YLTESCIA: A Reincarnator’s Tale in the Lands of Merusia

Chapter 323: Rapid Advancement

⟨⟨Black Star!⟩⟩ [Lisandra]

Lashing gusts of wind burst forth, a star of darkness born from a dozen strikes. It cruised under the blue sky, shining brilliantly despite its pitch darkness, like a black diamond under the sun, darting like a bolt of destructive lightning.


A crisp explosion rang out in the Grand Colosseum, pillars of smoke rising towards the sky and clouds of dust enveloping the stage. A lone figure flew out of the veiling mist of dust, leaving a trail of white in his wake. A resounding crash echoing as the said figure crashed into a wall.

The thin veil soon vanished into oblivion, a fair lady left standing alone on the stage. Her scarlet hair flowed like roses fluttering in the wind and her blue eyes shining brighter than the sky above her, holding her sword with pride.

"Huff... Huff... Huff... Huff..." [Lisandra]

She was panting heavily, sweating bullets as ragged breaths escaped her mouth. Her hands quivered from pain and fatigue, barely remaining standing with wounds riddling her body. Yet she was smiling, a triumphant expression painted on her lovely face.

"The winner is Her Highness! Gladiator Lisandra defeats Gladiator Aslan and moves on to the quarterfinals! What a beautiful match!" [Konan]

"Whoohoo!! Long Live Graystone! The pride of our Kingdom!"

"You did your best, Your Highness! That was amazing!"

"Ohh!! That's our princess for ya! Truly outstanding!"

Cheers filled the air and support came from all directions. A fanfare of screams and squeals resounded like screeching flocking seagulls. It was extremely loud and noisy, but strangely enough, it was refreshing to the ears.

The medical team quickly went up the stage and helped out both the princess and her opponent. Warm and golden light shone in the arena, their wounds slowly closing up and their complexion returning to normal, breathing stabilizing soon after.

The crowd was still full of excitement and the two contestants soon made their exit. She was still quite dizzy and her steps were clearly groggy, but she braced herself towards the waiting area, two familiar silhouettes waving their hands at her.

"You did well, Lisa. Good job~!" [Yuna]

"Stay still for a moment, Lisa... ⟨⟨High Heal⟩⟩ ⟨⟨Rejuvenate⟩⟩" [Grey]

Of course, they were none other than Grey and Yuna. Though the priests and healers already casted many recovery spells on them, there was nothing wrong with making sure, casting even higher level recovery spells of their own.

The pain and fatigue which stung every fiber of her body quickly melted away as light swallowed her body, warmth and comfort washing away all the pain and discomfort in her being as if they were all fleeting lies. She heaved a sigh of refreshment,

"Waah... Thank you so much, Grey. It feels like I'm taking a hot bath..." [Lisandra]

"Fufufu! Should we take a hot bath together once we get back, Lisa?" [Yuna]

"Oh, that sounds good! And let's use those haircare and skincare products you made some time ago. They're really amazing!" [Lisandra]

"Un! No problem!" [Yuna]

For one reason or another, the topic suddenly shifted to bathing together, the young ladies now talking about the cosmetic products they once used a couple days ago, brightly smiling as if they were chatting casually in their own parlor.

Grey was still unsure about naked skinship, but it seemed to be quite normal in Merusia. He had already bathed together with the children before, but never before with someone his age, and he won't be anytime soon. It was his principle.

"Anyway, you did really well in your match, Lisa." [Grey]

"Haha... That was a close call, you know? Didn't you see how injured I was? I would have lost if I wasn't lucky." [Lisandra]

"Well, your opponent was quite a bit stronger than you, after all... Still, you're now in the quarterfinals. One more and you'll get your prize." [Grey]

"Fufufu! I'll do my best then!" [Lisandra]

Laughter resounded in the waiting room and the audience continued to clamor above, a fierce clash of swords blowing dust and debris all over the arena. Both swordsmen launched heavy strikes, sparks, shocks, and quakes raging over the whole arena.

Time passed and the bells of high noon rang. The round of 16 for the Intermediate Division was soon finished, the event proceeding with the Senior Division without a single hitch, even fiercer and more aggressive battles unfolding one after another.

If yesterday's matches were already intense, it was even more so today. Most of those who remained were High-rankers, walking calamities clashing violently with one another, massive shockwaves rocking the Grand Colosseum.


They were already restrained, yet each of their blows were still powerful enough to cleave the Grand Colosseum in half. If it weren't for the barrier enveloping the place, everyone would have already been blown away, the city in tatters.

Two ladies now in the midst of battle, fierce red flames raging on the stage and deep blue ice encroaching from below. A battle between flames and frost, contrasting lights enveloping the arena, shining like stars in the midnight sky.

