Firm: Opal’s Story

Chapter 224

There isn’t much to do in Woodville right now. Jenny, the woman in charge of their guards told me they got information that two of the nearby slaver cities were wiped out by the horde. That should make it easier to get the last one, but I also won’t be getting as many points for the world quest. Probably. Apparently the people here want to take advantage of the slavers losing two cities and attack soon, but that will still be a few days. The 7th tier broke too much of their stuff, so they have to fix it before they’ll feel safe sending out a force. They’re letting me play in their dungeon while I wait, but so far it’s only given me weapons I don’t need.

Back at Opal’s Home with my Stone Queen body, I’m getting ready to be flown to Amber at her kids farm. “Do you think this outfit looks good enough?” I ask Citrine. I don’t have a mirror here, and I want to make sure I look my best to surprise my wife. She responds “You look amazing mom. I’m sure sis is going to love your surprise.” I do a little wiggle in the dress. Morganite made it for Amber originally, but adjusted it for me when she heard what I was doing. It’s black, shows off a lot of my cleavage, and has a fun skirt that poofs out when I spin.

“Now let’s get you out of here before her other body gets back from the brothel and ruins the surprise.” My daughter says and I quickly leave with her. Of course the others know not to mention my changes to Amber. Wearing a dress while flying through the air is interesting and helps me realize I forgot to put on panties. The wind is really strong and kind of fun. Well, I don’t think my wife will mind my lack of panties. I’ll have to get naked to show off my changes after all.

About half an hour later when we’re getting close, Citrine slows down and says “Okay we’re almost there. Just so I understand the plan, you’re going to use your piercing to swap places with her. Then I’m going to give you enough time to get ready on the bed before bringing her?” I nod. This way she won’t see me getting flown in by her sister and I can get in a sexy pose. It will probably throw her off being suddenly swapped places with, and it should add to her excitement. It might be unnecessary, but it sounded fun when Sapphire suggested it. I wiggle in excitement and activate the piercing’s ability.

*Lewd Scene* (Short)




I watch the bull that was behind me cum all over the bed, and both of them start looking around the dark room for me. “What was that for ma?” The one’s who’s cock was in my mouth asks, so I answer “Sorry you two. I switched places with Amber to surprise her. I didn’t mean to ruin your sex. I’m in a hurry though, so just ask her about it next time you see her.” They look startled by my voice, so I quickly leave the room. They finally get a look at me when I open the door to the hallway, and I hear one of them mumble “What the fuck.” as I rush to the building Amber is staying.

Pushing the skirt of my dress back down as I run, I’m glad it was blown up by the wind when I switched. I’m afraid if it wasn’t then it might have been ripped in the unfortunate accident. I make it to the big building and into the large room we used before. Citrine told me they kept the room for when their mother visited, so it wasn’t hard to find. I make sure there aren’t any wrinkles in the dress from the rough fucking, and lay on the bed in the sexiest pose I can think of… I change it a few times before hearing laughter coming from down the hall. It’s definitely my wife’s lovely voice.

The door swings open and Amber is standing there with a big smile, obviously holding back more laughter. When her eyes meet mine her face changes and her mouth opens slightly. “I was going to tease you wife, but what’s all this?” She asks looking my body up and down. I wiggle and yell “Surprise!” My flailing arms probably ruin my sexy pose, but I wasn’t expecting the excitement of finally showing my wife to hit me so hard. I hop off the bed and run into her arms.

This is my Amber, and she’s the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen. She catches me with her strong arms and spins me around like I saw Pops do to Snow earlier. I giggle before giving her a big kiss on the lips. It feels really good, so I’m a bit disappointed when it ends. She puts my feet back on the ground and says “This is a great surprise Opal. You look beautiful… I mean, you’ve always looked beautiful.” She blushes and it’s really cute. My wife continues while I stare into her orange eyes “What I’m trying to say is, let’s get your clothes off so I can get a better look at your surprise.”

I lift my arms with a smile. She quickly pulls the dress up and off my body, tossing it to the side. She looks shocked, so I wiggle in place so she can get a good look at my new piercings, marks, brands, and larger breasts. She finally asks “Are you blushing?” I wasn’t expecting her to say anything like that, so I’m caught off guard. I quickly grab my face with my hands and answer “I can’t be, I already checked and I don’t have blood.” She gently pulls my hands off my cheeks with a smile and says “You can blush now, and that’s my favorite part of this surprise.” I panic a bit. This means people will be able to tell when I’m embarrassed, won’t that just make it worse?

