YLTESCIA: A Reincarnator’s Tale in the Lands of Merusia

Chapter 359: The Alchemists’ Square

Vines of blue and green, flower buds yet to bloom the first petals, roots dug up from clay, the blood of mountain wolves, powder made from dried eel livers, and so much more. The stalls were filled with all sorts of ingredients, lining left and right.

And the place was filled with people, both alchemists and merchants alike, going all around the place and buying everything which caught their eyes. The haggling and bargaining didn't cease to stop, liveliness floating in the air.

There were also trains of carriages passing from time to time, carrying tons of crates and boxes which were full of every material one could think of. Some things were even rare enough, there were knights escorting them.

"Oh! Ohhh! Ohhhh~! Ohhhhhhh~~!!" [Yuna]

In that very lovely market, there was also a young, silver-haired elf, zooming all over the place as she examined every single thing he could find, her eyes sparkling like the sun above them, ears flapping up and down with excitement.

After all, where there are herbs, there is hope. Her heart was racing like the stooping falcons ruling over the sky, not knowing what to do with so many herbs around her. It was a herb havenー No, it was a paradise!

"Zuzuya roots! Mikumiku! Luferia leaves! Blood Hound's Orchid! Blue Petunia! Ah! There's even some Lamon Beeflowers!" [Yuna]

"Yuna, be careful. You might bump into someone." [Grey]

"Grey, look! They have Purple Haze Springtips too!" [Yuna]

Grey tried to warn her, but his words came inside one ear and out to the other. She was now in her own little world, not caring about everything else as she admired the wondrous and mystical ingredients and materials before them.

With her in such a state, there was only so much Grey could do. He just followed the young lady around, making sure she didn't do anything reckless like last time. She might go ham and declare buying everything again, after all.

To make things worse, they really do have the capacity to buy everything. Grey has to strengthen his heart and make sure he won't be swayed by the young lady's pleas. He needs to be stern and strict for once. Just like a responsible parent!

"Haah... I wonder if this is what raising an energetic child feels like..." [Grey]

"Hm? Did you say something just now, Grey?" [Yuna]

"Nothing... I was just reminding you to be careful. Don't be too reckless." [Grey]

"Un! I'll make sure to do so! You can rest assured!" [Yuna]

Proclaimed the young lady, her chest puffed proudly, looking confident as can be. But it was that very confidence that Grey doesn't trust about her. He could already feel an ominous premonition looming in his heart. She didn't sound trustworthy at all.

It was now Grey and Yuna's second day in Xeros, and as promised the day before, they are now out exploring the Herb Market to buy everything Yuna needs, and get some herbs for the Guildmaster as well while they're at it.

Well, it wasn't just the Herb Market they were exploring, but the whole district which is filled with all sorts of things from pharmacies, alchemy tool shops, laboratories, many libraries, museums, the Alchemists' Guild, and many more. Thus, it was often dubbed as the "Alchemists' Square" by the people.

It was a place where one could find everything one seeks for their alchemy needs from bottles and vials all the way to rare extracts which are difficult to harvest. It is amongst the busiest places in Xeros, filled with life and colors.

"Still... It's really big, huh..." [Grey]

To top it all off, it was also amongst the largest and most populated districts in Xeros, stretching out to an area of over a square kilometer. It was like a village on its own, a different atmosphere looming about it compared to the other parts of the city.

And in the center of such a square was a massive academy which is the dream place of learning of every alchemist in the continent, complete with the best equipment, teaching facilities, and instructors there are.

It was also the place which many successful alchemists have been in. It is said that every graduate of the alchemy will reach at least Tier-4, producing Tier-6 and Tier-7 alchemists from time to time. The gem of Xeros, as one might say.

"Good morning, Mister! How much are these Zuzuya roots over here?" [Yuna]

"Oh! You have a good eye, Miss! Those go just for 42 kiels per kilo!"

"That cheap?! They don't look half bad tooー No, they're actually all high quality! Are there many more of these, Mister?!" [Yuna]

"Of course! How much do you need, Miss? We also offer a discount price of 500 kiels if you buy a dozen of them!"

And whilst Grey was pondering about the Alchemists' Square, his bouncy fiancée had started dealing with merchants, looking out for the best prices around the place and checking the quality of the goods with a single glance.

Thankfully, there weren't any thieving merchants like last time, otherwise, the market would have gotten rowdy again. Rather, there were many vendors which sold items even cheaper than the market price in the name of making a profit.

"Then, Mister, I'll buy 6 dozen of these please." [Yuna]

"S-Six dozens?! That many?!"

"Un! Is there a problem with that?" [Yuna]

"No, no! Not at all, Miss! If it's 6 dozens you want, then 6 dozens we shall give! I'll make sure to pick you the best Zuzuya roots there are!"

