Cyberpunk: Arasaka Secret Son


"FUCK! Why ARC, I just needed a few more seconds and...?" As Sora screamed inside his head, in his vision of his IDn, the outline of a human was shown and at the top of his head expanded, showing that his brain was 116 degrees Fahrenheit (48ºC). If it had continued for a few more seconds, he could have suffered brain damage.

Sora breathing heavily, since with Arc he couldn't get even, turned to Brock with an annoyed expression on his face and....

"How Proud!? You must feel GREAT! saving that piece of shit, aren't you?...Tch, the only thing you've accomplished is to that shit live a few more minutes Brock..." Saying in an upset tone in his voice and irony in his words.

Which upon hearing it Brock was surprised "You really are...." being able to see now, by the way he was talking to him, the boy he knew in high school, being unable to believe until now that the cause of all this death was actually that same boy.

Brock paused before saying Sora's name out loud, seeing how the customers were listening to them. And even though they were on opposite sides and would possibly kill him.... Still not wanting to give away Sora's identity that is stinging with his mask.

Deciding to use an alternate name, noticing the mask he wore to hide his identity, in the shape of maw, which reminded him of the ones that almost killed him that afternoon. Choosing one, when he realized that Sora the owner of the....

"Okami.... I really find it hard to believe... that a person still in high school.... is capable of so much... destruction" Brock commented calmly, as he looked over the corpses or the few Tygers that were still alive clinging to their wounds.

Causing even some of the customers to be surprised to hear him, as to shout out loud "WHAT!" in the middle of the Bar upon hearing how young Sora was. Feeling really uncomfortable when doing so, everyone stared at him, even Sora.

Sora when he looked back at Brock didn't change the expression on his face he kept looking seriously at Brock, while in his head `Tch, I hate to admit it, but I like the name'.

Brock said nothing more.... lowered his arms and smiled. At least he had bought some time for Ishii to escape. As much as it disgusted him to be around him, Ishii was the son of Shigeo, the man who took him in after his mother died of an overdose.

And by saving his son's life as he had just done, for Brock he had paid his debt.

Sora stared in bewilderment at Brock's actions, dropping his hands as if surrendering and smiling, as if accepting his fate. "What are you doing?"

"I surrender."

"You expect to save your life by lowering your arms?"

"No, I just...I knew this day would come, after all we've done. I knew that someday.... we would have to pay for it and..... I'm fine with that"

Sora not caring `no shit about Brock's moral epiphany' still upset that, because of him, Ishii had escaped, without hesitation lifting Getsuga towards Brock's unprotected neck.....

Stopping at the last instant, creating a thin line of blood on Brock's neck.... staring at him for a few seconds.

"Do you want me to kill him?", Hearing Rebecca ask as she walked down the stairs.

"Maybe, but... give me a second I want to check something" Sora replied with his sword still on Brock's neck.

"The sixth floor have you used them?"

[Cortana I'm sending you a picture, why isn't it marked like the others?]

One of the things Sora asked Cortana was to differentiate the Tygers who had used the sixth plant from those who hadn't. Which didn't do much good because almost all the Tygers Sora had encountered so far had done so, though there were some who certainly got off, like the one who found ``cute´´ one of Eco's projections, who had passed out after some bar customers gave her first aid.

[Well if he's not marked like the rest of the Tygers that means he hasn't even used the legal doll, when you asked me to mark the Tygers, I checked the cameras on the sixth, fifth and fourth floors, the Tyger you sent me the picture of is the only one who didn't use any of the girls] Cortana replied.

Brock was silent, puzzled when Sora stopped his sword at the last instant and surprised when he asked him that sudden question, but understanding what he intended to ask and why he stopped his sword.

Smiling "Of course I used them.... I'm a Tygers aren't I, If you're done asking... finish your work too." Saying something that, although it was a lie didn't make him a better person either and Brock knew it, seven though, he had never laid a finger on any of the girls... he had helped capture them.

"I see" Being accepted by Sora's cold tone... that when Brock heard it, he closed his eyes as he focused his attention the cold metal of the sword on his neck as he thought about what he believed would be his last moments `It's time to pay for my sins, finally-' being interrupted when he noticed how the cold sensation of his neck..... disappeared.

Opening his eyes and "WHAT ARE YOU DOING? WHY? Why don't you kill me like you did with-"

"If you want to die have two balls and do it yourself...I'm not here to do justice, I'm here because I'm pissed off...and I'm taking it out on rapists and psychopaths...don't use me to assuage your bullshit guilt.

