Delayed Transfer

Chapter 352

The next day arrived and Rendira came in after breakfast to continue tutoring the kids. Mark was glad that the lady halfling was so earnest in making sure that the twins were educated properly. He knew that part of it was the high pay that he was giving Rendira but still, he highly appreciated the halfings efforts.

Liriel joined the twins in listening to Rendira’s lessons and Mark was surprised that the little girl was truly making an effort to learn as well.

As a matter of fact, Rendira asked to talk to him later after the lessons, and of course, he agreed since he had an inkling that it was about Liriel.

While the kids were learning from their tutor, Mark went outside to check what was happening in the surroundings. He highly enjoyed roaming around the circus since the excitement and energy from the customers were highly infectious. Although the circus wasn’t open yet due to the city’s rule that it should open after lunch, there were still a lot of people roaming around.

Hamil told him that normally, before, in the mornings customers wouldn’t come but due to the high demand for the tickets to the movie theater and the Yoda Roller Coaster ride, there were already customers lining up to purchase tickets even though it was so early.

At least with the theater, Hamil could still increase the number of seats but with Yoda, the seats were truly limited.

Mark headed directly to the theater to check the queue there and as expected, there were already hundreds of people lining up. At least they were entertained by the television that was set up by Hamil outside the huge tent that was showing the trailers for the three Star Wars movies.

He almost laughed to see that the majority of the people lining up were young men and they had sparkling eyes while watching the trailers. Mark wouldn’t be surprised if somebody started a religion based on Star Wars.

Mark then wondered that since this was a world governed by the highly mysterious magic forces, if a religion based on Star Wars did start, would its priest gain divine power, and then would they call that power The Force? He laughed at the thought of that.

Suddenly, he heard somebody calling his name from the queue and when he looked, it was the Enos together with his party mates that Mark had gone dungeon diving with Liriel the day before.

The three young men wore excited faces even though they were almost at the end of the line while Anura was wearing a long-suffering one. Mark went to the young adventurers.

“Mark you’re here! Are you planning to queue as well to buy tickets?” Enos asked.

“Idiot! Didn’t you hear him telling you yesterday that he was part of this circus,” Anura said to Enos.

“Oh yeah! I forgot. Anyway, we went here so early but we were still near the end of the line!” Enos said.

Mark then said to the young adventurers to wait for him there then he went to the ticket booth that sells the ticket to the complaint of the customers in the queue. The ticket seller shouted at them to quiet and informed the crowd that he was part of the circus and the customers immediately quieted down. He felt that they only did so because they didn’t want to jeopardize missing out on a ticket because they offended someone from the circus.

He then asked for four tickets for the three movies and the ticket seller gave him a total of twelve tickets for the first screening scheduled for today, tomorrow, and the day after for the Star Wars trilogy. Mark then went to where the young adventurers were and called them.

“We don’t want to move outside the line! We might not be able to buy tickets!” Enos shouted then Anura looked at him and called him an idiot again then she went to Mark.

Anura’s three young party mates immediately followed her and went to Mark as well.

“Here. These are twelve tickets. Four for today and the movies for tomorrow and the day after,” Mark said while he gave the tickets to Anura.

Anura’s party mates gasped when they saw the tickets scheduled for the first screenings of the movies.

“We can’t accept that! Those cost a lot of coins!” Enos said but he couldn’t take his eyes away from the ticket.

They knew how valuable the tickets were since even though they were queuing up, they weren’t sure that they would be able to purchase a ticket for the movie today.

“I didn’t buy them so they don’t cost me anything. It’s a perk of being a part of the circus,” Mark said to Enos.

Anura immediately took the tickets when she heard what Mark said and thanked him. Her friends also thanked him. It was about an hour before lunch so he invited the adventurers for lunch and they gladly accepted.

Mark then called Melina using the legendary item Lovers Ring that he was calling Message Ring since he was embarrassed to say to their cook the actual name of the item and informed her to not cook lunch since he had guests and he would be conjuring food for them. Milena answered affirmatively but reminded him to conjure the items they would be selling after lunch.

When they arrived in the RV, Rendira was just exiting and Mark remembered that the twin’s tutor would like to talk to him so he invited her and the young adventurers inside the RV.

Inside the RV, the twins and Liriel were watching Naruto on the television but when they saw Mark enter with their teacher and guests, Isaac paused the show.

“Isaac, Aaron, these are the young adventurers that me and Liriel went together on the first floor of the Novice dungeon.”

Mark introduced the twins to the adventurers and vice versa. The young men were staring at Mark’s television while Anura went directly to Liriel and hugged her. Liriel giggled and said “Mark!” again. Anura tried to correct her by saying her name but Liriel just kept on repeating Mark’s name.

Mark told the adventurers to wait a bit since he needed to talk to the twin’s teacher while the twins turned off the television to the disappointment of the young men and talked to them about their adventures.

While the young men bragged about their exploit to the kids, the twins were hanging on to their every word.

“What did you want to talk about?” Mark asked Rendira.

“I just want to ask for your opinion about me giving a separate lesson to Liriel. She had been responding well to my lessons and a specialized lesson for her would help her a lot,” Rendira said.

“Isn’t she too young?” Mark asked.

“She is but the lesson was just to help with her language and I planned to teach the twins for two hours and after that, teach Liriel for about thirty minutes,” Rendira said.

“Okay, Let’s go with your plan. Regarding the payment, please talk to Milena since she’s our family’s finance manager.”

Rendira just shook her head when she learned that Mark didn’t want to bother about the finances of their family and delegated Milena to do it. Mark then asked Rendira to stay for lunch but she declined saying she wanted to join her family for lunch.

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