YLTESCIA: A Reincarnator’s Tale in the Lands of Merusia

Chapter 358: Menthol Sweetness: Peppermint Patties!

The night was long, the stars dancing in the black sky, clouds of white drifting quietly as they crossed the nightly planes. The hooting of the owls and the chirping of the tiny critters resounded towards the moon, offering it a sweet and delightful serenade.

And as moonlight graced the world with life and comfort, the city lights turned on one after another, an orchestra of lights and winds playing across the midnight gallery. It was a sight of behold, a soft symphony carried by the nightly breeze.

"Oh! You're closing late today? It must have been quite lively!"

"Gahahaha! Tell me more! Tell me more! That was an interesting story!"

"Ohhh!! Let's go drinking, boys! Let's drink until we're dead!"

Of course, a number of various scenes played out in the city. Some were closing their shops, some were going home, and some were heading towards the taverns to drink until they drop. A chaotic yet strangely harmonious melody.

Just as the merry bunch walked down the streets, the homes lit up with warmth and radiance, the chimneys given life as everyone enjoyed a cozy night. The subtle sound of giggles and laughter filled the streets, happiness blooming everywhere.

Grey and Yuna were also amongst those people, now walking down the street light-lit streets, the cold breeze caressing their skin. They just came back from their bountiful dinner, both heart and stoma full, and smiles floating on their faces.

"Fuuu~! That was amazing~! I didn't think they would use so many herbs in their recipes too. It was unexpected! Unexpected but delicious!" [Yuna]

"It really was unique. It might be hard to replicate these in any other place." [Grey]

"Eh? Does that mean we have to go back here every time we want to eat them again...? Eh... That's bothersome..." [Yuna]

"Yuna... Haah... You really are something..." [Grey]

It was already past 9 o'clock, the second last bell of the day ringing just a few minutes earlier. Xeros was already quiet, looking a lot different from the scenery when the sun reigned over the sky, the city now drifting to sleep.

Well, even if it was different, it was still a beautiful sight to behold. Not only were the artisans gifted in making all sorts of arts and crafts, they were also quite gifted in the ways of magic, lacing simple yet beautiful enchantments all over the place.

Many of the pillars and little trinkets in the cities glowed a dim color, looking like bright and brilliant stars from afar. It was subtle, but seeing them, Grey was reminded of the Christmas lights back when he was still on earth, only that it was more beautiful.

"Uuu.... I'm still feeling hungry..." [Yuna]

Though, with Yuna around... The reminiscing didn't last too long, Grey's eyes shifting to the young lady before her. He has been together with her for years already, but he is still taken by surprise from his fiancée's random words and actions.

After all, with their appetites, they didn't just eat a person or two's worth of meals. It was more like about a dozen each, the two wolfing down their meals as if there was no tomorrow, exploring the place whilst they filled their appetites.

Yet despite all they ate, the young lady was still hungry, wishing to eat more. She may look small and delicate, but she was one hungry girl.... One very hungry girl...

"Ah! That must be it! It must be because we didn't have dessert yet!" [Yuna]

"Dessert...? We already ate dessert though?" [Grey]

"Nng... But it still wasn't enough... No, it wasn't... I want to eat something new! That's right! I want to eat something new!" [Yuna]

Said the lovely (but gluttonous) young elf as she looked at Grey with sparkly eyes, making sure she emphasized what she wanted, repeating her statement twice. Grey didn't even need to guess what she wanted to say. Her eyes already said it all.

It hasn't even been that long since they ate the Chocolate Peanut Butter Lasagna, yet Yuna wants to eat something novel and interesting again, all to satisfy her craving for sugary sweets and her curiosity for new dishes. Oh, the voracious young elf.

"Grey... I want to eat something new..." [Yuna]

And now, she said it for the thirds time, still looking at Grey like he was some sort of magical food dispenser. At this point, Grey doesn't know even anymore whether she accepted his proposal because of love or because of hunger. How troublesome it is.

