Delayed Transfer

Chapter 355

The adventurers left and the children were taking their afternoon nap so Mark did one of his favorite things: roam around the circus.

When he left the RV, Mark saw that Milena and the others were just cleaning the stall since all the items were sold out already, he left them to their devices and continued walking. He noticed that children were circling the two RVs and they were again a mixture of kids from the circus, the slum, and the city proper. Mark assumed that they were waiting for the twins to wake up so they could continue playing.

Deo was even among them and Mark heard Hamil’s kid bragging to the other children about the movies he had seen so far and the other kids were hanging on to his every word. Curiously though, he hadn’t seen where the circus’s older children were.

When Deo saw him, the kid ran towards him.

“Mark! Are Isaac and Aaron still asleep?”

“Yes. They would wake up in about an hour. Are you waiting for them to continue your adventures in space with your spaceships?” Mark smiled.

“Yes, and they also promised us that they would let us play with the Lego Death Star. They’re so lucky! They can have all the toys they want, all the delicious food they can eat,  and they can watch anything they fancy. They even have magical items!” Deo said while thinking about how lucky the twins were.

“Well, as you’ve been telling your friends, you also have seen a lot of movies already and you have eaten a lot of the food that I brought.”

“Yeah. We’re so lucky that you chose to stay in our circus. Father kept telling me that the circus kept getting richer because of you and soon we will be thrice as big as before. I overheard him inviting the other circuses to join ours! That would be grand since there will be more people and kids with which I can play!” Deo said.

Mark then thought that maybe that’s the reason why the other circuses leaders were with Hamil all this time then he shrugged since it was going to be Hamil and the other's decision and he was outside of it. However, truth to tell, he was in favor of the circus getting larger since it would become more powerful and would be able to better protect itself and the more important fact was, it would become livelier.

“The twins also promised the other children that you will let them watch the Star Wars movies inside your RV!” Deo continued.

Mark sighed and started planning on how to fulfill the twin’s promise to the other kids. He then remembered that Hamil had a smaller theater tent that the circus had already dismantled since they were now using a large one. He planned to talk to Hamil regarding borrowing the smaller tent to host movie showings for the twin's friends and since he wasn’t doing anything in the meantime, he told Deo that he would be looking for his father so he could fulfill the twin’s promise.

Deo became extremely excited and ran back towards his friends to share the news with them. Mark then heard the children cheer. He left and walked towards the theater to look for Hamil.

Mark encountered the golf cart that Hamil was driving and the other circuses leaders were with him. It appeared that the Hamil was on his way towards his RV. The golf cart stopped beside him and Hamil and the other circuses leaders stepped down.

“Mark, I wanted to ask you about something. Can you provide another projector, speakers, and laptop with the movies and electric generator? I’m planning to set up the smaller tent theater so more customers can see the movies. You don’t need to provide the air conditioning since we’re going to use magic to control the temperature inside.”

He was impressed at how Hamil didn’t stumble in saying the modern words anymore meaning that the circus people were getting used to using his terms for the equipment and even some of the terms that came from the movies.

Mark could see that Hamil was a bit anxious and noticed that the other leaders from the other circuses were closely watching him. He wondered if it was some sort of test but he didn’t care about that.

“Sure I can do that but once you set it up, can you let me use it first? The twins promised their friends from the city that they would let them watch the movies for free and since there were a lot of them, I can't host it inside my carriage.”

“We actually already set it up beside the first theater tent and it only needed the devices for the theater to open. Once it’s ready, of course, you can use it first. When are you going to let the twins and their friends watch the movies?”

“I don’t know yet since the kids are still napping. Probably tomorrow, is that okay?”

“Of course it’s fine. The equipment is yours anyway so you can do whatever you want with it.”

After their talk, they went to the theater so Mark could give the people who were preparing the tent the equipment needed for the second tent to operate. Once it was done, Mark returned to the RV next to check if the twins were already awake.

When he arrived home, the children were just exiting the bedroom and when Liriel saw him, she ran towards him and shouted, “Mark, hungry!”

The twins ordered some pizzas and sodas and wondered if he was destroying their health by providing so much junk food to the kids and also wondered if his healing spells were enough to keep them healthy. He would need to ask the sisters or Norunta later.

While they were eating snacks, the twin's behavior suddenly became awkward and a little hesitant. Mark was amused since he thought that they might be asking him about their promise regarding letting their friends from the city watch the movies. Since he couldn’t wait anymore, he directly asked the twins what was wrong.

“Uhm, we promised our friends that we would let them watch the Star Wars movies so they would better know how to design the cart and behave like our spaceship crew members,” Aaron said.

“We already made groups so they could watch in batches since all of them together would not fit inside the RV,” Isaac said.

Mark laughed when he heard that they had already planned the groupings.

“You don’t need to see the movie in batches. Deo told me about your promise and since Hamil had already set up the smaller theater tent and asked me for the equipment to run it, my condition was that I could use it first. It’s actually ready so you can let your friends watch the movies later or tomorrow.”

The twins became highly excited and said that they wanted to watch the first movie with their friends later and the second and third movie tomorrow so Mark just shrugged and told them okay.

Once they were finished eating snacks, the twins ran outside to meet with their friends. Mark told them to invite their friends to go to where the theater was located since the smaller tent was located beside it. He didn’t know if the twins heard it since they ran so fast to tell their friends the good news.

He went to the theater tent carrying Liriel and since Milena and her assistants were done with selling their items, asked them to look after the twins since they were in the process of inviting their friends to the theater to watch the first Star Wars movies.

Mark and Liriel were in front of the second tent waiting for the twins and their friends to arrive with Hamil and the other circuses leader watching.

Suddenly, to Mark’s horror and Hamil and the other leaders’ amusement, a veritable horde of children arrived with the twins and Deo in front of the scary army.

The people queueing to purchase the tickets in the ticket booth looked on curiously and kept asking the guards why there were so many kids. The guards just shrugged and told the customers they didn’t know.

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