Chapter 105: Gacha Once More
It was the first of June and it was time to roll more Gacha. I was a bit nervous but I had high luck so I figured I would be fine.
'Hopefully, I get the things I need but if not then I have backup plans. I can fall back on the Elder Scroll or I can seal him away. I also have plenty of System Points so I can buy something to assist if it comes to that.'
I activate Lucky Star and use 30 Gacha Tokens.
[Drawing 30 Gacha. Done Showing Results.]
{Plumbus x 1 (Rick And Morty)
A Plumbus is an all-purpose home device. It can store and release a large amount of heat. It can produce cleaning fluids. It can be used as a cleaning device. Can receive radio waves and convert them into sound. Plumbuses are worth six-and-a-half Brapples. }
{Agent 47 Summon x 1 (Hitman)
Summons Agent 47. Will Be 20 Years Old. Genetically Enhanced Body And Mind. Comes With Extensive Knowledge, Rigorous Training, And Decades Worth Of Experience As A Contract Killer. Has An Uncanny Ability To Disguise Themselves And Blend In Despite Their Distinctive Appearance. Is Loyal To Summoner. }
{Alfred Thaddeus Crane Pennyworth Summon x 1 (DC)
Summons Alfred Thaddeus Crane Pennyworth. Will Be 20 Years Old. Has Many Skills Ranging From Cooking To Medicine. Has Knowledge Of Numerous Bat Gadgets. Is Loyal To Summoner. }
{Jiraiya Summon x 1 (Naruto)
Summons Jiraiya One Of The Legendary Sannin. Will Be 20 Years Old. He Is A Hermit And Pervert Of Stupendous Ninja Skill. Will Be Loyal To Summoner. }
{Hunter Class Gunship x 1 (Metroid)
Also Known As Samus Aran's Gunship. This Ship Contains A Mobile Energy Recharge System, Microfactories Designed To Produce Ammunition, And An Advanced Medical Bay. A Sophisticated Onboard Computer Stores Mission Data Collected In The Field For Future Reference. It Is Equipped With A Powerful Chozo Biotech Computer That Can Interface With Aran Via A Command Visor Unit. }
{Bane x 1 (Borderlands)
Comes With A Unique Voice Module That Plays An Assortment Of High-Pitched Screams. When Equipped, Movement Speed Is Reduced By 90%. Can Switch Between Shock, Corrosive, Incendiary, And Slag. Warning: May Cause Headaches To Everyone Within Earshot. }
{Fennekin Summon x 1 (Pokemon)
Summons A Baby Fennekin The Fox Pokemon. Fennekin Can Be Temperamental, But It Tries To Do Its Best For Its Trainer. 390 F Degree Heat Can Blow From Its Ears. This Pokémon Loves To Snack On Twigs. Can Evolve 2 Times. Loyal To Summoner But May Disobey Orders If They Are Upset. }
{Visiontron Schematics x 1 (Fallout)
Gives The User Schematics For The Visiontron Also Known As Tranquility Loungers, Simulation Pods, And Memory Loungers. Comes With 2 Built Devices Preloaded With Tranquility Lane And Battle Of Anchorage. The Devices Send The User Into A Hyper-Realistic Virtual Reality Simulation. Using The Devices Can Keep A User Alive Forever. Can Kill The User If Safety Settings Are Disabled. }
{Geralt Of Rivia Summon x 1 (Witcher)
Summons The Legendary Witcher Geralt Of Rivia Of The Wolf School. Will Be 20 Years Old Physically. Has Superhuman Speed, Strength, And Stamina. Due To The Trial Of Grasses Geralt Will Age Extremely Slowly. Comes With Full Set Of Gear. Loyal To Summoner. }
{Rose Of Sithis x 5 (Elder Scrolls)
This Large Arrow Inflicts The Kiss Of Sithis Which Kills Normal Beings Instantly If It Hits An Unarmored Area. For Stronger Beings, It Will Rapidly Drain Their Strength And Energy. Works On Immortal Beings But Will Not Kill Them And Instead Weaken Them. }
{Throne of Kings x 1 (Overlord)
The Throne of Kings Is A World Class Item That Appears As A Throne. The Design Of The Throne Can Change According To User's Will. When Sitting On The Throne The User Can Perceive Anything Within Their Territory. Also Allows The User To See The Status Of All Beings In The Territory. Defends The Territory Against Any Kind Of Divination Magic. It Will Activate Countermeasures In Its Defense System As A Response To Any Kind Of Divination Magic Not Allowed By The User. The Defense System Possesses Several Layers Of Protection. }
{Jake The Dog Summon x 1 (Adventure Time)
Summons Jake The Dog. He Is A Dog/Shape-Shifter Hybrid. Can Manipulate The Shape and Size Of His Body. The Size Of Any Body Parts Can Be Manipulated Including Internal Organs. Will Be Loyal To Summoner. }
{Smash Ball x 1 (Smash Bros)
The Smash Ball Allows The User To Activate A Powerful Final Smash Attack When It Breaks. If The User Uses The Smash Ball The User Will Recieve A Massive Temporary Boost In Power. Minor Exhaustion Will Be Felt After The Effects Wear Off. }
{Hestu's Gift x 1 (Zelda)
A Gift Of Friendship Given By Hetsu. It Smells Pretty Bad. Owning The Item Gives The User A Large Opinion Increase With Forest Spirits And Other Nature Spirits. }
{Temp Summon Metroman 1 Week x 1 (Megamind)
