Firm: Opal’s Story

Chapter 225

After another few hours of private time with my wife, she takes me to the Armory to get more uniforms. My larger breasts mean that I can’t just use ones I bought with my other body. So all I have with me right now is the beautiful dress that Morgan made for me. “It really would be a shame if it were ruined. I’ll hold on to it here and you can take a few regular uniforms with you to Jett’s town.” Amber says as I’m wiggling into the new shorts. I had plenty of time to tell her about the dungeons and my unfortunate run-ins with acid spit and exploding slimes.

“Do you think the dress will fit you too?” I ask her, and she holds it up in front of her chest. She finally answers “It might be a little tight, but since it was adjusted to your new breasts I think I can squeeze into it. I just won’t be able to move much.” I think about it and shake my head before telling her “We can see if your sister is willing to make you another one. She’s really good at that sewing stuff.” She nods and folds the dress in her arms before responding “Having matching dresses would be nice. We could wear them to that masked sex party in Barrier.” That’s a great idea, so I have to remember to ask Morgan about a second dress before I forget. The one that my son and his wife run makes everyone stand naked, but Jessica told me the newer one doesn’t. It should be a fun date.

Once I’m dressed, Amber leads me to one of the barns. Inside I see an orange scaled Wyverkin woman with the same colored hair. She’s breastfeeding two babies and seems to be reading them something from a book. “Brat, could you give your grandmother a lift to your father’s place?” My wife interrupts. The woman looks up at us and sticks her tongue out before answering “I already told you I’m not going back there mom.” She then turns to me and says “It’s nice to meet you grandma. Could you tell mom to stop calling me brat? She doesn’t like that my idiot father gave me her name.”

Amber doesn’t let me respond, saying “That’s not why I call you brat. I call you it because you are one.” They start arguing back and forth, but I can tell they’re having fun. So I just watch the cuteness for a few minutes. My granddaughter finally sighs and looks back at me saying “I’m really not going back grandma. Could you pass this back to that dumbass. I think he gave it to me so I’d come back.” I hear a chime and check my screens… Oh, I forgot I ignored one earlier.


Hidden Quest: Awakening (Complete)

Rewards: Restrictions for Awakened Objects removed, Historical Title

Amber has given you ownership of the land Love Roost

I had a hidden quest? I don’t remember ever getting one… is that why it’s hidden? Probably. I’m curious what Awakened Objects are. Maybe it’s a strong monster that I’ll have to fight now that its restrictions are removed. I’ll ask Citrine about it once I get to Love Roost. I guess that’s what Jett named his town, but I’m not sure why he would give it to his daughter. She should know him better than me, so it was probably bait to get her to come back. It makes sense. I don’t think I’ve ever seen the term Historical Title before. I’ll check it now.

(Historical)(Lonely Sentinel of Maternus)

That’s really strange. Why doesn’t it have any bonuses or a description? It’s also at the top of my Titles Menu, separated from the rest. I look at it for a little longer, but still can’t think of anything. I sigh, realizing it’s another thing I’m going to have to remember to ask Citrine about. I hope she doesn’t find so many questions annoying. I guess being the Landowner of Jett’s town until I can give it back to him will let me run there without getting lost. I’d still prefer getting carried, but I can understand why she would be against seeing her father right now.

I give my wife a kiss and tell her “It’s alright, if I run it won’t take too long.” She hugs me and then says “Okay wife. When you’re all done just use our piercing to swap with me. That way we don’t have to run back and forth.” That’s a good idea, and should also mean that there won’t be a time where either place is undefended by one of us. She smirks and adds “Tell sis that I’m looking forward to our next orgy together.” I agree of course. Amber told me all about how much fun they’ve been having with the bulls and cows here.

I can’t help but think about what happened when I swapped with my wife earlier. “Oh, what has my wife blushing now?” She asks and my eyes go wide. I forgot that could happen to this body now. I slap my hands onto my face and run away while yelling back at her “Love you wife!” Blushing is so embarrassing, it’s not fair that I have to do it even though I don’t have blood.

After leaving the farm I have to correct my direction, since I ran the wrong way. I would probably get lost in the forest without this tracking arrow.

About an hour later

I finally get to the cliff face surrounding the Wyverkin town. It’s pretty high, but if Amber could make it without jumping skills then so can I. I miss a handy looking ledge with my first jump, so I drop down and try again. It takes me about five minutes to get my jumps right before I’m at the top. A few of the Wyverkin guards stop me, but they’re led by one of my granddaughters that I helped at the arena a few days ago. She vouches for me.

After finding my way to Jett’s house, I knock on the door. If no one answers the door, then I’ll walk in. Luckily Citrine opens the door, but hides her body until she sees that it’s me. I get pulled inside by my daughter and she gives me a hug after the door is closed. “So how did it go with sis?” She asks and I answer with a smile “It was great. Thank you for helping me out. There was a small problem when I first swapped with her, and I only got ready in time because you were slow enough.” She giggles before replying “Amber told me about the problem. Did the dress end up damaged?” I shake my head and tell her most of what happened.