I'm also not going to tell you to live and help people to make up for it and all that shit.... this isn't that kind of story.... Here" said Sora as he kicked a bloody gun.

"If you want to die so bad.... Use it" Stopping at Brock's feet, "otherwise shut up and stop fucking around."

While Rebecca who had stood beside Sora.

"Then.... We don´t kill him?"

"No, we don´t"

"Tch, when you told me you were going to mark some to not kill them you had me worried, but seeing.." Rebecca paused to look around bar and full of bodies of the dead Tygers and a few live ones "how has it ended, I shouldn't have done it"

"Yeah, I didn't think there were so few...."

"Yeah, yeah whatever, HEY YOU! WHERE ARE THEY?"

As Brock stared at the bloody gun on the ground not daring to pick it up.


Rebecca walked over to him, oblivious to the conversation with Sora, who upon seeing her, went to the bar counter, jumping back inside and started spraying bottles of water over his head, as he contacted Judy to check on her condition.

"WHAT? DUH! You have to be dumb to be a Tyger or what?, where are the Minis you captured you bastards!" asked Rebecca irritated having to look up to talk to Brock, jabbing her gun into Brock´s testicles to make him fall to his knees so he was the one who had to look up....

Well, sort of, Brock was tall and being on his knees he stayed at the same height as Rebecca.

Causing Brock to reply as he gritted his teeth and with his hands his beaten genitals, "most are on the 3rd floor, but...we brought some, for the guests, there are the Vips booths on the second level" Saying loudly, something that caught the attention of one of the Tygers guest who moved quietly in the back of the room.

"So-Okami pfhaha.... Come on, help me! Hahahahaha..."

Sora annoyed seeing how she laughed at the name he liked "Yes I'm coming now your honor, screw you Rebecca I want to rest, take Brock with you he still has arms doesn't he?"

Cutting off her laughter "Hey!.... he's a Tyger!"

"So what, even if he says he did it, he's clean, he didn't touch any of the girls... possibly he's a virgin even.... point the gun at him and ready.... and Brock.... don't mess around it would be a shame to die a virgin.... believe me" Replied Sora looking at Brock with a deep look, created from experience.

"I-I'm not-"

"Yeah yeah whatever move your virgin ass!" Rebecca said as she pointed her rifle at a stuttering Brock.

"Hey you are too aren't you?" who reacted again asked Rebecca pointing it at him.

"Sure but mine is normal yours is.... sad what are you, 30?"


"Motherfucker don't lie, you look like 30."

With that conversation Rebecca and Brock went up to the second floor of the bar to release the captured Minis.

While Sora lay down on top of the bar, to rest, draping a wet towel over the top of his head, feeling better, noticing how the temperature was dropping. Drawing the attention of frightened customers and guests who didn't know what was going to happen to them.

One of the customers approached him and in a respectful way asked "Excuse me Okami, but what do you plan to do with us?" who although he was a teenager was also the one who killed most of the Tygers in the room.

"I'm not going to do anything, you're just perverts, my job is to kill Tygers... so don't give me a hard time, most of you should be fine..."

"`Most of´ us are referred to...." Spoke the customer again

Sora instead of answering, lifted a part of the towel he was using to cover his face showing one of his eyes glowing blue again, looking at the group of guests, making many of them more nervous, cursing Shigeo inside, who wouldn't let them bring their escort to his base.

Fearing for what the young man watching them was planning....

Sora, noticing something wrong, sat up at the bar, noticing that one of them was missing, the one who had promised him a night of debauchery.

"OI! Be careful, one of the perverted guests is on the loose. Don't kill him surely he has Trauma Team insurance we don't want those cocksuckers falling around here, do you hear me?"

"Yeah, yeah" Only to hear Rebecca from the second floor, answering without paying much attention, again....

For a few seconds later, gunshots to be heard accompanied by "SHIT!" the curses of Rebeca, who came back down, now unarmed, helping Skyler one of the Minis Leaders, who seemed drugged, to walk.

Along with Brock who was guiding a girl and a Angel, the only male leader of the minis who could barely walk too, all this while being pointed at from behind by one of the guests with a gun as he covered himself by pervertedly grabbing Rossy another of the Minis leaders.

They all went down to the bar floor while Sora sat at the bar watching them as a spectator, until the armed guest said

"You psycopath boy, I don't care why you are attacking the Tygers, I have nothing to do with it, but They have promised me something .... and I will get it, do you understand? You don't reach my heights in the corporate world without securing what you were promised, so I'll take these two and you can have the rest."