"Greyー" [Yuna]

"Alright, alright, I get it already. You don't have to say anymore." [Grey]

"Really? Do you have something new in mind?" [Yuna]

"Well... You'll just have to wait and see..." [Grey]

Conveniently enough, as Grey ended his words, they also stopped on their tracks. They finally arrived back at the Camellia Valley, the soft chimes of the bells ringing ever so beautifully as they opened the doors before them.

It was already late at night, so they made sure to not cause a loud ruckus, softening their steps as they headed inside. The place was now void of people, only a couple to be seen loitering around and tidying the place up, chairs flipped atop the tables.

There was no sound coming from the kitchen nor were there any footsteps to be heard upstairs. It seems like everyone had already fallen asleep, retiring themselves after a long day's work, drifting to dreamland and embracing the warmth of their beds.

"Oh dear, looks like we have customers." [???]

A middle-aged lady came out of the kitchen, wiping her hands dry after washing the dishes. She was a plump lady whose cheeks were good for pinching, just about the same age as Pascal whom they met before, greeting the two with a friendly smile.

"Are you here to check in?" [???]

"Ah, no... We already checked in this afternoon with Mister Pascal. We just got back from our tour so we're a bit late." [Grey]

"Oh! You must be the young man and young lady my husband was talking about! You were the ones who wanted to borrow the kitchen, weren't you?" [???]

"Un. That's us." [Yuna]

It may be a different person, but she was just as lively and friendly as Pascal, talking with the two as if they already knew each other. It didn't take too long before the said husband came out, along with a son and daughter pair.

They had just finished their work for the day, and now their hands are free, only a couple more things left to doー or so they were going to do, but hearing the merry voices from the reception lobby, they couldn't help but sneak a peek.

There, they saw the lady talking with Grey and Yuna. Pascal already knew them, but for the children, they were new faces. Faces which they couldn't help but admire with how gorgeous they looked. They were like true works of art.

"My, my, it looks like our new lodgers are back. It's already so late, I thought you weren't going back for the day. We were just closing." [Pascal]

"Sorry for that, Mister Pascal. We just got a little too excited." [Grey]

"It's fine, it's fine. That's what youth is all about, after all." [Pascal]

Pascal, Grey, and Yuna continued to chat, and the children continued to peek over at their direction. They seemed to be pre-teens at most, looking at the two unfamiliar guests with curious eyes which were strangely full of admiration.

It was as if they were seeing celebrities standing before their very eyes, whispering to one another as to not be heardー or so they were trying to. But their whispering was so loud, everyone could practically hear the two of them talking.

"Oh, right. How rude of me. How could I forget the introductions... Mister Shin, Miss Elena, this here is my lovely wife and responsible wife, Linda. And the two sweeties over the corner are Chris and Wena." [Pascal]

"Fufufu! It's a pleasure to meet you, Mister Shin, Miss Elena! I'm Pascal's wife, and co-owner of the inn, the Camellia Valley." [Linda]

"Hello, I'm Wena. It's nice to meet you." [Wena]

"Same here~! Nice to meet you!" [Chris]

Led by Pascal, everyone introduced themselves one after another and extended their hands out to greet the two. Grey and Yuna soon introduced themselves, reciprocating their warm reception with smiles just as warm and lovely.

Apparently, the family of four are the only ones running the inn, serving customers dawn 'til dusk. The father, Pascal is in charge of reception and service. The mother, Linda, was in charge of the kitchen. And the children help out by serving customers and running important errands.

It wasn't an uncommon sight seeing children work in Merusia at such an early age, but it was still fascinating to hear they could keep up the work. Just like Helen, they have quite the amazing skills honed by years of experience.

