Free Shinobi in Naruto(With Divine Purple Card)

Ch144- Alternative Life

Lifting a hand, Kai summoned a flickering image that hovered before them. It was the vivid design of the Lotus Seal, its petals intricately detailed and glowing with a pulsating, azure hue.

"This," Kai began, his voice carrying a tone of clarity, "is the Lotus Seal. A culmination of my extensive research into the very essence of chakra." The image of the seal began to enlarge, allowing them to discern its delicate patterns and the flow of chakra within. "While it may appear as a mere tattoo on your back, its capabilities far surpass its subtle manifestation."

Hinata, her eyes fixed on the design, softly questioned, "What does it grant us, Kai-sensei?"

Kai's gaze shifted to the hovering seal, then back to the two women. "The seal acts as a bridge, connecting your consciousness to mine. Should the need arise, you can relay messages, thoughts, or intentions directly through it, allowing us to maintain a covert, telepathic communication."

Kurotsuchi, her usually composed face reflecting a hint of astonishment, remarked, "So, it's like a direct line to you."

Kai nodded, "Correct. But its true strength lies in its power augmentation. Harnessing the potency of Nature Chakra, it empowers you with abilities that even surpass Orochimaru's cursed seal."

Hinata's hand instinctively went to the location of her new seal, tracing the invisible design beneath her clothes. "This strength... is it safe to wield?"

Kai continued, "Absolutely. Unlike many seals, the Lotus doesn't only gift you with strength, but also regulates the chakra flow in your body. Think of it as a guardian, ensuring you don't tip into dangerous territory. It prevents the risk of chakra overload, guarding you from potential harm."

Kurotsuchi mulled over the implications. "So, it's a power enhancer and a protector? Quite a combination."

"It is," Kai agreed. "Additionally, it refines your chakra control, particularly over Nature Chakra. The precision and finesse you'll be able to exercise with your abilities will be unparalleled."

Hinata's eyes sparkled with renewed determination. "How do we access its full potential?"

"Practice. As you grow familiar with the seal, you'll begin to discern its nuances, optimizing its capabilities. Remember, unlike other seals, this one will never deform your appearance. It's designed to merge harmoniously with your being."

Kurotsuchi chimed in, "It almost sounds too good to be true. What's the catch?"

Kai's gaze bore into hers, a silent testament to the gravity of what he was about to share. "The Lotus Seal is a privilege, not a right. With its capabilities, comes responsibility. It's an asset in battle, but also a tool of trust between us. Misuse it, and you jeopardize that trust."

Both Hinata and Kurotsuchi nodded, understanding the weight of his words.

Kai gestured towards the forest's edge. "Now, let's put the seal to the test. Ready yourselves."

Walking toward Naruto, Kai articulated a simple command: "Sit."

The demand interfered with Naruto's concentration, causing his RasenShuriken, vibrant and perilously pulsating, to verge on a catastrophic explosion. However, Kai, poised and unbothered, lifted a hand, promptly absorbing all the spiraling chakra with the Preta Path abilities he'd recently mastered. The imminent danger dissolved into a faint glimmer of light, then nothingness.

Naruto's eyes ballooned in awe, his jaw dangling loosely, "That is so cool!" The words bounced through the field, resonating with a childlike amazement. He eyed Kai hopefully, bouncing slightly, "Teach me, sensei!"

Kai, unswayed by the enthusiastic plea, repeated, "Sit. Let’s deal with the fox problem inside you."

Naruto's buoyant demeanor wilted into a pout, yet he complied, his frame folding obediently onto the ground. Previous attempts to control the Nine Tails with Jiraiya hadn’t borne fruit, and although he recognized Kai's prodigious abilities, a seed of doubt lingered within him, pondering the potential effectiveness of this new approach.

Kai approached him, eyes reflecting a quiet determination as he squatted down before the blonde ninja. He placed a gentle, yet firm hand atop Naruto’s head.

"Listen," Kai began, his voice an echoing whisper through the silent training ground, "the Nine Tails is not an enemy, nor a tool. It's a part of you, a fragment of your essence, molded by years of solitude and pain."

Naruto’s azure eyes, reflecting pools of confusion and curiosity, locked onto Kai’s. His voice, barely more than a breath, uttered, "But it’s always been...chaos, destruction."

Kai, understanding the sentiment behind those words, nodded solemnly. "That chaos is a reflection of its pain, its own turmoil and isolation. Have you ever tried...speaking to it, Naruto? Not as a jailor to a prisoner, but as one being seeking understanding from another?"

A flicker of hesitation wafted through Naruto's gaze, his mind grappling with the concept. His encounters with the Nine Tails had always been battles, confrontations of wills where they were perpetual antagonists.

Kai shifted, his dark gaze fixed on Naruto's blue orbs, and said, "Now, I will show you what it feels like to be a Tailed Beast." Before Naruto could protest or ask any questions, the world around him started to blur. An overwhelming sensation of vertigo overcame him, and for a split second, everything went dark.

When his vision cleared, he found himself in a cold, damp space. The darkness was so thick it felt tangible, pressing down on him. He tried to move, but his body felt sluggish and heavy. There was no light to guide him, no familiar scent or sound. Only an encompassing void.

"Where am I?" Naruto's voice echoed through the empty space, seeking an answer. But none came. He tried to summon chakra, to form a Rasengan and illuminate his surroundings, but nothing happened. Panic clawed at the edges of his mind.

Time seemed to lose all meaning. Was it hours? Days? He couldn't tell. Hunger gnawed at him, but there was no food. Thirst parched his throat, but there was no water. Loneliness bore down on him, its weight suffocating.

Every so often, Naruto would catch fleeting glimpses of someone's life, seeing through their eyes. Each time, it was the same scene. A young individual, bullied and ostracized. Each blow they took, each insult they endured, Naruto felt as if it was happening to him. The pain, the humiliation, the isolation – it all bore down on him, a constant reminder of his own childhood.

"Why am I here?" Naruto shouted into the darkness, desperation clear in his voice. "What do you want me to learn?"

But there was only silence.


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