He was taken aback at first, but it didn't take him long before composing himself and getting ahold of reality. He might have decreased the price a little, but with 6 dozen of them, he made more profit than he ever could in an entire week. He was pumped!

Vigor burning brightly in his eyes, the man then searched through the Zuzuya roots with much determination, picking out the best his eyes could see and packing them into bags, a dozen roots each. His hands moved like lightning, finishing in an instant.

Yuna then handed the man 3 whole silver coins, glimmering with sheen and royalty, shining even brighter than his bald head under the delightful morning sky. It was a rare sight for him, a smile of great satisfaction blooming on his face.

"Ah, right... Do you sell other uncommon ingredients here too?" [Yuna]

"Of course! Just name what ingredients you are looking for, My Lady, and I shall assist you to the best of my humble abilities!"

"Then I would like some Bloodfall Lily, Tilikara Mountain Roses, Grell Berries, Wolfen Viper scales, Elmoria blood, and...." [Yuna]

One... Two... Three... Four... Yuna named a lot of rare ingredients and materials, and the eager shopkeeper nodded his head attentively, making sure not to miss even a single thing from Yuna's long, long, long~ list.

Of course, not everything was present in his stall, but he still tried his best to get what Yuna wanted, his hands packing the things one after another. Before one would even notice, there was already a pile of things by the counter.

"That would be 33,160 kiels all in all, Milady."

"33,160 kiels... Could I have it for 33 thousand instead. I boー" [Yuna]

"Of course! 33 thousand it is! Losing a couple kiels is nothing!"

The man didn't even let Yuna finish, quickly accepting her deal without asking any question. He may have lost out on more than a hundred kiels, but thinking about it with a bigger picture, his profits were already in the thousands.

Once again, Yuna handed some coins to the bald man, three gold and 3 silver ones to be exact. The vendor then handed the bags and boxes over the other side, and the young lady received them. Both were smiling with satisfaction after their quick deal.

The man offered to help her with carrying them, but Yuna declined. With just a swipe of her hands, she quickly stored them away in her storage ring. The vendor was a little shocked, but seeing her buy so many goods, it only made sense.

"Here you go, Yuna." [Grey]

And just as Yuna finished buying from the first stall, Grey came back to her with a red and golden mandragora by his hands. It was encased in glass, with a couple spells to protect it from danger. A very expensive item, so to say.

No, calling it expensive was nothing short of an extreme understatement. It actually cost Grey about 260 thousand kiels just to buy it. It was the price of a couple good houses put together. He never thought he'd spend so much on a single herb after the Geldhart Auction back in Erdea.

"I-Isn't this a Karlagan Elder Mandragora?! And it seems that it's at least a hundred-year old one at that!" [Yuna]

Yuna's eyes lit up at the sight, obviously excited to see such a specimen before her. She had seen them in books before, but never one in real life. It looked even more fantastic up-close, her heart bubbling with happiness as she hugged Grey.

"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" [Yuna]

"Woah, woah, easy there. You'll break the glass if you're rowdy." [Grey]

"Ah, right! Sorry, sorry, I just got too excited. I'll store it in the storage ring first, and I'll make sure to make full use of it later on!" [Yuna]

There was no stopping her. Just seeing the Karlagan Elder Mandragora fall to her hands, Yuna could already think of a lot of things she could experiment with, making sure to utilize its unique quirks and properties.

Of course, it wasn't just the Mandragora, but the other ingredients and materials she just got her hand to as well. Her imagination was bursting with creativity, now itching to try them out and make the best potions she could make. In the name of Alchemy!

"Right, Grey, where did you buy this again?" [Yuna]

"Oh, I bought it from a shop quite some distance away. There were also some other herbs there as well, but I don't think they're as valuable as this one." [Grey]

"No, it's okay! I'm sure they have a lot of interesting things there! Do they also sell magic plants over there?" [Yuna]

"Magic plants... I think I saw some..." [Grey]

"Great! Let's get going then! Let's buy all the magic plants they have!" [Yuna]

She was enthusiastic as ever, happily grabbing Grey's hands and rushing east with a smile on her face. Grey could only smile at the sight of his overzealous fiancée, but there was just one problem. Just an itsy-bitsy little problem.

"Yuna... Do you know where the shop is?" [Grey]

The young lady quickly stopped at Grey's words, a little "Ah..." escaping her mouth as she stopped. She was so excited, she didn't even ask him, rushing straight towards a random direction. She was overzealous, alright... Emphasis on "Over"...

And now, the young lady was greatly embarrassed, red all the way to the tip of her ears as she turned her head left and right, wondering where Grey came from. All to no avail. She just couldn't figure out where it was.