⟨⟨Scorching Crescent!⟩⟩

A sword wave waved, silver glimmers turned into burning red, maws of hell rushing all throughout the stage, razing everything in its path. Its crisp crackles and rustles danced in the air, dancing like a lady in red.

Yet her opponent didn't flinch a single bit, rather, she faced the raging flames with a smile on her face, clenching the sword of platinum in her hand as she braced herself for what's about to come. She brandished her sword and...

⟨⟨Mountain Cleaving Frost!⟩⟩ [Yuna]

... A wave of blue surged forth in the stage, running rampant like a deadly tsunami as it waved the scorching flames of red. It was merciless, not leaving a single trace of its enemy on the field. An encroaching shark of the depths.

It didn't just stop at devouring the flames it continued to rush towards the harbinger of flames, a cold breeze swallowing the air. A loud bang resounded in the air, glacial ice now enveloping everything in sight.


It was powerful, but not powerful enough. Through sheer determination and a will of steel, the lady was able to withstand the frost. She brandished her trusty swords as she broke through the deep layers of ice, eyes still burning with determination.

"Huff... Huff... Huff... Huh...? Snow...?"

She was out of breath, hands now shaking. The moment she broke through it all, a curtain of white and a cascade of snow greeted her ice. It was beautiful, making her heart beat in aweー or at least, it did for a short while.

Such awe soon turned into fear and anxiousness the moment she laid her eyes on the young lady before her. She tried to defend herself, raising her sword even though her hands were evidently shaking. However... It was far too late.

⟨⟨White Dream: Fluttering Snowflakes!⟩⟩ [Yuna]

The young lady's frosty voice rang out in the air, the once gentle gentle brewing into a deadly blizzard of white and blue. The snowflakes danced and the snowflakes rushed as if there was no tomorrow, fluttering in the tune. An orchestra led by her blade.

Yuna swung her blade, a merciless tide of frost bursting forth like a crazed horde of buffalos on a deadly stampede. It was more powerful and much more destructive than before, engraving a frosty sense of despair into everyone's hearts.

⟨⟨Scorchingー Kugh...!"

The flames couldn't even start igniting yet the wave of blue already swallowed the lady whole, encaged in a prison of absolute zero. The ground quaked as ice razed the ground into ruin. A throne of ice and Yuna was its queen.

Silence loomed over the Grand Colosseum, piercing cold drifting along the afternoon breeze. All eyes were on the stage, their hearts quivering from the sight before them. It was simply too overwhelming, only a young lady standing amidst the cold.

"Th-The whole arena has been swallowed in ice yet again! Gladiator Olivia had been encaged in a glacier! Yet another terrifying and overwhelming victory!" [Terry]

"Her Highness, Gladiator Yuna, takes victory again! As one would expect of the Hero of Oiros! She advances to the quarterfinals!" [Konan]

"Th-That was amazing!! Did you see that?!"

"Hey! Stop shaking me! I'm going to write about this this afternoon!"

"Waah~! Your Highness, that was an amazing performance~!"

It was rowdy as ever, everyone cheering with awe and delight as they sung praises for the young elf. It was still the second round, yet she already displayed a show worthy of the championship. How could one not be excited?

The young lady soon exited the stage, not a single wound on her person. She walked away unscathed, a bright and satisfied smile on her face as she hummed to herself, skipping her steps from time to time as she marched towards the waiting area.

Of course, she also thawed away the throne of ice, otherwise, it would have caused quite a bit of problems. If one didn't see what mess she just made, one wouldn't be able to believe such a delicate looking girl was actually a walking disaster.

"Grey, what do you think? How fast was that?" [Yuna]

"2 minutes and 43 seconds... Are we really still doing this, Yuna?" [Grey]

"Un! Of course! Otherwise, we wouldn't be able to determine who's faster between the two of us! It's a competition! A competition!" [Yuna]

"You say that, but you just want to play around, don't you?" [Grey]

Yuna didn't answer Grey's question directly, only smiling mischievously, showing her silly little tongue. She really was quite the playful one, even fooling around when they were in such a grand and prestigious competition.

Meanwhile, Lisandra's eyes kept gazing at the arena, glued towards a certain familiar figure as he walked up the stage. He marched with pride and dignity, the crowd in a craze as they cheered for him, their voices ringing towards the sky.

"Oh, looks like it's His Majesty's turn now... The crowd sure is excited." [Grey]

"Fufufu! It's not everyday that we see a King fight, after all. I wonder who His Majesty's opponent is..." [Yuna]

"He seems to be a Royal Guard... A C-ranker..." [Grey]

A King dueling against his guard... It was not a sight one would see in their everyday lives. There may be a large gap in power for both sides, they were both respectable swordsmen whose blades had been sharpened for decades of experience.