Said, pointed his gun at the Rossy he had in his grip and Skyler.

"Ah yes, the negotiator. A classic ..... how about this, at first I was thinking of killing you all, because of your sick sexual tastes that are the reason behind the sixth floor nonsense, but then I reflected and changed my mind .... and now that I've killed a few Tygers, I'm in a better mood so... how about this I break the legs of all of you.... and all is settled, a word of advice, value it because this is me being good!" Sora replied while smiling kindly at him. "You don't want to find out what the alternative is."

"Wait, us too?" asked one of the normal customers, who was getting anxious at Sora's words.

Getting Sora to turn to him and ask "Do you want to?"

Being answered by a quick and sincere "No".

"Then shut up!"

Clapping his hands and jumping off the bar.

"Well, who's first!"

Said Sora looking at the easily recognizable group of Tygers guests, all wearing fancy or really flashy clothes, who were scared out of their wits at what Sora intended, unable to appreciate the opportunity Sora was giving them, but that they would.... soon.

"Boy do you know who you're threatening?" said the armed guest who pointed his gun at Sora, while still covering himself with the drugged Rossy, annoyed at how Sora seemed to have forgotten about him.

"Do you know what would happen if you touch a hair on our heads? Trauma team you're worried about, They're nothing compared to being hunted by a corporation. You know who I am kid? I'm the assistant to the sector representative of ARASAKA's Taka faction!" he said hoping to intimidate Sora, but being answered....

"Fancy way of saying secretary....Ahmm.... at least I'm glad you're not from the Kiji faction"By a bored Sora, who for a moment had actually forgotten about the man aiming at him.

"Kiji? who would want to be the faction of that bitch, who doesn't let her men have a good time, not like Yorinubu he does know, wait how do you know those names, don't tell me-"

Shutting up, feeling his skin crawl as he saw how Sora was looking at him. Beginning to understand why they were calling him ``Okami´´. Watching as his mawed mask began to move in conjunction with the expression he was making.

That now it was Sora who was falling into his bad habits after hearing how they had called his mother.... Changing his expression a cold one, before he...


Meanwhile on the elevator

Judy was deactivating the last dragon code of the 8 women they had taken out of the rooms by mounting them on the elevator. She had taken the chips from the dead Tygers, erased them and used them to put the modified code in them to stop the Dolls chips in the women's heads.

Sora had contacted her and told her about the situation, starting the forklift again, and lowering it slowly, in case there was any damage after the fight, which had shaken the forklift several times.

Being able to hear how a voice asked "W-where are we?"

"You can talk! we're getting you out of here."

"So it wasn't a dream, it's really happening..... who are you?"

"I'm Judy we're in the elevator still.... inside the Tygers base but don't worry Sora is taking care of them."

"Sora... he's the mask boy?"


"Why? why did he saved me? Why didn't he just, shoot?" asked the woman clenching her hands tightly around the jacket Sora had put on her.

struggling with the memories that assailed her, even now that she was happy that they were over.

"I... I don't know, I've known Sora since I was 7 but I still don't know him completely.... but I think when he saw you.... he recognized the look you had...I think at some point in his life...he had a similar look, making him want to help you." Judy said distractedly, blurting out what she had deciphered from Sora's behavior.

Which, though she said she didn't know him, she did, having been able to correctly deduce Sora's motives, though she couldn't understand why Sora would have a look like that.

The woman, after hearing the reasons for her release, and watching Judy sink into her thoughts trying to decipher more of Sora's behavior, made a small smile, the first one he could remember, and...

"Natasha," she said, introduced herself to Judy.

"Nice to meet you Natasha" Who smiled at her, just as the elevator door opened, being able to hear screams as they opened, helping Natasha up to check what was going on

Having ended up in what looked like the back of the bar, entering the bar through some metal doors that when opened, they were able to see both an amount of well dressed men kneeling around Sora as they

"I ACCEPT! Break my legs!"

"DON'T LISTEN TO HIM, break mine."

"YOU WANT MONEY!!!, I'll make you a transfer, just break mine and that's it."

"YES!, break our legs, anything but what you did to him, please!."

Who were yelling at Sora in a desperate way to get their legs broken, some even offering money.

"WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON?!" Ending with Judy screaming, at the sight of this surreal scene.

"Oh Judy you've arrived" Being answered by a Rebecca who is sitting, calmly on one of the bar stools, watching the show, accompanied by Skyler, Angel, Rossy and a Mini who were already feeling a little better.

"Rebecca, what's going on?"

"Ah, well you'll see."


A few seconds earlier....

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