"P... Please show me the way..." [Yuna]

"Hahaha. You silly girl, that's why I told you to not be too reckless. You just get too excited and rowdy one too many times." [Grey]

"Uuu... I get it already... How embarrassing..." [Yuna]

As one would expect, Grey didn't waste the chance and grabbed Yuna's hand tightly, interlocking his fingers with hers and feeling the warmth of her hands. He would be in quite a pinch if Yuna gets lost, after all... That's right, that's the real reason,..

Flirting and exploring, Grey and Yuna then headed towards the shop the former was talking about, a paradise greeting them inside. There were all sorts of uncommon and rare herbs, getting much more valuable the higher up they go.

Of course, the most valuable ones were at the top floor, Grey and Yuna immediately heading there after buying everything they needed from the previous floor. It was a floor of expense and luxury, extremely valuable herbs lined up one after another.

"I want to buy everything here! Please, and thank you!" [Yuna]

Once again, Yuna declared such a statement with vigor, everyone taken aback by her words. The only difference this time is that Grey allowed her to. They were ones they would be able to use in the long run, after all.

Some were cheaper than the Mandragora, and some were just as pricey, and there were also some which were even more expensive. Needless to say, they spent a couple million kiels that day, the floor wiped clean of every item there is.

After that, Grey and Yuna headed out of the shop, and spent a little bit more time exploring the Alchemists' Square and buying everything they needed, raking up a couple million more in their expenses as if they were buying some cheap snacks.

"Mmn~! So delicious! Nothing really beats a good meal after shopping!" [Yuna]

"Yuna, slow down. You're getting too excited again." [Grey]

"Ah! Should we head to another shop later? Like a pharmacy, maybe?' [Yuna]

"Yuna, are you even listening?" [Grey]

The shopping spree continued, and the sun soon reached its Zenith, and with it came lunch. The couple made the best out of their time, picking out the tastiest dishes they saw, enjoying another bountiful and delicious round of eating.

They continued their walk soon after, and if there was one thing Grey and Yuna found more exciting than the herbs, it's the fact that there were also spirits to be found in the herb market, loitering around the herbs, drifting in the winds.

『Are the picked herbs also considered a part of nature, Grey?』 [Yuna]

『I don't know, but seeing that they stay near them, then maybe so,』 [Grey]

『I think so too, though...』 [Yuna]

『There's only Floating Spirits amongst them, right?』 [Grey]

Grey was not wrong. Though Grey and Yuna did see a couple more Lesser Spirits other than the one attracted to Antoinette and their contracted spirits, there were only a handful of them, greatly outnumbered by the floating spirits.

Though, it was because of that rarity that people stopped talking about ghosts and haunted forests. It would have been troublesome if it happened all the time, all over the world, after all. Very troublesome, actually.

Moreover, it seems like the spirits are also attracted to magic plants of the same attribute, many floating spirits gathering around them. The rare and more mana the plants possessed, the more attracted they seemed to the spirits.

"Spirits, you can come out now." [Yuna]

Yuna commanded, and their contracted spirits followed. They popped out one after another after Yuna's call, hovering over the air and looking around excitedly in the market, also clearly excited to play around and danced around the magic plants.

"Fufufu! It's okay, you don't have to hold yourselves back. You can play all you want. Just remember not to pull any pranks, okay?" [Yuna]

"Now, now, are you really in a position to say that?" [Grey]

"Hey! What does that mean?" [Yuna]

Having gotten Yuna's permission, the spirits then wandered around the place and played with the other spirits there. As the Floating Spirits were still pure and barely sentient, it looked like some toddlers playing with the babies.

And whilst the others were playing, one of the spirits' focuses were affixed towards a certain direction. Ir was as if there was something attracting it in that direction, the spirit letting out snow as it sang chimes and hums all over the place,

"Is there something over there, Algenib?" [Grey]

Asked Grey, and the little ice spirit answered with a symphony of bells. It was subtle, but there was a clear sense of excitement in its answer, the other spirits also joining it, all looking in the same direction as Algenib.

Grey used his eyes and scouted far ahead, searching for something which the spirits may be attracted to, and to his surprise, it wasn't just a simple thing, but rather a big institution which everyone in the city knew of. The heart of the Alchemists' Square

"Hm? The Academy...?" [Grey]

Darius Academy, to be exact. It is the biggest academy in the Royal Capital, Xeros, which is even bigger than the Royal Academy which nurtures knights. One of the biggest institutions in the city which could compete on an international level.

Though they still couldn't compare to the Divine Alchemist's Toolset God gave Grey, their equipment and machinery were world class, able to create concoctions which could cost hundreds of thousand, maybe even millions in the market.

But perhaps the most amazing thing about it was that the Academy's principal is a Tier-9, Legendary Alchemists. It was one of the main reasons why many alchemists sought to enter Darius Academy, and advance their passion further.

