Firm: Opal’s Story

Chapter 227

After fixing my hair to an acceptable level in the mirror, I decide to take a bath. I don’t know how long the visitor is going to take, but one time he had a friend over for an hour loudly talking about boring stuff. I don’t see a reason to subject myself to that again, so I might as well wash up. As I soak in the water, I rub my belly. It doesn’t get bigger because of that skill, but I know my babies are in there. I giggle to myself, happy about how things are turning out with Jim. If I can convince him to go on a date somewhere I might just make him my first real husband. If he can’t give up the spot of his dead wife then there’s nothing I can do about it. I’ll be happy to be in his Harem while I’m here. Maybe there’s a position other than Breeding Concubine that would let me take other quests.

After daydreaming in the bath for about half an hour, I get out and dry off using one of the towels hanging on the wall. I’ll have to remember to try and get one of those for my bathroom. I hear a loud “Fuck that hurt!” From the bedroom. The voice sounds familiar, so I place my ear against the door quickly. “Did you just brand me?” Glory asks in an angry tone. I then hear her father answer “It’s needed if you want me to get you pregnant on a regular basis.” The woman’s angry voice snaps back “Isn’t branding me a bit too much?” Oh, so there might actually be a new Harem member soon. Jim says in a calm voice “You won’t get the bonuses of being a Harem member if I can’t make you a member Glory.”

Its a long thirty seconds as I’m listening until she finally responds “Fine. I just don’t know how I’m going to explain the brand to my husband.” Oh, was she already married. I guess she wasn’t talking about my son yesterday… wait, maybe this is part of the play. Will they both be pretending to cheat? I guess if Jim has someone else to do that with maybe he’ll be more receptive towards other fun stuff with me. She says something that I can’t make out, and I hear him tell her “Just tell him it’s a birthmark or scar.” I hear her growl this time before saying “You need to be-” She gets quieter half-way through. I can’t hear anything else except some sounds muffled by the door, until there’s a chime.


New Breeding Concubine added to (Jim’s) Harem

Due to your current contributions (Glory) will start as #2

Oh, those muffled sounds must have been sex. It will be interesting to see what having another woman around will be like. I still haven’t gotten my rewards yet, but Citrine told me that Harem rewards are only given by the System once a week. She said she had a friend who was in one once, but she was blushing a lot so I think she wasn’t telling me everything. I start to wonder why he doesn’t just let me out of the bathroom if she’s already a concubine, but then I hear him yell “Opal get in here!” I guess he’s going to introduce us now. I did see her briefly a couple other times, but it wasn’t much.

I walk into the bedroom and see Glory bottomless and passed out on the bed. She must have really enjoyed herself. Jim walks up to me and gives me a hug saying “This is your new Harem sister Glory. Can you take care of her while I wash off and head out for a bit?” I give him a kiss and respond “Of course. I already washed up myself while waiting.” He lets go of our hug and heads towards the bath telling me “Sorry you had to wait so long babe, but I got you a new sister out of it.” I’m not sure why he keeps saying she’s my sister. Maybe it’s a Harem thing. I’ll have to ask Citrine about it later.

I sit on the bed next to Glory while he bathes, but he doesn’t take very long. Did he even get clean? Well he would know his body better than me, so I watch his sexy body get dressed in front of me. Maybe if I watch it enough I’ll know it better than he does. A few minutes after he leaves the house, I watch Glory start to wake up. She opens her eyes and quickly sits up after seeing me. She then coughs and rubs her neck. I noticed it was red earlier, maybe Jim choked her too. I should tell him to be more careful with people that aren’t as tough as me. The red mark disappears off her neck shortly after she touches it, so I think she has a Healer class. I ask “Are you alright?” and she stares at me before sighing.

Glory answers “No, but I’ll be fine. Did he get you into the Harem the same way?” I think about it before nodding. We did have a lot of rough sex, but he didn’t explain it to me first like with her, so I guess it’s a little different. She clicks her tongue just like Jim does, so she must have learned it from him. I tell her “If you’re still sore I can help you wash up.” She uses a finger to wipe some blood and cum off of her leg before staring at it. Finally she lowers her head and nods. I guess that means she wants help, so I easily pick her up being as gentle as I can. Carrying her to the bathtub is easy, but she still winces when I put her down.

I’ll definitely have to talk to him later about being too rough. Since Jim drained the water after using it, I’m going to have to fill it from the Well. Jim showed me last time where it was in the back yard and said I didn’t have to worry about getting dressed since the fence is tall enough. I tell her “Just wait here sis, I’ll go get the water.” She smiles at me and responds “Thanks… sis.” As I’m getting water I wiggle with happiness. I’ve never had a sister before, so I just called her sis like my daughters do to each other. It feels nice. This Harem thing is pretty great.

Once the bath is full, I get in behind her and start helping her wash off. She doesn’t talk much, but I’m sure we’ll have plenty of time to get to know each other. After I finish drying her off she asks me “Can you carry me to the spare room, this one is dirty.” I pick her up and carry her there. Jim and I fucked there once, but the bed is smaller so it wasn’t as much fun. When I lay her down she opens her arms to me. I know what that means so I lay next to her and let her cuddle me. “It hurts sis.” She says before crying into my chest. Remembering how my daughters described the pain of their first time, I stroke her hair and tell her “I know. It will get better.”