"Who do you think would win, Lisa?" [Yuna]

"It's already obvious... Father may be rowdy at times, but he's one of the best in the Kingdom. Only a few can defeat him in the way of the sword." [Lisandra]

"Haha, Quite proud of your father, aren't you?" [Grey]

"I-I'm not! I'm just stating the truth!" [Lisandra]

They may argue at times, but the King was still one of the Princess' inspirations. He was her first teacher and also her first fan. If it weren't for him, she wouldn't be the person she is today. Not as a King, but as a father... She was her pride.

She closed her eyes and she prayed silently for his victory, Grey and Yuna smiling warmly beside her. Especially Yuna, after all... The winner of the match would be up against her next. Her heart was racing in excitement.

""Let the duel... Begin!!" [Konan and Terry]

The signal rang quick and two figures bolted at insane speeds, a massive shockwave thundering throughout the whole arena as their swords connected with one another, a myriad more following suit after the first clash.


Both their strikes were swift and heavy, striking each other without fail. One of them attacks and the other defends, then counterattacking, and the cycle repeats itself. It was a true exchange of swords, no mana involved, only pure swordsmanship.

A trail of silver glimmered and amber sparks erupted from the heavy strike. The Royal Guard raised his sword and defended against the King's downward slash, sharp and irritable screeches bellowing as the swords crossed.

Yet however sharp the Royal Guard was, he wasn't able to deflect the King's sudden combo. The latter twisted his arms and forcefully changed the trajectory of the sword, bringing it back for an upwards slash towards the sky.

⟨⟨Heavy Slash!⟩⟩ [Archen]

Panic struck his heart for a short while, but he pinned down his own weakness. He let go of his sword and pulled himself away. A loud clang echoed as the King struck the Royal Guard's sword, blasting it into the air, spinning uncontrollably.

The Royal Guard's balance brokeー or so it seemed, but rather than falling, he bent his body and performed a back handspring, distancing him away from the King. The moment he landed on his feet, he quickly leaped to the air and grabbed his sword before if fell towards the ground.

"Oh, you're good. I didn't think you would recover from that." [Archen]

"I am honored, Your Majesty."

"With that said... Shall we get started with the real show?" [Archen]

The King's voice was drowned out by the crowd, his figure vanishing along it. The moment he reappeared, he was already high up in the air, his sword raiser towards the blue sky as he packed both strength and mana into his blade.

⟨⟨Heavy Slash!⟩⟩ [Archen]

It was the most basic sword art, but it was not to be underestimated. The moment he saw the King, the Royal Guard quickly took a couple steps back to dodge his strike. A loud clamor thundered in the arena as the King left a crater on his wake.

⟨⟨Cleaving Crescent!⟩⟩ ⟨⟨Cross Slash!⟩⟩ [Archen]

The Royal Guard performed a counterattack, brandishing his sword towards the King, a massive blade of mana rushing forth towards the latter. A cross bolted out from the opposite direction as the King responded in kind.

Yet another loud explosion rang out in the stage, sparks and dust flying everywhere. The Royal Guard didn't waste the opportunity and rushed forth towards him, gripping his blade under the sunlight, ready to land a decisive blow to his liege.

⟨⟨Halt, you fool!⟩⟩ [Archen]

However, it was all for naught. As the King's voice rang inside his ears, his footsteps suddenly halted on their own, terror encroaching his heart. Terror that only intensified the moment he witnessed a number of sharp glints gleam in the veil of dust.

There wasn't just one, two, or three, but more than a dozen earthen blades appearing as the dust cleared out, massive hands of stone holding them, raised towards the vast blue sky as the King raised his blade.

⟨⟨Heavy Slash: Multiple!⟩⟩ [Archen]

The King brought down his blade, the winds howling with it. A dozen massive swords slashed from the heavens, leaving deep and wide gashes on the stage, shattering the tiles without a single shred of mercy, as if a dragon laid his wrathful claws.

Facing such a ferocious attack was tantamount to suicide. There was no other choice left, the Royal Guard fleeing the moment he had the chance. The blades rushed to his direction, but he was able to deflect them using brute force.

However, the Ling was not finished yet. Not that the enemy was several ways away, he planted his foot firmly towards the ground, creating a crater with a step. The winds clamored as he clenched his sword, swinging it widely soon after.

⟨⟨Cleaving Crescent!⟩⟩ [Archen]

They were the same attack, but entirely different at the same time. The King's blade was more massive and powerful, sweeping away every broken tile and debris off as it streaked towards the Royal Knight, a wave of ruin drawing near.

