Pokemon Earth’s Parallel World: Dragon Trainer

Chapter 96 – In this world: Technology

"Your power has many uses," Kanraku said admiringly.

"But it's limited, and it's still hard to control by myself for now," Floyd shook his head, then he prepared his sheet with his Pokémon.

"You're also going to stay here?" Kanraku asked as he worked on the camera.

"Yeah, I really want to catch that young Gyarados," Floyd nodded.

"These beasts are so stubborn," Kanraku said, feeling the stubbornness of their personalities from watching.

"Don't worry, I'm confident," Floyd said.

Then Yamada and Nakamura came back with some research equipment and tools. There was even a connected cable coming from a wind power generator that could provide them with electricity.

Floyd was surprised as he exclaimed, "You're going to research here?"

"Well, this is one of the only places that Gyarados is allowed to be. It would be dangerous if these two guys were put in the laboratory; it might cause a lot of trouble, not only for us but also for the residents of the villages," Kanraku explained.

"Then you must be careful with the electricity. This Gyarados seems to be able to control water elements; once these two elements collide, it will affect you," Floyd reminded.

"Don't worry, we already have a creation for that, and it's called Aquavolt Turner. Let me show you. Blastoise, use Hydro Pump," Kanraku nodded.

Floyd looked at the black tool with just the size of a washer; its appearance had nine turbine blades, three on the back, three on the right, and three on the left, and there was a silver metal core in the center.

"Blastoise," Blastoise nodded and used his Hydro Pump. Then the nine turbine blades started to spin as they absorbed the water, transferring it to the silver metal at the center. There were four silver cables under the silver metal going through the bottom, connected to a huge cable.

"It's already transmitting the kinetic energy of water and transmuting it into electric energy," Kanraku explained to him.

Floyd's mouth was agape as he looked at it. It was too advanced. He didn't know if there was technology like this from his previous lives, but there was one thing he confirmed. The technology in this world was more advanced compared to his previous world.

"You actually have technology like this? Why didn't I know?" Floyd asked, dumbfounded.

"Huh? What, isn't this common? Your country didn't have this?" Kanraku was confused as he looked at him.

"I don't know," Floyd was not sure. Although he had visited some cities, he rarely associated with people because he didn't want to get into trouble with them; he didn't want to kill people and get into trouble. Mostly, he went to cities that accepted beasts as slaves.

"Well, this technology is a bit rare; it's illegal for non-government personnel to have this, and only legal countries have access to buy it. And to be honest, if we don't have this type of technology, humanity might have long perished by the beasts' power. Although currently, humanity is still suppressed, defending a few important cities is enough," Kanraku explained.

"Professor, you," Floyd's eyes widened in dignity, "Are you government personnel?"

Kanraku became embarrassed; his face turned red, "I'm a former one,"

"Then why do you have this? Isn't it illegal?" Floyd asked.

"I'm one of the few scientists who contributed to making this technology. Hmph, how can they control me? They can try," Kanraku snorted, "And the appearance was obviously modified compared to the original one; you don't need to worry,"

"Did you wonder why there are no water-type Pokémon invading here in the village? Not only because many Squirtle-line families started to reside here to defend, but also because there's technology like this. You just didn't notice," Kanraku added.

"But I didn't see something like this, other than a similar appearance to a windmill. Wait, windmill, could it be?" Floyd suddenly guessed something.

"Yeah, it has multi-functionality. It's not only a wind power generator for electricity, but also for water. Once there is an emergency when the water creatures start to invade and use many destructive water moves, this windmill will collect the water and convert it into electricity. Then it releases the electric energy to strike it back," Kanraku explained.

"So, you already knew from the start that Electric-types can suppress Water-type beasts?" Floyd asked in surprise.

"I didn't know that types suppressed each other, but I am aware that the combination of water and electricity will deal a significant amount of damage to them. Yeah, even if you hadn't mentioned it, I already had a few guesses and hypotheses, but without your help, it would have taken me time to figure this out," Kanraku confessed.

"So, even without our help, Gyarados would lose here?" Floyd asked.

"No, that's impossible. There are only two Gyarados roaming around, and these two seem to be able to float. It's difficult for Aquavolt to target them. This tool is stationary and can't move; it has a limited range of impact. Only a few parts of the village are covered by it. This weapon was designed to combat a large army of water beasts and is programmed to defend against and attack water beasts on the seashore. The more beasts there are, the more damage it can inflict," Kanraku explained.

"And it is a bit brittle. If it gets hit by a physical attack from these Gyarados, it might only take 1-3 hits and it will be destroyed. If it gets hit by basic water moves, it can take 15-25 attacks before it gets destroyed. But if the beasts use a Hydro Pump, it might only take 3-5 attacks before it's destroyed. This one in front of you can only take two Hydro Pumps, but it's already enough, as long as it doesn't get hit by Hydro Pump, right?" Kanraku smiled.

"I see," Floyd started to become conscious of the advancement of technology in this world.

"Now, professor, you've told me everything. Aren't you afraid I will tell the government?" Floyd teased.

"Don't worry. If you do that, I will tell them you have that so-called 'Dragon Power'. They might be interested, hahaha, huh, wait?" Kanraku suddenly stopped laughing and gestured with his hand as he felt something.

Floyd also felt it and then looked at the Gyarados.

This was the strongest Gyarados, the father of Horsea and the young Gyarados, and it seemed he was about to wake up.

"Partner, be prepared," Kanraku said.

Then, a few moments later, Gyarados woke up.


Gyarados felt alive again as he woke up. He was about to try to remember what happened when Kanraku started.

"Partner, Hydro Pump," Kanraku shouted.


Blastoise hit Gyarados.


Gyarados was so angry that he had been sneak-attacked by someone just as he woke up. He looked up and saw Blastoise, and countless pictures in his mind started to appear.

"Gyarados, we have no time to have trouble with you; how about we talk?" Kanraku offered.

ROAR! (It's you guys, you dare to sneak attack on me, how shameless)

Many wild Pokémon hurriedly hid far away in fright.

The pressure from this Gyarados really scared them more than the previous one.

"How come you didn't forget that it's you who attacked this village first?"

ROAR! (I will attack whoever I want to attack; do you have a problem with that?)

Then he rushed at them using Crunch.

"This is too domineering, and too arrogant," Floyd shook his head.

"Horsea~" Horsea shivered as she hid behind Floyd's leg.

"Partner, use Hydro Pump," Kanraku shouted.

Floyd was interested as he watched Kanraku command Blastoise.

This might be the first time he would see it.

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