Summons Metroman For 1 Week. Actual Name Is Mark Edward Fischbach (Markiplier). Powers Include Heat Vision, Invulnerability, Flight, Superhuman Strength, And Extreme Superspeed. Fast Enough That Everyone Around Them Appears Frozen In Time. Willing To Assist The Summoner If They Are A Good Person. (High Karma). }
{Spirit Bomb Technique x 1 (Dragon Ball)
Users Of The Spirit Bomb Gather Huge Amounts Of Energy From All Chosen Surrounding Life Forms And Inanimate Objects To Conduct That Energy Into A Massive Sphere Of Destructive Power. Can Gather Energy From An Entire Universe. The User Can Increase The Power Of The Attack By Having Others Raise Their Hands And Point Them To The Sky. }
{Maiden With Eyes Of Blue Summon x 1 (Yugioh)
Summons The Maiden With Eyes Of Blue Also Known As Kisara. Can Summon A Blue Eyes White Dragon Temporarily. Appears As A Human But Is A Dragon. Can Switch Between Dragon And Human Form. Loyal To The Summoner. }
{1/4 Starforge Schematics x 1 (Star Wars)
A Quarter of the total schematics for the Starforge. Cannot be used or studied until all four pieces are combined. }
{FTL Tech Schematics x 1 (Steven Universe)
Schematics And Breakdown Of Diamond Authority FTL Drives. }
{Nick Valentine Summon x 1 (Fallout)
Summons Nick Valentine The Synth Detective. Comes Fully Repaired And Upgraded To Gen 3 Courser In Terms Of Capabilities. Comes With 100 Plus Years Of Detective Experience. Loyal To Summoner. }
{The White Phial x 1 (Elder Scrolls)
The White Phial Is A Legendary Bottle. It Is Made Of The Magically Infused Snow That First Fell On The Throat Of The World. Can Refill Whatever Fluid That Is Placed In The White Phial. Refills Every 6 Hours. }
{2 Tons Of Nth Metal x 1 (DC)
Nth Metal Has The Ability To Negate Gravity, Allowing A Person Wearing An Object Made From Nth Metal To Fly. Nth Metal Also Protects The Wearer From The Elements And Speeds The Healing Of Wounds, Increases Their Strength, And Protects Them From Extremes In Temperature. Can Negate Magic And Has Many More Abilities. }
{Kevin 11's Car x 1 (Ben 10)
A 1976 Green And Black Muscle Car. Has The Following Capabilities. Auto-Pilot, Auto-Attack, Universal Translator, Tachyon Transceiver, Guns, Missile Launchers, Magno-Winch, Electrified Field, Off-Road Capabilities, Spray Dust, Laser Blast Deflectors, Parachute, Rocket Boosters, Ejector seats, Invisibility mode, Khoros-5 Engine Block, Automatic Transmission, And Digital Panel. Has Unlimited Ammo And Fuel. }
{9th Tier Lead of Yatagarasu Spell x 1 (Overlord)
A 9th-Tier Spell That Created A Three-Legged Crow. The Yatagarasu Guides Users Along The Shortest Path To Where They Want To Go. The User Can Use The Spell With Extend Magic. }
{Temp Summon Molag Bal 2 Weeks x 1 (Elder Scrolls)
Summons Molag Bal The Prince Of Domination And Enslavement For 2 Weeks. WARNING: Summon Has No Loyalty To The Host And Will Immediately Attempt To Enslave And Do R18 Things To Everything They Can! Guard Your Anus! }
{10th Tier Armageddon - Good Spell x 1 (Overlord)
A 10th-Tier Spell That Summons An Army Of Angels. Angels Summoned Start At The Lowest Level But As The Spell Lasts The Levels Of Power Increase. The User Can Forgo The Lower Level Summons To Summon Higher Level Angels. Can Summon Angels Up To Level 105 (Boosted Based On Karma Value Of Summoner). }
{Tempest Shadow Summon x 1 (MLP)
Summons Tempest Shadow Former 2nd In Command Of The Storm Kingdoms Army. Her Original Name Is Fizzlepop Berrytwist. Will Be 20 Years Old. Has A Broken Horn And Scar From An Encounter With An Ursa Minor. Has Super Strength And Endurance When Compared To Others Of Her Species. Will Be Eternally Loyal If Horn Is Restored. }
{Assist Trophy x 1 (Smash Bros.)
An Assist Trophy Will Summon 1 Random Ally For 1 Hour Or Until Ally Is Killed.}
{33 Million System Points x 1 (System)
Gives 33 Million System Points. }
{Trial Deal With The One-Eyed Black Dragon x 1 (System)
Complete This Trial And Receive A Reward. Upon Failure To Complete The Trial A 24-Hour Cooldown Will Activate Before Another Attempt Can Be Made. Objectives Of This Trail Are As Followed.
1. Deal With The One-Eyed Dragon
2. Destroy The Orarion Dungeon
3. Improve The World
Better Rewards Will Be Given Based On Score Upon Completion. The User Cannot Use High Technology. All Other Forms Of Power Are Acceptable. No XP Will Be Gained From Kills But Kills Will Increase Score. Any Increase In Skills Are Carried Over. }
Authors Note:
Another Gacha down. Some interesting results this time. Next chapter I will go into detail on what they will be used for. As always if you have Gacha suggestions let me know. I made sure there weren't too many summons this time but the Wheel seems to love them. For clarification Agent 47 has a similar power to Agent P except not as powerful. A master of disguise in a sense. Until Next Time Ciao.