"Oh, right! Mister Pascal, about what we talked about before... Could we use the kitchen now? It's already late, but I want to make something." [Grey]

"Oh, already?" [Pascal]

"Yeah. I want to make a dessert for Yuna hereー But oh! You're free to have some too if you want. I'm going to make a lot of them anyway." [Grey]

"Ohh~! That's wonderful to hear! Go ahead! Use it as you please." [Pascal]

There was no time to waste. As soon as Grey got the permission from Pascal, he and Yuna then headed towards the kitchen, and strangely enough, everyone followed them too, clearly curious about what dessert Grey was trying to make.

The kitchen was clean, not a single spot of scum or stains to be seen everywhere, the dishes, pans, and pots arranged neatly, and all the kitchenware hanging by their racks. The chef's blood in Grey had started to boil in excitement.


Grey opened his "Inventory" and placed item after item atop the kitchen table. There was condensed milk, sugar, chocolate and chocolate chips, butter, sprinkles, and a fresh and new ingredient Grey happened to chance upon whilst they were strolling.

"Hm? Aren't these the peppermint leaves you bought earlier? They don't look that delicious... No, are they perhaps sweet?! Like candy maybe?!" [Yuna]

"Hahaha. Not at all. I just thought I'd make something different this time. We're in the City of Alchemy, so I might as well use a strong herb," [Grey]

Yuna's head tilted in confusion as the word "strong" rang inside her mind. She was familiar with herbs, but even so, she never had the chance of using peppermints, or any mints for that matter, as an alchemy ingredient.

All she knew from Grey was that it was a herb which would feel cool inside the mouth, and would also be cool body parts when used with soaps and shampoos. Never did she think she would ever see it as an ingredient in the kitchen, especially not for dessert.

Well, it wasn't just her. Pascal and his family were also curious what Grey was going to make. They knew that peppermints had a nice, aromatic scent, but they never heard anyone use them for cooking. Everyone's eyes were on Grey.

"Umm... Everyone... I can't really focus with all of you staring at me like that, so... Could you please head out first and wait outside?" [Grey]

"Ehh? We'll just be watching though. We'll be quiet! Super quiet!" [Yuna]

"You do know you don't sound convincing when you say that, don't you?" [Grey]

Yuna tried to protest, but she was quickly shot down by Grey. After all, she was just a bouncy and merry ball of energy and excitement. Her squealing would surely wake up everyone the moment Grey finishes his work.

"Don't worry too much. I'll make sure to finish it quickly." [Grey]

"Uuu... Fine... I'll be waiting then..." [Yuna]

Reluctance in her eyes, Yuna then heaved a sigh of defeat and headed back to the dinning hall, everyone following after her. With that, Grey could finally be at peace, his mind focused on the ingredients as he held the mixing bowl and spatula.

"Then... Let's get this started, shall we?" [Grey]

Having folded his sleeves, Grey then lined up some parchment atop the baking sheet and placed the mixing bowl atop the kitchen table. He flicked his fingers and the leaves of peppermint hovered in the air.

They danced around the place and an aromatic scent wafted throughout the kitchen. Grey clenched his hands, and the leaves stuck to one another, crumpling together as a minty fluid was extracted, green like the forest, a refreshing scent tickling his nose.

The condensed milks were poured into the bowl, and so was the peppermint extract, beating them gently, adding sugar and chocolate chips from time to time, repeating the process until the mixture is no longer sticky, and smooth consistency was formed.

Grey flicked his fingers again and the winds danced to his tune. The mixture floated in the air and separated in a splat, several balls of mint forming one after another as the pieces came back together, flattened as they came back to the baking platter.

"Now to dry them..." [Grey]

The winds played in the kitchen, a little bit of heat accompanying them. Quite a bit of moisture was taken from the patties, fading a little in color but looking more scrumptious than ever. They were like mash,allowed at first glance.

After the patties, Grey then stirred some chocolate and a tad bit of butter over a pan, making sure the heat was low. He stirred and stirred some more, a delightful aroma drifting in the air as the mixture melted beautifully before removing them from heat.