The more Grey took a look at the prestigious Darius Academy, the more he realized how amazing it truly was, a ton of students enrolled and strolling around the campus. It didn't take him too long to realize what the spirits were after.

"The Academy? Is there something going on in there?" [Yuna]

"No, rather than an event... It seems like the spirits are attracted to the items present there... They're quite valuable too." [Grey]

"Ehh~.... Valuable items, huh... And those are?" [Yuna]

"Well, for starters, there are greenhouses full of magic plants, a freezing storage for monster materials, some high-level potions... It seems like they also have a large pond for marine ingredients... And then..." [Grey]

Everything Grey said could be related to nature, one way or another, ranking higher up in the list of valuable items and are treasures of the Kingdom, it was no wonder the spirits were attracted to it. It was a fantastic place.

However, it wasn't just the spirits which were attracted to it...

"Magic plants...? Did you just mention magic plants, Grey? You said there were high-level potions too, and a pond, right?" [Yuna]

"Y-Yeah... Is... Is there something wrong?" [Grey]

"Fufufu! No, no, not at all~! There's nothing wrong at all~!" [Yuna]

Or so she says, but her voice was laced with suspiciousness, a dubious smile painted on her face as she answered Grey. It was clear that she was hiding something. One which reeked of nothing but trouble.

Yuna wasn't as interested at first, but after hearing Grey's words, as an alchemist, how could she back out when such a treasure trove was near her. She needed to go to Darius Academy, no matter what the cost. She was determined to.

"Yuna, whatever you're planning, stop it already. You'll only get in trouble." [Grey]

"Eh? But I haven't said anything yet." [Yuna]

"That's true, but... I can see it all in your eyes, you know?" [Grey]

Grey proclaimed and the young lady's eyes quickly went swimming, evidently busted of whatever she was thinking about. It seems like Grey has spoiled her a little too much these days, the young lady acting more childish, drunk of excitement.

"So, what were you planning?" [Grey]

"Umm... Well... I just thought of using 'Nihility' and taking a peek inside without being seen... Just for a little bit, okay? Nothing too biggie." [Yuna]

Or so she says, but that was straight up trespassing. Once she's inside, not even God would know what shenanigans she will be up to, and what kind of trouble she might createー No, troubles, plural.

It wasn't like Grey doesn't trust Yuna. She knows she won't do anything ill-willed or bring harm to someone. However, poking and breaking things out of sheer curiosity and excitement was another matter. It was likely to happen.

Moreover, they weren't just normal people. Besides the fact that they are celebrated as heroes, they were also High-Rankers in the eyes of the public. It would turn out to become a large political issue in the worst case scenario. A large pain in the ass.

"Yuna... You do know that's a criminal act, right?" [Grey]

"It's okay! I'll make sure to not be caught!" [Yuna]

"That's not the problem here!" [Grey]

She was determined, alright. Too determined, actually, that it has become worrying. Now that she has set her mind on getting inside Darius Academy, there was no more stopping her. Grey could only heave a sigh in resignation...

"Haah... Fine... I'll find a way to get inside the academy, legitimately." [Grey]

"Really?! You'll really make it, Grey?! Promise?! Do you promise?!" [Yuna]

"Yeah, yeah, I promise. It would be troublesome otherwise," [Grey]

"Yaay~! You're the best, Grey! I knew I could count on you!" [Yuna]

"Wait, you don't mean..." [Grey]

It was a trap. It was all a trap set by the mischievous young lady. In the first place, Yuna wasn't even planning to trespass inside the Academy's campus. She was just saying all those words to urge Grey to act, and she succeeded. It was perfect.

"You... When did you learn to be so sly..." [Grey]

"Teehee! I learnt from you, of course! Aren't I amazing?" [Yuna]

"Yeah... You're amazing, alright... I can't believe I fell for it..." [Grey]

Grey had noticed, but it was already too late now that he already gave his word. All he could do was own up to his promise, and fulfill his beloved's wishes. His mind is already aching just thinking how he would go about it.

'I guess that's the only way, huh...' [Grey]

He had thought up a solution, but it was one which was even more troublesome. He was on a whole roller coaster of emotions whilst his fiancée was happily smiling beside him, the two in completely different worlds....

"Yuna, no desserts for you for a whole week." [Grey]

"Ehh?! Why?! Why all of a sudden?! What did I do?!" [Yuna]

"Well... Just because." [Grey]

"Th-That's unfair! Take that back! Take that back! This is abuse of authority! This is coercion! Stop being petty and take that back, you big bully!" [Yuna]

"Yeah, yeah, sure, I'm a big bad villain~." [Grey]

"Uuu... You meanie... I hate you..." [Yuna]


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