Cyberpunk: Arasaka Secret Son

Good to see you

"DIE!, DIE!, DIE!, DIE!, DIE!!!! AHHAHAHAHAH! DIE SCUMBAGS!! HAHAHA!" she was not the one who needed help....

But the Tygers to whom she was shooting like crazy leaning her Nawaki rifle on the second floor rod, avoiding as much as she could the charge in her ribs, while shooting.

Of the 6 remaining Tygers, soon there were only 4 of them, taking advantage for Sora's side, when they moved in their covers leaving some part of their body unprotected, and Sora being able to see the moment in which he would leave out a knee, foot, elbow, or crown, shot them, killing them in the last case or wounding them in the rest, leaving them unprotected from the ground, now without smoke, so that Rebecca without compassion would finish them from above.

When Rebecca hit one more Tygers and there were only 3 Tygers left. Sora emerged from behind the bar and launched himself towards the surviving Tygers, being fully aware of was about to happen and who he was about to....


As Sora charged forward he shot at one of the Tygers that was on his left side causing him to take cover, as he ran towards the Tyger that was enchanted in the middle of the three, while Rebecca shot at the third one to Sora's right.

Leaving Sora to be an easy target, for the Tyger he was charging towards, watching him as he raised his gun to shoot him, Seizing the moment before the front door of the Bar that had its back to the Tygers...Exploded.

Surprising everyone present by the sudden explosion, momentarily stopping the combat by the entrance of the Tyger reinforcements that had just arrived.

Or almost all of them...

With Ishii at the front of the 9 Tygers that entered the bar, surrounding him, who decided to use explosives hearing the gunshots inside the bar. Being greeted upon entering seeing how the attacker they had orders to capture.

He had taken advantage of the explosion to get in front of the Tyger who was aiming at him, who had been distracted in such a moment of crisis due to the sudden explosion behind him.

Having lost sight of the young man he was aiming to, and now .... was in front of him staring at him, moments before he impaled him in the head with his sword.

Turning to the Tygers that just entered and looking at them as he tapped his shoulder with his sword to remove the blood from the end, calmly as he finished looking at the Tygers, finally resting his gaze on Ishii.

Smiling at him and "Good to see you Ishii, it's about time you came out to play, isn't it?!" making Ishii couldn't help but be surprised at the person smiling at him with a mask, knowing it was supposedly to be Sora.... but now seeing him with his all black eyes minus his blue pupils, made Ishii, couldn't help but remember the strange shadow he saw in Sora moments before he cut off his hand.

This made him clutch his Chromed hand, which had begun to tremble again after the immunosuppressants stopped working.

Sora without missing Ishii's reaction with a wicked grin. "What's up Ishii, do you need another shot to keep your shit together? Hehe Or are you already freaking out seeing things? Tell me how you see your fellow Tygers around you? Like weapons or maybe like pieces of metal colliding, I've always been curious about Cyberpsychosis,"

Sora who was aware of the reinforcements and Ishii in them, and as well as Ishii's little secret, that with Cortana's access to the building's security cameras Sora came across the amusing images of Ishii leaving his father's office quickly, to `shoot´ some immunosuppressants to stop the Cyberpsychosis attack he was having.

Making Sora's words cause some of the Tygers to look sideways at Ishii, thinking that if the stranger's words were true, then they would explain a lot of Ishii's behavior.

Ishii with the urge to kill someone hearing how Sora was laughing at him and seeing how the Tygers around him were looking at him sideways, made him go back to his bad ambits, falling for Sora's provocations "Shoot."

"But, Ishii the orders of Waka-" without waiting for any kind of debate or retort on his orders, Ishii put his arm under the head of the Tyger that was trying to remind him of Shigeo's orders, activating his arm's Projectile Launch System and blowing off his companion's head

"SHOOT!" yelling again as he had blood from his fellow Tygers he just killed on his face.

Making the Tygers surprised by the demented behavior of Ishii who had just killed one of his companions because he was reminding him of his father's orders,

having no choice but for the 3 remaining Tygers armed with firearms to aim at Sora and the 5 with swords to unsheathe them, with the original plan of using them to cut off some of Sora's limbs, whom they had ordered to be brought alive.

That in doing so they could see the smile on the Soras' mask grew when....

They began to hear a loud hammering-like noise, quickly making its way behind them, with each blow getting closer and the closer it felt, the less it sounded like a hammering and more like.....


Being the moment they realized, the moment the bullets pierced the ground with two different trajectories coming from the floor below, killing two of the Tygers that were targeting Sora.

Using Sora's last ace up his sleeve, which he had planned when Cortana gave him control of the building, which also controlled the two turrets that were on the third floor in front of Ishii's father's office, which Sora had used to have them fire much of their 6.5×52mm ammunition, so that they went through ceilings and walls, attacking the surprised Tygers from one floor above from behind.

Using the surprise attack and chaos to close in on the group of Tygers while putting all his settings on maximum and slowing down his time as much as he could.

And Rebecca following her instincts had been able to read the situation well, waiting and took advantage of the chaos as well. to go back out from cover reopening fire, focusing her targets on the 2 surviving Tygers from the bar who were about to shoot Sora in the back.

Making Rebecca panic trying to stop them before they did it, managing to stop one of them by shooting him, but when she went to aim the other one and shoot him down `FUCK!' it was already too late, having given him time to shoot Sora in the back, making Rebecca bite her lip helplessly as she hastily assumed Sora's death, before a shot that was heading towards his head from behind, that Rebecca thought it was impossible for Sora to have noticed or to be able to react in time.

