Koushin: Konoha’s Dragonborn[Completed]

Ch41- Team Incredibly Good-Looking and Talented


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“Hinata, Naruto.” I greeted my teammates after leaving the scene. Naruto said goodbye to Konohamaru and others after we were away from Sound Three and Suna Genin.

“Kou, are these people here in the village really because of it?” Naruto asked, shivering.

“What else?” I smirked. “Chunin exams are about to start.”

“Yes!” Naruto exclaimed in excitement. “When is it?”

“This weekend,” I answered as I passed out two papers, one each. “Fill out these forms and we will meet at classroom 301 at 15:00.”

“We are finally going to become Chunin!” Naruto was on cloud nine.

“You have to impress the people watching, otherwise it doesn't matter how strong you are, or you may never become one.” I sighed.

“What do you mean?” Asked Hinata.

“So basically, there are several stages of the exam. Only the last phase is in front of the public and Kages from other villages. Jounin and Hokage will evaluate our performance and will decide if we have Chunin material.

Do take note that power doesn’t necessarily mean promotion. Even if you lose in the first fight, you can still become a Chunin. Or even if you win the tournament, it doesn’t guarantee that you will become one.”

“Oh, what should we do then?” Naruto asked with confusion seeping out of his face.

“You have to show your tactical mind, knowledge about your opponents, Jutsu, and other capabilities,” I answered.

“How can we have knowledge about our opponents? We will meet them randomly right? I don't know everyone.” Naruto asked.

“Yes, but the final phase usually takes place 2 to 4 weeks after fights are decided. As a Ninja, you should gather information.” I smirked. “When the people moved to the finals are decided, there will be 8 to 10 people you should learn about.”

“That is doable.” Hinata nodded.

“It is.” Naruto too agreed.

“Alright, see you at the weekend, I will go to see my pumpkin. It has been more than a month since I last saw her.” I waved and walked away.

“Pumpkin-chan!” I entered the flower shop with excitement. To my surprise, Ino was with her parents, looked super embarrassed.

“Koushin-kun, welcome.” Ino’s mother, Yamanaka Ima greeted me with a bright smile.

“Hello, Ima-sama, Inoichi-sama!” I greeted back. “Pumpkin-Chama, hello!”

“Can you stop acting all lovey-dovey in my presence? I have the pride to protect!” Inoichi protested under his breath.

“Huh?” Grunted Ima, as she looked at her husband.

“Nothing, dear.” Inoichi caved in, as he looked at me with gritted teeth.

“If you are okay with it, Father-in-law, Mother-in-law, I shall take my pumpkin to a date,” I said with a grin.

“You kids have fun,” Ima answered as she pushed her daughter towards me.

“Kid, are you taking the exams?” Inoichi asked.

“Of course, I shall become Chunin and officially ask for my Pumpkin’s hand,” I answered.

“Why you!” Inoichi looked furious but calmed when Ima coughed. “Take care of my little…”

“Pumpkin?” I suggested.

“Take care of my princess, you bastard!” He shouted as I chuckled.

“It is for sure. I would never let anyone hurt my sweet pie.” I nodded earnestly as I took Ino’s hand and left the shop.

“Do you have to embarrass me every time?” Ino asked after we left the shop. The pout on her face looks super cute.

“What?!” I asked dramatically. “You are embarrassed by me?”

“This is not what I mean.” She protested but the fine tears in my eyes made her panic. “I really didn't mean that way.”

“But you never show your love to me.” I fake cried.

“But…” Her brain boiled as she looked lost. “Here, I will prove it.” She said as she reached out to kiss my cheek. A timely shift and our lips meet.

“Hmm, yummy” I licked her lips.

“You! You! Bully!” She cried as she ran away.

“Haha!” I chuckled as I ran after her. “Wait for me Pumpkin-Chama!”

Ino ran through the streets of the village, her cheeks flushed with embarrassment and anger. I sprinted after her, laughing like a madman, but also feeling a warm sense of happiness and contentment. Our playful banter, the teasing, the heartfelt moments between us - they all just felt so right.