“You didn’t have sex at all? Well she’s your wife and it does sound cute at least.” she says. I look at her naked body and ask “Is your brother back yet?” Citrine looks down at her body and answers “Oh right. No I haven’t seen him. I’m just using his mirror and seeing if I want to swap out any of my piercings. It’s still only been a couple days, so we shouldn’t worry too much. There are a few Quests on the Board here that can take up to a week.” I nod, since Jim told me about it last time we had sex. I tell her “I’m supposed to give him back the land ownership, but I’m not married to him so I can’t transfer it without seeing him. His daughter said he probably gave it to her to lure her back.” Now that I think about it, doesn’t that mean that they are married?

Citrine seems to think before saying “That does sound like something he would do, but it’s weird that he’d leave on a long quest right after. Maybe he’s hoping that she’ll miss him… Well men do stupid things all the time for people they love. We’ll just have to wait till he’s back.” This is why Amber sent me to get the mark removed first. If it takes him a few more days to get back, she’ll be a lot less bored on the farm than I will. I tell my angel daughter “I’m going to go upgrade their slime dungeon. Do you want to come along?” There’s no reason to waste my time as Landowner, and I want to see if the 20th floor’s boss will hate me and have an extra item too. She shakes her head and answers “Sorry mom. I have a meeting with a few of my nieces soon. You can come to that instead if you want.”

I think about it, but decide that I’m more interested in the dungeon right now. Of course I use the mirror to remove the brands other than the hand-print on my butt before leaving. If I wait too long to do it I might forget. After that I head straight to the slime dungeon. Luckily the orbs I left in a chest after teaching my son about dungeons are still there, so I won’t have to do a bunch of runs with gross exploding slimes. Upgrading the dungeon is easy, but as I’m about to enter and head towards the 20th floor, I hear from behind me. “Here you are Opal. I was worried I wouldn’t be able to catch you today.”

Looking behind me I see Jim and smile at him. “Hi Jim. Did you want to check out the new dungeon floors with me?” He seems to look around me, but shakes his head and responds. “Maybe later. Why don’t you come to my place for a bit?” He is really handsome and I was starting to regret my decision not to do sex stuff with Amber before coming back. I bite my lip before answering “Okay, let’s go to your place. I can come back here later.” Since he’s so into the pretend about cheating on his dead wife, he’ll kick me out before dark anyway. I add “Let me go tell my daughter where I’ll be. I’m waiting for my son to get back and don’t want to miss it.”

Jim seems hesitant, but once I assure him that she wouldn’t tell his wife he agrees. I sigh since the play can be really annoying at times. I’d probably feel bad going to find someone else just because he’s so attached to his dead mate though. So I quickly run back to Jett’s house and give my daughter directions to Jim’s in case my son comes back. She’s getting dressed again when I show up, and after telling her she winks at me and says “I won’t interrupt you unless it’s something important mom. Go have some fun.” I thank her and rush to Jim’s place. Thinking about it made me horny again.

When I get to his place he lets me in and immediately gives me a kiss. I move my hands into his shirt and start feeling his sexy abs. Before I can stick my tongue in his mouth, he stops our kiss by pulling back. Jim grins at me and says “My wife took the longest quest on the board so she won’t be back for a week. It’s just you and me without any sneaking around at night.” I smile, happy that he likes me enough to come up with such an excuse. It’s a good thing I told Citrine where I would be, but I’ll probably head to the dungeon tomorrow anyway. I just have to convince the cute man to come with me so he doesn’t feel left out.

I play along with him and take off his shirt while saying “So she won’t be here to get in our way tonight. I’ll make sure to be extra loud.” I watch the bulge in his pants get bigger and smile. At least his odd fetish makes it easy to get him ready and keep him going. I really wonder if he took a breeder class with all that stamina he has during sex. He growls in my ear and says in a strong voice “I’ll make sure you squeal.” I wiggle in excitement and carry him to the bedroom. These walls won’t survive long if I don’t. After I toss him on the bed he tells me “I should be the one carrying you babe. I think the slave needs a little punishment.”

I nod eagerly, happy to switch to slave play instead. I’m sure he’ll change it back to cheating later, but at least for now it’s something different. He hops off the bed and orders me “Take off your shorts and show me my mark.” I guess it’s a good thing I kept it. I take off my shorts, kicking them to a corner before bending over the bed and wiggling my butt.

I hear a loud smack and feel his hand hitting my ass. It doesn’t hurt, instead I let out an involuntary moan. I’m not sure why it feels so good to be spanked with this body, but I wiggle again and ask “Punish me more master.” When I look back trying out my best pleading eyes I see him shaking his hand. He blows on his hand before replying “I think my slave needs a different punishment while my hand heals.” I guess he tried a little too hard and hurt himself.

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