Firm: Opal’s Story

Chapter 226

*Lewd Scene*




When I come down from the high, Jim is pushing me onto the bed and spreading my legs for more fun. He clicks his tongue and mumbles “Damn, thought I could try it before..” I smile up at him and say “That was amazing Master. If you wanted to try something I could help.” He blushes and admits “I kind of wanted to fuck you while you were still unconscious.” I think about it and tell him. “I’m pretty good at falling asleep. How long do you want to do it for?” I don’t have to sleep, so I usually have to force myself, and I’ve gotten used to it.

He grins and asks “Really? Um, let me think about how long…” He looks me in the eye after a few seconds and says “You’ve been really good to me Opal. I think it’s time I make things a little more official. Show me my mark.” I’m not sure what he means, but I flip over and show him my butt. I feel him place his hand on the brand and hear a chime. I hope he didn’t get rid of it, it’s so sexy… I check the screen to be sure.

Your master (Jim) has upgraded your status

You are now a Breeding Concubine in his Harem

As the First member of his Harem your rights are only second to his wife (Kaitlin)

Your quest as a Breeding Concubine is to produce children for your Master. If another member is more productive, they may take your spot as First. Rewards will be based on the number of children conceived and ranking within the Harem. Penalties for children birthed from other men.

Cannot take other Quests while a Breeding Concubine

It makes me happy that he likes me enough to do that. I have to admit that I’ve grown pretty attached to the man despite his peculiarities. I check my Status just to make sure, but Amber is still listed as the only spouse of this body. There is a spot under that saying

Harem: (Jim’s) #1

I’ve never seen the term harem before, but from the screen I can probably assume it’s something like marriage, but not as serious. I didn’t have to accept after all and it didn’t say that part about it being blessed by the System. Well, it’s still sweet of him and I don’t think I know him well enough to marry him with one of my bodies. Maybe once I’ve developed deeper feelings for him I can bring a different body up for it. Jett is the only man I’ve ever married and that was just so he could have the second body… I’ll spend some time with Jim and if I feel better about it I’ll ask Amber and we can go from there.

The not being able to take quests thing isn’t good, but as long as I have to wait for Jett to come back it will be fine. I wonder what kind of rewards I can get from it? I wiggle my butt and tell him “Thank you Jim, I love it.” He spanks my wiggling butt and I correct myself after giggling “I mean, Thank you for accepting me as a Breeding Concubine Master. Can we start on my quest right away?” I yelp as he flips me over, but he quickly seals my lips with his own. I’m liking him more and more, he’s nice, fun to have sex with, and that body… Jim presses his large cock into me and I release a pleasure-filled moan into his handsome lips.

Almost two days later

I walk out of Jim’s house with a big smile on my face. He really has been treating me so good over the past couple days. When we weren’t having sex we were talking about life and other silly things. Of course he had to sleep once, but it was entertaining to watch him snore and flop around. I’m glad Citrine didn’t have to interrupt us, but I’m about to give birth, so it’s a good time to check in with her. I rub my belly and start making my way to Jett’s place.

I knock on the door and wait, but my daughter doesn’t answer. I decide to just go inside, but hear a voice behind me and turn around. “Wow, you’ve been busy mom. Did you have fun.” Citrine asks with a big grin and I nod answering “It was great sweetie.” I enter the house with her and ask “Is your brother still not back? He must have taken that 7 day quest.” She agrees with my guess and we talk about what we’ve been doing until I start pushing out eggs.

An hour later

“It sounds like you really like this guy mom. I’m not sure I’d be willing to be in a Harem for a guy who has a dead wife still listed in his status… I guess it might sound a little romantic for some people.” I tell her “I didn’t like it at first, but the more I got to know him the more I thought it was nice. Doesn’t it show that he’s willing to love her even after she’s gone?” I left his fetishes out of my explanations since they are private. It would be rude to go around telling other people. I did realize on the first day that he wants to have sex with his daughter Glory. I wonder if she’ll become a member of the Harem too? Luckily having this race means I don’t have to worry about my #1 spot being taken.