"Slow down, Pumpkin-Chama!" I yelled, struggling to keep up with her surprisingly nimble legs.

"Not a chance!" she huffed, her eyes sparkling with mischief. "You're gonna have to work harder if you want to catch me!"

I grinned, my heart swelling with affection for this incredible girl who had somehow managed to capture it completely. "Challenge accepted," I muttered under my breath, picking up the pace.

As we dashed through the village, people stopped to stare, but we paid them no mind. We were wrapped up in our own little world, and nothing could break the connection between us. The wind whipped through our hair, our laughter echoing through the air, and for a moment, everything else just melted away.

Eventually, I caught up to Ino, grabbing her hand and pulling her to a stop. She panted, her face flushed from the exertion, but she couldn't hide the smile that played at the corners of her mouth.

"You finally caught me," she teased, her eyes twinkling with delight.

"Of course," I replied, smirking. "I never give up, especially when it comes to you."

Ino rolled her eyes, but her smile never wavered. "So, what now, Mr. Smooth Talker?"

"Alright, Miss Sassy Pants," I said, playfully nudging her shoulder. "How about we head to that little place near the river? You know, the one with the killer dango?"

Ino's face lit up at the suggestion. "You remembered! I absolutely love that place."

"How could I forget?" I replied with a grin. "I mean, it's where we had our first date, after all."

We made our way to the quaint dango shop, hand in hand, enjoying the comfortable silence between us. The sun was setting, casting a warm golden glow over the village, and the air was filled with the scent of cherry blossoms. It was the perfect backdrop for a romantic evening.

As we settled into a cozy corner booth, I couldn't help but feel incredibly lucky. Ino was not only beautiful but also strong, intelligent, and kind. She was the perfect partner, both on and off the battlefield, and I was determined to prove that I deserved her.

"So, tell me," Ino said, breaking the silence. "How do you plan on acing the Chunin exams?"

"Well," I replied, leaning in conspiratorially, "I've been working on this new jutsu that I think will blow everyone away. But it's a secret, so you have to promise not to tell anyone."

Ino pretended to zip her lips shut and threw away the key. "My lips are sealed, Kou."

I grinned and leaned in closer, whispering the details of my new technique in her ear. Her eyes widened with surprise, and she let out a low whistle.

"Wow," she said, impressed. "That sounds incredible. If you can pull it off, I have no doubt that you'll make Chunin in no time."

"I hope so," I replied, my voice suddenly serious. "I want to become stronger, not just for myself, but for you and our teammates. I want to be able to protect the people I care about."

Ino reached across the table and squeezed my hand with a brilliant smile. "Why are you so lame sometimes?"

I shot her a mock hurt expression. "Hey, I'm being serious here, Pumpkin-chan!"

"Yeah, I know," she giggled. "But you've got to admit, you can be pretty cheesy sometimes."

"Only the finest cheese for my Pumpkin," I replied with a dramatic bow, earning an eye roll from Ino.

"Anyway," I continued, "I've got another secret weapon for the exams."

"Oh really?" Ino raised an eyebrow, a playful smile on her lips. "And what might that be?"

"Well," I said, leaning in closer, "I've got the most amazing, beautiful, and powerful girlfriend on my side."

Ino blushed, but she didn't look away. "You're such a dork, Kou."

"But I'm your dork," I replied with a grin.

"Yes, you are," she agreed, her eyes sparkling with affection. "But seriously, I'll be rooting for you and supporting you all the way. We'll both become Chunin together."

I squeezed her hand, grateful for her unwavering faith in me. "You bet we will. Team Incredibly Good-Looking and Talented all the way!"

As we walked home, hand in hand, the stars twinkling above us like tiny beacons of hope, I couldn't help but feel a surge of giddiness.

And as Ino leaned in for a goodnight kiss, her lips soft and warm against mine, I knew that no matter what the world throws at me, I can deal with it.

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