Leaving her speechless, when Sora simply tilted his head to the side, to dodge the shot that Rebecca thought was going to kill him, even using it to stop the sword-attack of the Tyger in front of him, when he was the one who was shot in his shoulder.

Sora used that instant to slash his throat with his arm and his sword becoming a blur for anyone who saw it and threw himself towards the next Tyger.

Using his newly created CQC using his slowed down time so as not to make unnecessary movement, creating a combination of fast and fluid movements.

Sora began to take down his opponents one by one while dodging and countering the Tygers' attacks, using Getsuga in his hand, his knives and the nue`s in his holster as if they had a life of their own, exchanging them as if he was juggling between the three of them.

Releasing Getsuga in the instant, in which he felt some resistance in pulling it out after attacking, pulling out his knife with a fluid motion and attacking with it, the next Tygers while with the other hand he used his Nue to interrupt and deflect tygers attacks by shooting or even using his frame to parry some of the sword attacks.

Releasing his knife stabbing it into the Tyger in front of him, only to extend his hand back and the Tyger that had Getsuga stuck in it fell turning to Sora retrieves Getsuga without turning his gaze, as the Tyger fell. Creating a shocking image for everyone who saw it because of the synchronization of Sora's movements while killing all the Tygers in front of him.

Making Rebecca with her mouth open as she watched Sora fight, she knew about the existence of martial arts mixed with firearms and knives, but the CQC that Sora was doing, was on another level.

To Rebecca the way Sora was fighting could only be described as a true work of art in motion, with a martial art unknown to her, where there wasn't a single moment wasted, all full of experience and grace in the way they came together, creating combination of speed and efficiency as he took down his enemies one by one.

Attacking with everything he had around him, not only with his weapons but also with the ones the enemy carried in his hands.

That Sora used by hitting the knee of one of the armed Tygers destabilizing them and grabbed him by the neck as he spun him around, stabbing him with a knife to make him shoot unintentionally towards his companions,

And to do it at that level, it was as if Sora saw everything, being able to not only react by dodging attacks but also to use them to counterattack and if he couldn't, at least to initiate an attack, using his enemies as shields against his teammates as he advanced towards them.

It was hard for Rebecca to believe what she was seeing.

And Rebecca was not the only one. Ishii being the most surprised and worried, seeing how every time Sora killed one of the Tygers.... looked at him for an instant, as if with each Tyger he took down Sora was closer to his prey/reward.

When Sora killed the last Tyger nearby and there were only 2 more left standing by Ishii's side, recognizing one of them, Sora stared at them growing a rather terrified smile at his current state covered in the blood of the dead Tygers behind him as his eyes shone brightly...

Approaching step by step towards Ishii making the 3 Tygers more nervous with each step he took, having witnessed first hand the acts of the person who was approaching them,

Sora was not doing it to torture them but because of the recoil he was feeling right now in his body as his nanobotic activity was at its peak to be able to perform the killing he had just done, especially in his brain feeling as if it was melting.

Still, when Sora was close enough to attack Ishii.... so he did, being aware of the Tygers at his sides, but lunging towards Ishii anyway.

Performing a quick Swing towards Ishii's face with Getsuga, that Ishii had time to react thanks to his Synaptic Accelerator by grabbing one of his Tyger at his side and pushing him into Sora's attack with the intention of using his Projectile Launch System and firing through his teammate at Sora,

Sora who had launched his attack being unable to stop it being received by the Tyger that Ishii had used as a shield, he could see how Ishii smiled at him while shooting his P.L.S from his arm going through his partner towards Sora, but Ishii noticed that something was wrong in his slowed world when Sora's smile didn't disappear, but grew when Ishii fired.

Seizing the moment, Sora, with all his senses sharpened and being able to see Ishii firing, moved Getsuga in a circular arc inside the Tyger's body, intercepting Ishii's shot with a ``Clink´´ as he did so, deflecting it towards the ceiling, splitting the Tyger almost in half in because all that had happened inside him.

Releasing one of his hands from Getsuga in the next instant and grabbing his nue, aiming it at Ishii's face. And without hesitation, firing.

Ishii with his synaptic accelerator still active, was able to see with horror not only as his attack was useless but also as Sora shot him with satisfaction in his eyes as he did so, making Ishii move his head desperately trying to move away from the trajectory of the bullet almost succeeding....

Almost! not moving fast enough, causing Sora's shot to blow off his ear making him scream in pain and fall to the ground.

Making Sora "Tch" annoyed that his last bullet he was saving failed to kill Ishii, holding his current state, before he had to turn it off because of the recoil he was feeling, lifted Getsuga to finish for once and for all with Ishii who had fallen to the ground, making Sora have a Dejavu with the moment, when he cut his hand and failed to finish the job, but now... he intended to.

When Getsuga fell toward Ishii, it was stopped by the last Tyger alive. the one that Sora had recognized. the Tyger who had fought Eco, and who Sora never grew to hate during his time in high school before he graduated. Brook Ahane

Stopping Getsuga with his gorilla arms, giving Ishii time to run away, out the door he had entered through, while all of Sora's nanobotic activity automatically shut down.

Making Sora could only watch impotent and annoyed as Ishii ran away, unable to get rid of Brock quickly enough to pursue him, having to pay the price of using his nanobots that way feeling the recoil all over his body.

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