She cries in my arms like that for much longer than I expected. It makes me think more about why she would be crying so much over the pain. She’s a Healer right? My thoughts are interrupted by Jim getting back. He finds us in the spare room and grins before asking “How are my two slaves getting along. I took a walk to clear my head, so I think we could try out a threesome now.” I see Glory glare at her father, so I tell him “She’s still not feeling well Master. I’ll go with you.” He clicks his tongue but says “She asked for it… Fine, I’ll see you in my room.” I’m not really in the mood, but I don’t want Glory thinking she has to do it. If she’s still hurting she should rest.

About 4 days later

Glory splashes me with water in the bath while giggling. I splash her back with a smile. After a little bit of back and forth she sighs and gets a more serious face. She then asks me “So my mom is coming back soon right?” I nod since that’s the story Jim originally came up with. We don’t get a lot of time alone like this, so I prefer to talk about more interesting things. My new sister tells me “That means I need to head back to my husband. Could you promise me that you won’t tell him about how I got the brand?” I nod to that too and say “I promise sis, but you should be honest with your husband.” Even if it’s pretend, it’s still hard for me to endorse cheating.

She chuckles and then sighs again before saying “I really hate this brand.” I’m surprised so I ask “The hand-print? I thought it was a little sexy.” She splashes me with water again before responding “I’m serious Opal. I don’t want him to see it.” Well, I guess people can have different tastes, so I tell her “Show me your butt.” She gives me a confused look before shrugging and turning her butt towards me “Jealous sis?” My sister asks while wiggling her cute little butt at me. I giggle to myself since mine is of course way cuter. Touching her mark, I use my ability to remove brands on Land that I own. Jett still hasn’t come back, so Love Roost technically still counts.

She yelps and twists her butt away from me. Then she seems to freeze and look at a screen. Glory then hits me on the shoulder and asks while checking out her own butt “You could do that the whole time?” Well yeah, but I didn’t know she didn’t like how the mark looked. She lightly taps where her brand was a few times and then adds “I’m still in the Harem.” I nod since I already tested it on myself when I was bored hiding in the bathroom. Of course I had him put mine back on because I actually like how it looks.

She gives me a big hug before saying “Thanks sis, now I don’t have to make up an excuse for the dumb mark.” We chat and play around in the bath for longer than usual since we probably won’t see each other for a few days and we’ve gotten used to each other’s company. When I’m about to put my shirt on, I hear a chime and decide to check my screens. First is all the pregnancy ones I’ve been ignoring.


I got a Mark? Where? I run into the bathroom and use the mirror since Glory looks like she’s reading screens too. It means I’ll have to get dressed again, but I need to find the mark… After searching a bit and not finding anything, my Harem sister comes into the bathroom with me and asks “What rewards did you get for the Harem sis… wait, why are you naked again?” Oh so that must be what the most recent chime was for. I tell her “I’m looking for a new mark. I had a screen that told me I had one.”

She helps me out by looking in some of my harder to see places, but we come to the conclusion that I don’t have one or it’s too small to see. That’s pretty weird since I don’t think the system has lied about something like that before. The message was different than when Jett gave me Marks though. I place a hand on my hip and try to think, but a screen pops up in front of my face.

No Penis found. Penetration not required.

Place Philanderers Mark on (Opal)? Y/N

Philanderers Mark is placed on the right hip bone of the target and increases litter size when cheating.

Wait… does that mean it’s a mark that I can give other people? I have to test it out, so I select Yes. A cute little swirl pattern shows up on my hip bone. I kind of like it. Glory asks “Did you just do that?” I nod and smile and am about to ask if she wants it too, but quickly remember something. Using the mirror to touch the Mark I still haven’t gotten Jett to take off, I hope it works.

No Penis found. Penetration not required.

Remove Mark on (Opal)? Y/N

Removing the Marks of others is draining.

I do a happy wiggle dance and hug my sister before selecting Yes. The mark disappears and my breasts hurt before shrinking a bit. Oh right. That’s what I got that mark for. I’m going to need so many breast potions to make up for it… Well Amber wanted the marks gone, so it’s worth it. Now I’ll be able to remove everyone’s marks for them, so they don’t have to do sex stuff with Jett. I was a bit worried about Onyx before since I don’t think she even gives other people blowjobs. Thinking about it, I remove #1 Mom and even the hand-print brand. My own mark is more useful right now, since the System should consider anyone that isn’t married to me as cheating. Probably.

All I’m left with is the new mark on my hip and my piercings. It feels a little refreshing. Glory is still staring at me with a confused face, so I explain what happened to her and she says “I can’t take your mark yet, but if it gets me better rewards from the Harem next time, I’ll let you put it on me. We just have to remember to remove it before I see my husband again.” Right, we were supposed to hurry, so I quickly get dressed again and leave the house with Glory. She gives me a hug once I’ve walked her to the cliff surrounding the town and tells me “Thanks again for everything Opal. It’s nice to have a sister like you.” I blush, but I’m used to doing it in front of her now, so I just respond “You’re my only sister Glory, so that makes you the best one.”

She giggles at that since it’s something she got me to start saying. Neither of us had a sister before, so it applies to both of us and is what she called an inside joke. As she flies off, I finally check the screen that should have my Harem rewards for the week.

1st Week Rewards (Jim’s Harem)

#1 Spot / 1387 Children Birthed / No Penalties


Reward: Random reward below Legendary Grade


I’m about to accept, but Glory lands in front of me again and says “There’s an undead climbing up the cliff. I saw it when I looked back and it looks mean. Can you find someone strong to get rid of it?” I’m surprised, but before I can answer she flies off again yelling back at me “Thanks sis!” I just shake my head at her and go to look down the edge of the cliff.

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