A sixteen-year-old student, burdened by a gloomy and solitary life, finds himself thrust into a world beyond his wildest dreams. Enrolled in an elite school thanks to his parents’ financial sacrifices, his first day begins in chaos. Awakened late by his frantic mother, he rushes to his new school only to find himself overwhelmed by a sea of dazzling, confident students flaunting their wealth and charisma.
Feeling out of place, he navigates the intimidating crowd, his head down and his heart heavy—until fate intervenes. A sudden collision with a woman radiating charm and flamboyance leaves him stunned. As he looks up, their eyes meet, and in that fleeting moment, his bleak world seems to shatter and rebuild all at once. She is more than just a stranger; she feels like a fragment of a lost love—someone he had been searching for without even knowing it.
His life will never be the same again.
Kūkyonai novel is a popular light novel covering Realistic genres. Written by the Author WhiteChores . Read Kūkyonai novel online for free.