One at a time, Grey then dipped the patties into the chocolate mixture, coating the minty patties in a shell of sweet and creamy milk chocolate, soon setting them aside back to the baking platter.

"And finally..." [Grey]

With a little bit of magic, the peppermint patties were chilled, the chocolatey shell now solid and crunchy. A little bit of sprinkling with the use of some powdered sugar, and the dessert was done! Such beautiful Peppermint Patties!

Of course, there wasn't just one. After making peppermint patties with milk chocolate, Grey then repeated the steps and used dark chocolate the next time. A bitter shell to contrast the sweet and minty taste hidden in the inside.

A little taste test later and a smile bloomed on Grey's face. It was a dessert he usually doesn't have the leisure to taste back on Earth, but now he could taste it any and every time he wanted. He couldn't be any happier.

"Alright. These should be enough." [Grey]

Having cleaned up after himself and a couple plates in his hand , Grey then exited the kitchen and headed towards the dining hall. There, he found his beloved fiancée, happily chatting with the company, giggling and laughing as they told stories.

"Then he headed to the mountains and found rare herbs there! There was a whole treasure trove of them! There were so many!" [Yuna]

"Waah~! Were there also some magic plants?" [Chris]

"Un! There weren't many but there were definitely a few of them. Look, I can even show you some right now." [Yuna]

"Really?! I want to see them too! Magic plants! Magic plants!" [Wena]

Yuna was getting along very well with everyone, telling them tales of their adventures back in the days with a smile on her face. She even took out some magic plants to prove and showcase their adventurer, much to everyone's delight.

As it seems, the youngsters were also dreaming to become alchemists one day, truly excited at the sight of the magic plant Yuna took out. If it weren't for the barrier Yuna had already made, the ruckus would have surely woken up a handful of people. Grey could only chuckle at the sight.

"Oh? You're done already, Young Man? It hasn't been 10 minutes yet." [Pascal]

"Well, I've got a few tricks up my sleeve so making these things are really easy. Please have some, Mister Pascal, and everyone too." [Grey]

"Ohh! Then I'll be partaking on your offer." [Pascal]

"Ah! Shin, me too! Please leave some for me!" [Yuna]

"Eh? Storytelling can wait for later. If you don't take some right now, I'm sure you'll be regretting it later. These are the only ones I'm making today, you know?" [Grey]

"Mou... It can't be helped then..." [Yuna]

One after another, everyone's hands extended towards the plates and took a patty for themselves. Everyone else was curious about such a treat, especially the solid chocolate shell covering the patties, biting down on them to sate their curiosities.

A sweet and creamy shell caressed their tongues, melting inside their mouth as they continued to chew down. What followed after was a strong and sweet punch of mint, delivering a cool sensation to the mouth, a rush of sugar flooding in.

The dark chocolate one was also a delight. It was strong and bitter, contrasting and complimenting the sugary center. The kick of the peppermint was the icing on the cake, a harmonious firework of sweetness and bitterness exploding in their mouths.

"A-Amazing! This is the first time I've eaten something like this!" [Linda]

"What did you say these were called again, Young Man?" [Pascal]

"They're called 'Peppermint Patties'." [Grey]

"Ohh! Peppermint patties! Even what they're called is unique! These must be some noble cuisine from a foreign country! To think you can make something this delicious with peppermint, and this bittersweet sensation too! It's spectacular!" [Pascal]

Apparently, the peppermint patties were so delicious, it was worth making a whole monologue just to praise it. Pascal was in cloud nine as he savored the taste of the treats, happily enjoying it with his lovely wife.

"What do you think of them, Chris? Wena?" [Grey]

"Umm... This dark stuff is really bitter, but the green stuff is really sweet! This brown stuff is really sweet too! It's delicious!" [Wena]

"I agree with Bis Sis! I love this brown one better too!" [Chris]

Of course, the children were also very happy, munching down on the patties as if there was no tomorrow. The dark chocolate and peppermint was a little strong for them, but they still enjoyed them nonetheless. It was immaculate.

