Delayed Transfer

Chapter 356

Based on Mark’s estimate, there were around two hundred children that came with the twins and he was thankful that the kids were little enough that they would all fit inside the smaller theater slash tent since two kids could fit in one chair.

When they arrived in front of the tent, it was Deo who was acting as their leader with Aaron and Isaac beside him.

“Everyone! The movie that we will see is called Star Wars A New Hope! It’s the first movie in the Star Wars trilogy and you better study the people's behavior in the movie so you can become better spaceship crew members! Soon we will learn how to wield the Force and become Jedi or Sith, and then we will conquer the universe!” Deo announced to the kids loudly to the amusement of everyone, especially those who had already seen the movies and were there to purchase tickets for their friends and family or simply rewatch the movies.

Then the twins retrieved their lightsaber toys from their rings and switched them on and the kids cheered while everyone looked in envy at the twins’ toys. To Mark’s surprise, even some of the adult customers had looks of covetousness on their faces while looking at the twins’ toys.

Mark was impressed and Hamil was looking proud of how Deo handled the army of children while leading them inside the smaller theater. Everyone was well-behaved. There was no pushing or chaotic scrambling, instead, everyone was very organized, and even the obviously rich children because of their clothing, were not showing any prideful expression on their faces.

Some of the guards and nannies of the rich kids went to Hamil to ask him if they could join the kids inside the small theater since they couldn’t let their charges get away from them and with a nod from Mark, Hamil allowed those nannies and guards to enter although they would need to squeeze themselves at the back of the theater tent.

The customers queueing to purchase tickets in the ticket booth were looking at the guards and nannies who were allowed to watch the movies for free just because they were looking after their charges and those guards and nannies were wearing smug and excited expressions.

Mark didn’t enter the theater tent and allowed Deo and the twins to lead their friends. Hamil already assigned a trained projector and laptop operator so they shouldn’t encounter any issues inside the movie theater and even the magic rune that controls the temperature was activated.

While the kids were watching the film, Mark, with the help of Nedertu, Milena, and her assistants prepared tables just outside the theater and once they were ready, he filled the table with food.

All of the circus customers that were in the queue in front of the ticket booth and those who were just lurking around were looking at the gorgeous and delicious looking food laid out on the tables and inquired about them asking if they were for sale or something. The circus people who were helping Mark answered the customers that it was food prepared for the children who were watching the movie.

The customers then asked if the children were rich and paid for the food and the circus people answered that everything was free since they were the friends of the owner of the movies who was a powerful wizard.

Mark and the others knew when the movie ended since the tent was suddenly filled with the kids’ cheers. Deo and the twins were the first to come out and when the twins saw the food that he prepared for their friends, they ran towards Mark and hugged him. Liriel, who was beside Mark, was giggling and laughing joyously at the twins’ grateful expression.

Deo approached Mark and asked what was the food for and he told Hamil’s kids that they were for their friends. Deo thanked Mark and when the kids exited the tent, Deo announced something to them loudly while all of the children were looking at the table full of exotic and delicious-looking food.

“Everyone! Tomorrow once the circus opens remember to come here so we can watch the second and third Star Wars movies! Remember that the reason why we’re allowed to watch them for free is to become better Jedi or Sith spaceship crew members! Now we have food! Everyone is allowed to eat the food on the table for free but remember to eat only until you’re full. If you keep eating even though you’re full already you will get sick and if something like that happens to you, you will not be allowed to watch the movies tomorrow, Understood!”

All the kids shouted their agreement and when Deo gave the go-ahead, all their organized behavior went out the window. Everyone scrambled to get as much food as they could hold and to Mark’s surprise, Deo and the twins joined their friends.

At first, he was going to scold everyone and tell them to slow down but Hamil stopped Mark. He was going to ask why Hamil stopped him but when he looked back at the kids, even though they looked chaotic, everyone was only making sure to get enough food to fill their bellies so he was relieved. He didn’t want to encounter the indigestion issue anymore.

Mark kept conjuring food inside a very small tent that was erected at the back to avoid prying eyes and Nedertu, Milena and her assistants kept bringing the food to the table. Soon everyone was full, even the nannies and the guards of the rich children who joined in on the fun with Hamil’s approval. Thankfully, the circus people didn’t join in since if they did, the feast would have been endless.

Even though the kids were full, the table was still full of food so Mark gave empty boxes to the poor kids and allowed them to fill them up with food so they could take them home but he only allowed them to bring home up to two boxes.

Even after all of the children were carrying two boxes filled with food there was still a lot of food on the tables so Mark asked Hamil to dispose of them. So those who were watching who were part of the circus were allowed to consume the food on the tables to the envy of the circus customers. Some customers even offered to pay for the food but of course, Hamil declined but Mark saw a twinkling in the circus leader’s eyes which meant that an idea to earn more coins was brewing at the back of his mind.

The children who were carrying boxes of takeaway food suddenly ran and followed Deo and the twins back to the RV to retrieve their Millennium Falcon golf cart and X-Wing Fighter golf cart so they could start playing again.

“You really loved the twins, Mark. Allowing their friends to watch the film and enjoy your food,” Hamil said.

“Yes, I love them. Someday, when every kid here is old, they will remember that at least at this moment in their lives, they encountered friends who let them learn the true meaning of being a kid. To enjoy food and play to their heart’s content,” Mark replied while carrying Liriel in his arms who was already napping.

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