wild shockwaves swept the winds, dust and debris brewing up like a storm.

'This time...! Surely...!' [Lisandra]

'One more time...!' [Lucas]

It was all or nothing, two pairs of eyes glowing with vigor as their hearts burnt ablaze. They gripped their swords the tightest they ever did, pouring everything into one final strike. They screamed on the top of their lungs, giving it their all.

⟨⟨Black Star!⟩⟩ [Lisandra]

⟨⟨Cross Slash: Rockslide!⟩⟩ [Lucas]

The ground rumbled once more, rocks and boulders rushing on the stage. Facing it was a star of darkness, shadows chasing after it. They clashed and a storm of dust raged on on the stage, debris flying everywhere.

A sharp and final clang resounded in the, a silver glimmer twinkling in the air. A sword was blown away from the clash, blasted towards outside the stage. As for the other one, it was now pointed towards the princess, gleaming with certainty.

"Huff... Huff... Looks like it's my win, Your Highness..." [Lucas]

"What a terrifying match! At the very end of the match, both contestants unleashed strikes which could easily crush boulders and rocked the arena!!" [Konan]

"Terrifying indeed! But the one who walks away with victory is none other than Lord Lucas! He advances to the semifinals!" [Terry]

The princess couldn't even give a reply, the commentators screaming to the top of their lungs and cutting her off. The audience cheered after them, chanting both their names and singing praises for them for such a beautiful match.

At the same time, the healers didn't waste any more time and rushed to their sides, applying first aid along with recovery magic. Of course, Grey and Yuna's recovery magic was much better, Lisandra receiving a second treatment soon after.

"Ahh~! That feels much better. Your recovery magic really is the best! I feel like I could fight a round or two again!" [Lisandra]

Declared the princess as she punched the air again and again, then hopping like a little bunny to check her body. She looked cheerful and energetic, a smile blooming on her face. but Grey and Yuna could definitely tell something was off.

"Lisa... Are you okay?" [Yuna]

"Of course! Your magic is top tier, after allー" [Lisandra]

"Lisa, you know we're not talking about that..." [Yuna]

The princess tried to avoid the topic, but Yuna pressed her even more. Silence then loomed over the waiting room, Lisandra's bright smile turning into a crestfallen one, one filled with gloom and disappointment.

"Well, I'm quite a bit crestfallen, I guess... The enemy was just much more experienced than me. I was just unlucky, that's all." [Lisandra]

"Are you sure? We're always here for you, you know?" [Yuna]

"Fufufu! I'm grateful for that, but I'm really fine! Look! Do you see me frowning? I'm smiling, see? See?" [Lisandra]

Or so she says, but her eyes begged to differ. They knew full well how much effort she put into her training and how hard she worked. Getting over defeat was not as simple as simply accepting it.

And just as Lisandra continued to put a tough front, a set of footsteps resounded in the air, a number of figures entering the waiting room. They were the last people she wanted to see when she just lost the quarterfinals.

"Lisa..." [Miranda]

"Father... Mother... Everyone..." [Lisandra]

At the sight of them, Lisandra's heart sank to the deepest depths of the abyss, not knowing what to say as she scratched her cheeks. It was silent and awkward, the princess not even able to fake a smile in front of them.

"I... I apologize for not winning... You must be disappointed. However, I will make sure this won't happen again. I willー" [Lisandra]

The princess couldn't even finish her words, when suddenly, she was roped into the Queen's embrace, the King's hand patting her head gently. She looked up and what greeted her were not frowns of disappointment, but warm smiles filled with pride.

"That was a wonderful performance, Lisa. There is no way we would be disappointed." [Miranda]

"You did well, Lisa... As a swordsman and as your father... I am proud of you, my dear child." [Archen]

They were the words she's always wanted to hear ever since she chose the path of swordsmanship. Words of encouragement and acknowledgement from people she looks up to the most. Words which were full of sincerity and warmth, comforting her broken and tattered heart.

"I... Hic... I... I really tried my best... Hic... I..." [Lisandra]

She was trying so hard to hold back her tears, but hearing the words from her parents, it was as if all the dames were finally broken, tears trickling down her beautiful face. She bawled her eyes out like a child, finally accepting her defeat.

The King didn't waste a single moment and grabbed Lisandra to his big embrace as well, patting her back again and again. She had already grown up, but she was still the same child whom he used to carry in his shoulder. Their sweet little angel.

"I.. Hic... I really tried my hardest... Hic..." [Lisandra]

"We know, we know... And we are proud of you..." [Miranda]

"I... Hic... I promise I'm going to... Hic... I'm going to win next time... Hic..." [Lisandra]

The princess poured her heart out in the embrace of her father, tears continuing to drip down her beautiful face as she vented out all her frustration. The gentle breeze carried her words, her heart getting lighter with the passing of time.


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