Firm: Opal’s Story

Chapter 228

Looking over the edge of the cliff it takes me a while to see the zombie that Glory told me about, but I finally spot it. It’s the same kind that was giving Woodville a problem before showing up. This one isn’t very fast at climbing cliffs though. I probably have a while before it gets to the top. I turn and head for Jett’s house to get Citrine. She’ll probably want to see the 7th tier before I smash it. I run since it’s still dangerous to the people here once it does get over the top. They haven’t had as much time to level and they didn’t have my experience bonuses… Well I guess they have them now, but it’s only been about a week.

I don’t knock on the door and just rush in calling out “Citrine!” I hear her voice from the bathroom and rush there. “Hey mom, what’s up?” She asks from the tub. I hurry and tell her about the zombie climbing the cliff and she sighs before standing and starting to dry off. “I can’t even have a nice bath. Apparently since no one has seen my brother in a while, some people think I killed him to take his house.” She explains while getting ready. I tell her “That’s silly. Although it has been over a week since he left. Do you think he got lost?” I know how easy it is to get lost, and since he gave ownership away he wouldn’t have the handy arrow.

She responds while pulling up her shorts and shaking herself into them “No I don’t think he’s lost mom. Last time I checked he’s still married to my niece so he should be able to use her for directions.” Oh yeah, I forgot about that. Well, she didn’t tell me I just kind of assumed since he could transfer ownership to her without seeing her. Usually the people you’re married to share ownership, but we tested it and there’s always a main owner. The spouse can’t give the land to someone else as an example of the difference. She could give me ownership because he had already shifted the main ownership to her.

We finally get out of the house and head towards the cliff where I saw the zombie. When we get there, there are 3 men dropping rocks off the cliff. I ask them “Are you trying to hit the zombie?” I guess it could be interesting for them since it’s so slow. One of them turns around and looks at us before getting a surprised face and yelling “It’s the witch! Scatter!” The other two turn at the same time, and then they all run off in different directions. I’m not sure how they knew I had the witch title or why they’d run, but I just hear my daughter sigh next to me. “I’m going to need and extra long bath after this to relax.” she says and we both look over the edge.

I ask her “Do we just wait for it to get up? I could try to jump on it, but it would take a minute to get back up here if you don’t fly me.” Citrine shakes her head and responds “We’ll wait. It would probably just dodge if you jumped. Falling isn’t as fast as one of your punches or kicks.” It’s easy to understand her reasoning, so I nod and watch the zombie slowly climb up with my daughter. “Oh, I have good news sweetie. I can remove Marks now.” She turns to me and asks “Really? That is good news. I didn’t want to say anything earlier since everyone was looking forward to getting Arhu’s Mark removed, but I don’t think Jett is coming back.”

That surprises me so I ask her about it and she explains “Well he’s been gone for more than a weak, Amber… my niece not my sister, is still married to him so he’s not just lost, and he told you to tell us he’s sorry before he flew off.” I nod along, not understanding what she’s trying to get at yet. Then she finishes by saying “I think Jett felt bad about what he’d done and ran away. Almost none of his daughters were willing to even talk to him after we cured them, and I can image that was probably pretty devastating for him.”

If that’s the case then I feel a little bad about it. I wouldn’t have done anything different, since they deserve to make their own choices, but if he feels that bad about it then it shows that he didn’t do it on purpose. I hope he can stay safe until he decides to come back. “It’s almost up so get ready.” Citrine reminds me. The zombie is grinning at us and it’s kind of creepy. It finally jumps up the last few feet, but before it even lands I grab it by the throat. I found that’s the best place if I don’t want to kill the zombie right away, since it won’t be able to bite my arm. It growls at us and flails, so I ask my daughter “Do you want to kill it, it’s probably good experience for you.” She’s still not 7th tier but she should be getting close. She just needs to make up for those months spent in the Lop dungeon and then addicted to her brother.

“Thanks mom. Hold him tight for me.” She says while creating a sword made of light. It’s a skill she got recently and says it’s much easier than carrying a big sword everywhere. The thing screeches as she slashes it. Jessica says the 7th tier zombies seem to take less damage than usual from lower tier Players. 7th tier Players do normal damage. After about half a minute, she finally cuts into the things head, cleaving it in two. “Oh sorry, did I hit your fingers?” She asks and I look at them but don’t see any damage, so I tell her “It doesn’t look like it. So now that that’s dealt with, what do you think we should do about the Land Rights?”