There was only one solution. If such a massive blade hits him, the round would then be settled. The Royal Knight then poured his all into single strike, his fighting spirit burning ablaze as his cry thundered across the Grand Colosseum.

⟨⟨Flash Rain!⟩⟩

A torrent of blades rained down upon Archen's strike, but rather than a merciless barrage, he concentrated it all into a single strike, thrusting faster and faster even when his muscles were already screaming in pain and agony,


And he persevered! The blade of mana was broken, shattering like glass, fragments of light soon vanishing into oblivion. Relief and delight surged in his heart, his hands still trembling. He won against the strike, but the battle was still far from over,

⟨⟨You coward! Hold your step!⟩⟩ [Archen]

He tried to move his legs, but it was all for naught. The moment the King opened his mouth, terror once again creeped inside his heart. His already tensed muscles now screamed in fear, unable to move even a single fiber in his body.

In front of him, the King was ready to day down his judgement. The ground quaked as he raised his sword, tons upon tons of rocks gathering by his command. His eyes glowed a golden sheen, his might ready to bear down towards the physical plane.

⟨⟨Falling Rush!⟩⟩ [Archen]

His voice boomed throughout the Grand Colosseum, the rumbling of rocks accompanying it. It was a rockslideー no, it was an avalanche of massive boulders rushing down a steep cliff as the earth shook in fear and awe.

The Royal Guard tried to defend from the King's strike, but his sword didn't even last a couple seconds, snapped in half after bearing the brunt of the King's might. A crater was formed under the stage, the Royal Knight lying unconscious over it.

His Majesty waved his sword again and planted it towards the ground. A smile soon bloomed on his face as he watched the honorable knight before him. Had he been a High-Ranker like him, the battle would have proven to be more difficult.

"You did well. That was a good match." [Archen]

The Royal Guard had already fallen unconscious, but the King still had his sincerest gratitude towards the former. The King then raised his fist towards the sky, bringing the audience into a wild uproar.

"The duel had reached its conclusion! His Majesty has won the round of 16 and will advance to the quarterfinals! Glory to Graystone!!" [Terry]

"Glory to Graystone! Glory to His Majesty! Long Live!!"

"Your Majesty! You're the best!"

"Your Majesty for the Grand Finals! You're amazing!"

He truly was the champion of the masses, people singing and raining down praises for him as he walked out of the arena. He carried the unconscious knight with him, calling the priests and healers to make sure the man was alright,

In the waiting room, a pair of blue orbs watched him from afar. She may not be able to congratulate him, but she was still thankful that he won without a hitch. It was none other than the Kingdom's very own Second Princess, Lisadra, now smiling warmly.

"See? What did I tell you? This much is nothing to Father." [Lisandra]

"Fufufu! That's right. His Majesty really is amazing, and... You really are proud of him, aren't you, Lisa?" [Yuna]

"N-No! It-It's not like that at all! Like I said! I'm only stating the truth! Nothing more, nothing less, okay?!" [Lisandra]

"Sure, sure, let's just go with that~! Fufufu!" [Yuna]

"Geez!! Stop teasing me already, Yuna!!" [Lisandra]

The teasing continued and so did the matches. The gong rang again and again, loud crashes and quakes echoing every time the contestants dueled. They all gave it their all, not wasting the chance that was given to them, swinging with all their might.

The crowds exclaimed cheerfully, the clashes thundered proudly, the winds howled violently, and the clouds continued to drift in the eternal blue sky. The day went on like that, people snacking and chatting in between.

Of course, with every match comes victory and loss, deafening fanfares cheering the winners and an eruption of screams and squeals danced in the air, people yelling on the top of their lungs. The commentators were especially rowdy.

"Hohoho!! What a fierce and crushing victory!! His Grace, Gladiator Elian takes Lady Jimena out of the competition and moves on to the quarterfinals with pride!" [Terry]

"His Highness strikes with pride! With Lord James out of the stage, Gladiator Grey advances and moves forward to the quarterfinals!" [Konan]

"As expected of our reigning champion! The opponent didn't stand a single chance! With this, His Grace, Gladiator Deltran, joins the roster of quarterfinalists and moves on to the next round!!" [Terry]

One victory after another, big shots making their names known as they brandished their swords. The crowd only grew more excited with each duel, their hearts racing in anticipation as they looked forward to all which will unfold.

"Alright, folks! Let's take another 30-minute break and make sure to savor it sweetly as if it would be the last for the day!" [Konan]

"Grab your drinks and ready your snacks! Next up would be the rounds of 8! The quarterfinals! Hohoho!" [Terry]

Onwards! The fierce clashes continue!


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