As for Yuna, is there even a need to say anything? She thoroughly enjoyed herself, savoring the melting sensation of the chocolate and satisfying her cravings whilst she wolfed down the peppermint patties. Another treat was added to her favorites.

It was a good thing Grey didn't show her how to make them, otherwise, she would once again go ham and make a lot of them whenever she has the time to, and once again plunder any bags of sugar she could find. Her love for sweets is too much.

『Grey! Can we make these again, tomorrow』 [Yuna]

『No. I know what you're thinking so you better stop it already.』 [Grey]

『Pretty please~? I promise this is the last.』 [Yuna]

『That won't work on me anymore. Better again next time, My Dear.』 [Grey]

And now, the couple was acting like a father and daughter in the toy store. Yuna tried to plead again and again, but it was futile. Grey stood his ground, and tried to be strict for once. He had spoiled the young lady for more than enough today.

Yuna tried to look at him with puppy eyes, but the results remained the same. She could only give up and heave a sigh of defeat. But there was no need to worry. Her mood quickly improved as soon as she continued eating the peppermint patties.

The stories were shared, the peppermint patties were eaten, and laughter resounded all over the place. Night fell even deeper and the whole city was enveloped in artificial lights. The cold winds continued to blow as the stars sparkled ever so brightly.

With the night filled with peace and quiet, Grey and Yuna also headed to their rooms, and decided to retire for the day, taking off their boots and coats, changing to a more comfortable attire, the young lady soon plunging herself towards the bed.

"Fuu~! That was amazing. I wonder if I can eat them again tomorrow?" [Yuna]

"Yuna, no matter how much you try, I won't be swayed by your words anymore. You should really learn when to give up, Milady." [Grey]

"Mou... Cheapskate..." [Yuna]

Though she was already sprawling across the soft and fluffy bed, all Yuna could think about was the late night snack they just had. With how delicious they were, she could barely get enough of them, obviously wanting to eat more.

And while she was thinking of such things, Grey flicked his fingers for the final time for the day and erected a barrier before them. It was one Yuna was ever so familiar with, her mind filled with question marks as she noticed the sudden barrier.

"Eh...? Sound-proofing...?" [Yuna]

That's right, it was a sound-proofing barrier which could even mellow out demonic screeches. And while Yuna pondered, Grey then took off his undershirt, revealing well-defined muscles and strong muscles.

The young man then headed towards the bed, and before the young lady could react, he had already trapped her, holding her delicate hands with warmth and love. Well... let's just say that it wasn't just the barrier which was erected.

"G... Grey...? What... What are you doing...?" [Yuna]

"Well... You already had your treat so couldn't I also have the same...? I'm already starving after all that playing and exploring, you see." [Grey]

Said the young man with a teasing smile on his face. He tried to hide his intentions behind his words, but Yuna could easily tell what he was talking about. Her face is now red as a ripe tomato, flushed all the way to the tip of her pointy ears.

She tried to cover her face with her soft and delicate hands, but such adorable acts only made Grey want to tease her more. He chuckled to himself, whilst his heart raced, falling even deeper for the adorable young lady before him.

"I can't...?" [Grey]

"Uuu... You bully... I hate you..." [Yuna]

"Hahaha. Then... Thank you for the meal~." [Grey]

A smile on his face, the young man removed the hands covering his beloved's face, revealing a blushing and embarrassed expression. He leaned in closer to her and sealed her lips with a kiss, their soft and warm breaths ringing in their ears.

"Yuna... I love you..." [Grey]

"I know, dummy... I love you too..." [Yuna]

The wind was cold and the night was quiet, yet there was only warmth and comfort in the hearts of the two. They held one another's hands and their bodies became one, whispering words of love into one another's ears.

Oh, such passionate love.


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