She shrugs before responding “Just keep them for now. You’re going to have to stay here if the zombies learned to climb cliffs anyway. Maybe we could make it an incentive for the first Player to reach 7th tier. That way they level faster and we can leave them alone sooner.” It sounds like a smart idea, so I tell her “I like that idea. Oh right, can you fly your sisters that want their marks removed here? I tried it with my other bodies but it doesn’t work.” She sighs again and answers “Fine, but you have to move a second body to the dungeon with the fox cores. I want to see your Eidolon body with fluffy ears as soon as possible.” I agree to her terms and immediately send another one of my bodies over to Ruby’s Rest. She flies up into the air and tells me “Wait at Jett’s place. I’ll tell the patrols to keep an eye out for climbing zombies and ask you for help if they see any.”

I don’t see anything wrong with that, so I wave goodbye and start walking back. She’s so helpful. I should work extra hard to get those broken fox cores. I don’t have a lot to do other than getting experience in dungeons and guarding cities from 7th tier zombies. By the time Woodville was ready to take out the last slaver city, it was already destroyed by another horde. Citrine was right when she said that a lot of cities would probably fall around the 2nd year mark. It’s not New Years yet, but the zombies will already be a problem for most smaller places. Jessica even changed her plans for using one of the slaver cities after the 7th tiers started showing up. Now I have to defend them until Jessica can send diplomats to convince them to move closer to us.

When I get back to the room, I place my Rock babies on the bed and then lay in the middle of them. They’re so cute, so I’ll spend this time with them. Maybe they’ll be able to talk sooner if I teach them stuff.

About 40 minutes later

“So it’s important to make sure you or your partner is wet before pushing it in. Otherwise it’s not going to be fun for one of you.” I finish explaining just as I hear the door open. A horned head pokes around the corner and I smile at my daughter. Onyx asks “Can you really take it off mom… and why are you laying on a bed with a bunch of rocks.” I sit up and answer “They’re your siblings and we were cuddling. Get over here so I can get rid of your Mark for you.” She runs to the side of the bed with excited eyes and Citrine comes into the room behind her. It’s Citrine’s other body though, the one that isn’t covered in marks and piercings.

Touching the mark on my daughter’s stomach I hear a chime and smile before checking it.

No Penis found. Penetration required.

That’s not what I was expecting to see. Didn’t it say no penetration required when I removed my own? Maybe it’s different because it was on me… How am I supposed to penetrate my daughters if none of us have penises? I’ll try something before worrying. I tell Onyx “Open your mouth.” and she quickly does so. I take my other hand and poke a couple of my fingers in her mouth while still touching the Mark.


Remove Mark on (Onyx)? Y/N

Of course I select yes, and my daughter winces, biting my finger a little. “Okay all done sweetie, go over there and check yourself. It’s called a mirror.” I tell her and she instead looks down at her stomach before crying. Citrine and I both hug her. I know that it’s a happy cry, but I don’t think she’ll mind hugs. She manages to get composed pretty quickly, wiping her eyes and saying “This means a lot to me mom. Now my cute boy won’t be so down every time he looks at my stomach.” I know by cute boy she means her husband. She was calling him that before she even met him.

When I remove Citrine’s mark she sucks on my finger and winks at me, but doesn’t cry like her sister. I tell her “Remind me once everyone is done to thank you properly for helping.” She grins and responds “Amber, Amber and I had another orgy planned with the bulls and cows tonight. How about you swap with your wife? I’m going to be bringing her cow body out for it, so if you swap with her elf body she can defend Love Roost while we party.” It takes me a few second to realize my daughter didn’t mention my wife twice. Instead she just also mentioned my granddaughter who has the same name.

It sounds like fun though and I haven’t been to an orgy with this new race yet, so it should be interesting. Before they leave Citrine says “Amber is the last. Ruby said she doesn’t mind the Mark anymore and it gives her too many good things… Oh, Amber says she’ll wait to have the mark removed. She says she’ll tell you why at the party tonight.” I nod and say goodbye to my daughters. I’ll see them with other bodies soon anyways, so there’s no reason to keep them here. I’m pretty sure I already know what my wife is going to say about the mark. She has been trying really hard to unlock all the stuff in her Special class, so I bet she’s waiting for that.

I close the front door and head for the bed filled with my cute babies. I have more teaching to do before the party tonight.

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