Delayed Transfer

Chapter 353

Rendira left to join her family for lunch and while the young adventurers were busy entertaining the twins and Liriel, Mark went to the dining room and conjured food for everyone. He knew that most adventurers appreciated good food and was not very picky so it wouldn’t matter what he replicated as long as they were delicious so he conjured a mix of everything. There were pizzas, hamburgers, French fries, roast chicken, fried chicken, stewed beef, roast beef, roast pork, grilled pork, and chicken Tinola, a chicken soup with ginger and other vegetables since Mark thought that a soup based viand was needed.

Mark also replicated bowls of rice, liters of sodas, and tubs of different flavors of ice creams for dessert. He didn’t want alcohol during lunch since he wanted the adventurers to enjoy the movies that they would watch later sober so he didn’t replicate them.

Soon, Milena, Nedertu, and their assistants came in and as expected, due to the extroverted nature of adventurers, they introduced themselves to the newcomers. After a round of introduction, Mark invited everyone to eat and the twins ran toward the dining room table and sat down.

The adventures had wide eyes when they saw that feast Mark prepared and without further ado, they began eating. While they were eating, the twins volunteered to introduce the different food on the table, and the adventurers kept exclaiming that they had not eaten anything so delicious in their life which made Nedertu, Milena and the others laugh since they remembered their experience of eating Mark’s food for the first time.

Milena once told Mark that honestly, some of the food in this world was much better than what Mark could conjure especially those that were made from magical animals and magical plants but those kinds of food were only usually available to the very rich.

Once they began eating dessert, Anura suddenly said that she wanted to apply to become Mark’s employee and he didn’t have to pay her as long as she could eat ice cream every day. Enos and the others were startled and stared at her then she laughed.

After lunch, the adventurers rushed towards the theater since they wanted to make sure that they were in time for the movies. They weren’t worried that they wouldn’t have any seats since the tickets that they had had assigned seats to them.

When the adventurers left, Lisa, one of Milena’s assistants would look after the kids while Mark replicated the items that Milena would sell later once the circus opened.

Mark’s items were incredibly popular and there was already a huge crowd in front of the stall that Nedertu and the others constructed as Milena’s stall. Normally, Milena’s products would all be sold out after around three hours even though the number of items Mark conjured every day was very huge.

Milena told her that the amount of wealth that they had gathered so far was so huge that it was almost enough for a person to retire in a city and be comfortable but when Mark suggested that they stop selling items, Milena protested and said that they should gather more coins since it wouldn’t hurt to have more and he just shrugged and continued replicating items for his assistant since the process of replicating the items didn’t take Mark much time.

In less than an hour Mark replicated all the items that Milena and the others would sell and the inside of Nedertu and Milena’s RV was so full that they could hardly move.

He returned to his RV and when the twins saw him they requested something from him.

“Mark, can you give us another electric cart? We want to design another space ship and we want to race!” Isaac asked.

“Racing is dangerous and the only one who can drive it is Connor! Who will drive the second one?” Mark asked Isaac with a stern face.

“We already learned how to drive it! It was so easy that anybody could learn it. We won't race but we wanted one each, so can you please give us one more cart?” Aaron cajoled Mark.

Mark sighed and went outside the RV and replicated another electric golf cart for the twins and to his amazement, the twins suddenly yelled very loud, and out of nowhere, an army of children came out and ran towards them.

Connor laughed at Mark’s expression while he was looking at the horde of kids that came out from the woodwork.

“They had been planning this since yesterday and they even have a design already for the second cart,” Connor said to Mark.

Mark then saw that the kids who appeared brought several materials with them and like piranhas who smelled bloody meat in the water, they surged toward the newly replicated cart and began the process of slapping things to it.

Liriel was laughing and giggling while watching the children customize the second cart. It was highly entertaining so Mark and Liriel stayed and watched the kids design the cart. They were very loud and soon, when the circus opened, they had customers watching them. Some of the audience members who had already seen the movies were even putting in some suggestions on what the kids should add to their design but the kids just ignored them to the audience’s exasperation.

After about an hour, the cart resembled an X-Wing space fighter. The first cart resembled the Millennium Falcon and the second one was an X-Wing. The result of the kid’s design surprised Mark since at first, he thought that the twins were successful in designing the first cart as a Millenium Falcon because of the help given by some of the adults from the circus but based on what he just saw, it was entirely made by the children and another impressive thing about their project was, only a few kids had seen the Star Wars movies.

Mark was listening to the children’s conversation while they were building the X-Wing out of painted cardboard and wood and knew that the kids were a combination of children from different stations in life. Some were very rich and some were very poor but they were playing harmoniously. He suddenly noticed that there were people who looked like guards and nannies who were looking at the children and more than likely, they were the adults that were hired by the rich children’s parents to look after their kids. They were also the ones who had seen the movies before.

After about an hour, the second cart was done. Isaac was the one driving the first cart, with Connor beside him to make sure that he was safe and there was a horde of children at the back. The second cart was being driven by Aaron and there was an adult beside him that Mark didn’t know but Connor said that the man was his friend. There was also a multitude of children behind Aaron and Mark was surprised that the carts were still able to move considering the weight they were carrying.

The kids started driving the cart toward the center of the circus and he knew that the two carts would roam around and it would probably attract their own audience.

The customers probably would think that they were a form of advertisement for the movie theater. Soon the two carts were joined by a third one that was being driven by Hamil. Mark wasn’t surprised since it was truly easy to learn how to drive the small electric vehicles.

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