Delayed Transfer

Chapter 345

Mark was alone in the booth since the salesperson who brought the communication artifacts went outside to call the one who would inspect the item that he would use for trade. Since he was alone, he retrieved one of the legendary items that had not been identified yet.

The one that he was planning to trade was a legendary dagger since he didn’t like using daggers. When he identified it, the system said that it was a legendary Throwing Dagger. It would add twenty to Agility and ten to Strength. It had ten to fifteen physical damage when used and the dagger had twenty-five durability. It had a skill called Returning Dagger and it didn’t actually have any charges, meaning the skill could be used unlimitedly. Basically, the user could throw the dagger to his enemies and then it would automatically return to the thrower.

Soon, the salesperson who showed him the three communication artifacts returned and he was followed by an old man wearing spectacles.

“I’m sorry Sir Anton for the delay. I brought Mr. Hadis, a mage who would be inspecting the item that you would like to trade the Jade Tablet communication artifact for,” The salesperson said while he and the old man he called Mr. Hadis sat opposite him.

Once the two men were seated comfortably, Mark immediately handed the dagger to the old man.

“That dagger is called the Returning Dagger. The user will have an increase in his speed and strength while using it and once it was thrown to the user’s enemy, the dagger will automatically return to the thrower,” Mark said.

The old man took some sort of magnifying glass and then used it to inspect the dagger. He assumed that the magnifying glass was some sort of artifact that would allow the old man to identify the stats of the dagger.

“You are correct sir. My artifact said that the user would have an increase of twenty attribute points to his Agility and ten attribute points to his Strength. It also stated that the skill it has is called Returning Dagger and would automatically return to the user once thrown.”

Mark was surprised at what the old man had said. It confirmed the fact that there were items in this world that would show the stats of items and possibly people with exactly the same information as his Identification Skill.

“Based on its attribute points and skill, this dagger is worth three thousand mana stones.”

“Can you trade the jade tablets for that dagger and give me mana stones for the surplus?” Mark asked.

Mr. Hadis nodded and told the salesperson to give the tablet and mana stones to Mark. The old man kept the dagger and said his goodbyes to Mark.

The salesperson immediately gave the tablet to him and asked Mark to wait for a couple of minutes for the man to retrieve the mana stones and Mark just nodded.

Once the man returned with his mana stones, Mark immediately stored them in his inventory. He wanted to return to the RV immediately since it was lunchtime and would probably return at a later time to continue shopping for magical items.

When he arrived in the RV, the kids were already inside waiting for him. They immediately ran towards Mark and Liriel asked to be carried so he picked Liriel up.

“Are we going to the other circuses, Mark?” Isaac asked.

Mark told the twins that they would after lunch. Milena then served the food that she and her assistants cooked and everyone ate the food happily.

While they were eating, Nedertu informed Mark that he would need to go to the Haunted House after lunch to work as one of the monsters inside. When the twins heard what the catman had said, they began laughing and Liriel joined them by giggling.

“Ertu funny!” Liriel suddenly said.

Everyone then laughed when they heard what Liriel had said.

After lunch, Mark and the kids went outside the RV to start going to the other circuses. Since the other circuses were a bit far, Mark decided to go there using an electric golf cart so he replicated one. He then went to the driver’s seat while the twins and Liriel sat in the back seat. Mark wasn’t worried about the children since the vehicle was slow enough that it wasn’t dangerous.

While they were driving towards the second circus, the vehicle garnered a lot of looks from their circus’s customers and the twins were puffing out their chests as if they were proud of being seen riding the small electric cart.

A few people did stop them to inquire where they could purchase such a cart and Mark told them that it was made by a wizard and that the wizard had already left. Most of them asked if they could buy the vehicle from him and he just kept saying that it was not for sale.

When they passed by the Yoda Roller Coaster, Hamil and the leaders of the other circuses were there.

“Mark! Where are you going?” Hamil stopped them.

“We're planning to check out the other circuses.”

“Wish we had something like what you're riding since we’ve been walking quite a lot.”

“Nedertu knows how to drive it so you can have him ferry you around.” Mark then replicated another golf cart beside his which prompted gasps from the other leaders.

Hamil immediately called someone and asked that person to look for Nedertu. Mark then told Hamil that Nedertu was assigned to the Haunted House.

While Hamil and the other leaders were waiting for Nedertu, the men started inspecting the small electric vehicle. Mark left them to their devices and drove towards the other circuses. Yoda was still high above them flying the customers in a dizzying circle and turn and city children who were poor and couldn’t afford the ride were watching the dragon fly with shining eyes.

On the way to the third circus, they passed by the circus that they went to the day before. Mark and the kids could hear the audience's laughter from outside the huge dome tent and for a moment, the twins said that they wanted to watch the acts inside the dome again.

Mark told the kids that since they would be staying here in the city for a while, they could watch it again at a later time. In the meantime, the other circuses were waiting for them to explore. While they were driving, Mark told the kids that he was also planning to explore the dungeons in the city and they clamored to be a part of it.

“There is a novice dungeon meant for beginners. We’ll go ahead and see if we could tour it.”

“I don’t just want to tour. I want to kill monsters and get stronger!” Isaac said while Aaron nodded vigorously, fully agreeing with his brother.

“I don’t know. I will need to talk to check with the others if it’s alright for us to do something like that.”

“Hey, there’s a lot of kids following us!” Aaron suddenly said.

Mark then checked behind their cart and there were a lot of children who he assumed were from the city following them. He stopped the golf cart and asked the kids why they were following them.

“You’re magic cart looked pretty interesting and we just want to take a closer look,” One of the older ones said.

“Are you from the town?” Isaac asked.

“Yes. We’re from the slums so we can’t afford to buy anything from the circus but at least they were not stopping us from watching the surroundings.”

After the kids got their fill of studying the cart, Mark continued driving the vehicle toward the third circus.

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