Citrine picks up a rock with some scale patterns on it and asks “So what are these?” I look at my silly daughter and answer “They’re my babies of course, can’t you tell?” She gives me a weird look and says “It just says Rock though.” I nod and correct her “It says Rock level 1. It came out of me like the eggs so what else would it be but a baby?” She sighs and gently puts it back down next to a sleeping Wyverkin baby. “Your race is Stone Queen..” She finally admits and I pick up one of my Rock babies. After rubbing it against my cheek I ask her “What do you think I should name them? They can’t talk yet, so should I just wait and ask them later?”

My daughter finally says “What about doing numbers like my secret agent kids?” I think about it but shake my head and sigh. I’ll think of something, there only three of them this time, so numbering them isn’t needed. “Hey mom. Is it okay if I bring the babies to my friend’s place? I know you’re dying to get back to Jim and my friends have been depressed about losing their mates. I think a bunch of cute babies could help raise their mood. She told me about her nieces that left their mates after getting cured. Apparently they built a big house and moved in together. Thinking about it I agree, but tell her “You have to make sure the kids learn about dungeons and get levels. This place is too dangerous for lower tiers to just walk around.”

She agrees and before I head back to Jim she says “I’m almost back to Barrier with Neil and his friend. Didn’t you mention some sort of party?” I thank her for reminding me, and start walking towards Pop’s place with my Bunny body. Of course I give all 315 babies a kiss on the head before walking back to Jim’s with my Stone Queen body.

Once I get to his place, I knock on the door and am quickly greeted by my Harem master. He pulls me into the house and towards the bedroom. I giggle since it’s cute that he’s so eager to get me pregnant again. I brought an extra uniform this time and after he pushes me onto the bed I ask “Can you rip off my clothes Master? I want you to ravage me.” He leaps onto the bed with me and lets out a masculine growl as he rips off my shirt with both hands. My breast spill free and he throws the tatters to the side. I feel the excitement filling me again, and shudder in anticipation as he grabs my shorts. This is everything I was hoping for, and I still have panties for after he destroys my shorts.

Suddenly there’s a knock on the front door. I look at him with pleading eyes, but he sighs and says “Go hide in the bathroom. My daughter is supposed to check on me today, and if I take too long she might get suspicious.” I frown, but move to the bathroom, closing the door. He’s going to have to make up for stopping half way. I can understand not making his daughter wait, but he didn’t have to bring the cheating play into it. Now my mood is a little soured.

I decide to check myself out in the mirror as I wait. I really should ask him where everyone is getting them. That way I can bring one to Opal’s Home. I’m sure my daughters would love it. I hear some yelling, but it’s muffled and I can’t understand what it’s about. It doesn’t last long though, and I hear calmer voices enter the bedroom next to where I’m hiding. I put my ear up to the door, curious what they could be talking about. “I said I’ll think about it Daddy. I’m still a virgin and mom said some guys like that. If he accepts me then the answer will be no.” I hear a feminine voice say. That must be his daughter. She’s probably talking about my son. He told me earlier he was going to accept her as a mate, so I don’t think Glory will have to worry.

I wonder what he’s asking her about, but then remember a lot of the pretending we did. He says “Papa understands. Don’t tell your mother I asked you.” So he even does that with his daughter. Well, I knew he was really into it I just didn’t think it extended to his normal relationships too. I hear a smack and some stomping that gets further away. I think the front door slams and not long after Jim opens the door to the bathroom. It doesn’t sound like his daughter is going to want to join the Harem, so I’ll go easy on him for stopping half-way. He has a big smile on his face though, so maybe I’m wrong.

*Lewd Scene*




The next morning

I hear a knock at the door, and pull my mouth off of Jim’s cock. I lick the last bit of cum off his tip and grab my clothes before winking at him and running into the bathroom. I see him grabbing the bed-sheets and tossing them into the bathroom with me before the door closes. We were about to take a break anyway, so I don’t mind hiding this time. He did just give me my second orgasm of the visit. Pretending his wife is still alive and he’s cheating helps him fuck me harder, so it would be silly to stop.

I look in the mirror and brush my hair a bit with my fingers. It’s gotten pretty messy, but for some reason seeing it makes me smile.

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