She cuts off my thoughts with another kiss. Her lips are so soft. When she pulls away I sigh in happiness and tell her “I love you Amber.” I see her eyes water and she replies “I love you Opal.” Strangely, it’s like I can actually feel the love for me in her words. My eyes start to water too and I hug my wife softly. I hear a chime, but ignore it. This feels so good. It’s filling me much better than any of the sex I’ve had since getting this weird new race. It’s confusing, but I don’t want it to end. Amber makes me feel more than full. I feel… complete.

We both end up crying and cuddling on the bed. I wanted the surprise to turn into sexual stuff, but I think this is much better now. I don’t know what’s so different about this race, but I’m seriously thinking about farming that dungeon for more cursed potions. After about an hour of silently enjoying each other’s cuddles, I finally start to explain all of these enhanced feelings to my wife. Of course I ask her a few times if she really saw me blush. Her response was the same every time “I did, and it was the cutest thing I’ve ever seen.”

Once I’m done explaining everything to her she shows me a wonderful smile and says “I’ve been hoping something would happen for a long time. I’m not sure if I can explain this right, just know I’m not trying to hurt your feelings.” I nod, knowing that she never would. She pokes the tip of my nose and tells me “Those are the feelings that everyone else has all the time. You’ve always felt a little… muted?” I’m confused, but I guess it shows on my face because my wife kisses me and says “I’ve always loved you and could tell that you loved me, even if your feelings weren’t strong, I still felt it.” Her voice starts to break but she manages to finish saying “I’m so happy that you can finally feel all of my love. I’m so happy..”

She starts crying in my arms again, and my mind races. The difference between this body and the others is so huge that it’s hard to describe. Is everyone else really born like this? Was I really missing something that everyone else had other than blood? Have I been a bad wife and mother without it? I shake my head as my eyes start to get wet again. No, if I was bad they wouldn’t like me so much. I can feel my wife’s love, so I’ll just do my best from now on. She deserves it.

Amber wipes her tears and snot on the sheets after a few minutes and declares “I want to spend lots of time with this body.” I giggle and respond “I agree, I’m all yours wife.” She nods cutely and adds “Since you’re all mine, those marks and brands are cute, but you should get them removed.” She wiggles a bit before mumbling “You can keep the piercings.” I laugh happily and agree to her demand. I can always have Garnet put #1 Mom on one of my other bodies. I only added them for her in the first place.

My wife says after a few more minutes of cuddling “I’m going to get Arhu’s mark removed from this body too. It will be nice to have a body without the constant reminder.” That’s what I thought she’d do, and Citrine was right about which body she’d keep the mark on. I shoot back a bit and point to my breasts asking “So what do you think about these? Should I keep them or go back to my normal size?” She grabs both of my breasts and smirks before replying “Keep them for now, they look great with the piercings.” I scoot closer again and give my wife another kiss.

“Do we go now to get everything removed? I’m not sure if your bother has gotten back from his quest yet.” I ask, and she seems to think before answering “One of us needs to stay here. There was a 7th tier in the last zombie attack on the farm, and my kids can’t deal with that yet.” I don’t know how I forgot, I just killed one in Woodville myself. Amber then suggests “We can take turns after cuddling for a few more hours. My brat from Jett should be feeling better now and can fly one of us there. She’s really fond of the bulls, so I think she might end up settling down here.” I think about it, and realize she’s talking about the Wyverkin woman that Citrine told me Jett named after my wife.

I didn’t set anything up with Citrine, since I planned on running to Jett’s town with Amber as one of those date things. Since we can’t go together, flying will be much better. I bury myself in my wife’s arms and take in all the wonderful feelings I get from cuddling with her. I ask with my voice muffled by her large breasts “Even the hand-print?” I really think that one looks sexy on my butt. I feel her grab my butt and turn my body a bit. “Oh, I didn’t see that one. It is pretty sexy… Okay, you can keep it for now since you like it so much.” I wiggle my butt happily in her grip.

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