Technomancer in MCU

Technomancer in MCU #94

Disclaimer - I don’t own anything. Please support the official release.

Chapter 94

Technomancer in MCU

Kamar Taj, Earth [Right after Master Albert left the chambers]

–Alfred (Partition) –

“So,-” He smirked at the remaining Masters left in the chamber, “-Shall we continue?”

With no small amount of fear, the remaining Masters grumbled silently and sat back down in their seats.

“Master Wong?” He addressed the stoic-faced man standing at the edge of the platform he was standing on. 

Master Wong bowed and left the room. He spied from the corner of his eyes multiple Masters flinching minutely at the sound the door made when it slammed shut.

Huh, it would seem that his show of power left them with a little more than expected fear of him. That could prove itself to be a double-edged sword since being the Sorcerer Supreme meant more than just being the Strongest Sorcerer available. It was also paramount to be able to inspire the other members of the organisation, especially the other Masters of the Mystic Arts. Teaching ability, in particular, was supposed to be top-notch when it came to being the head of an inter-planetary mystical organisation though that requirement was largely redundant since having the Time Stone on hand made teaching much easier. Anticipating flaws and retroactively correcting them in the students or finding out the magical aptitude along with the will to go far could also be seen easily once the Sorcerer Supreme starts using one of the six Infinity Stones in existence.

That was in addition to the main duty of becoming the Sorcerer Supreme. Defending the planet from extra-dimensional threats along with the occasional domestic threats that would pop out from time to time.

Sure, he could probably deal with the majority of the extra-dimensional threats all by himself if he put his complete focus on it but the thing was, even he could not split himself multiple times so that he could cover all of the raging fires that Kamar Taj constantly puts out along with being the de facto COO(Chief Operating Officer) of Ascendancy as well. So, he needed to be able to rally and command the strongest members of the organisation, after him of course. Those were the other Masters of the Mystic Arts.

This would have been an issue had he been planning on staying on the post of Sorcerer Supreme for longer than a year. He was quite aware that the Ancient One had already chosen a successor for her when she had chosen her fate and he had no intention of disrespecting her last wishes, no matter how tempted he was to install a vastly magically superior being that he could trust, in the same place.

Alas, The Ancinet One had spoken, and dead or otherwise, he was sure that it would not end well for him if he didn’t follow her wishes. So, Strange will become the Sorcerer Supreme of Earth. He will make it so.

‘But,-’ He thought as a strange smirk adorned his face in the middle of the chamber, ‘-That didn’t mean that he could not have some fun with him in the meantime. It was not as if Strange could do anything to him right now.’

“Sorcerer Supreme,” He was brought out of his thoughts by the words of Wong as he had returned and was holding a small rectangular box that regularly glowed with streaks of lightning on the sides of it.

Taking hold of the box from Master Wong, he thanked him and then used telekinesis to float the box along with himself back to the center of the meeting chamber. 

It was a strange custom of Kamar Taj or any other magical community on the planet, for that matter. It was considered rude to the person if you used mystical means to grab something directly from their hands but once it was out of said person’s hand, it was free game.

“Masters of Kamar Taj,” he began as he surveyed the room and saw that almost all of the Masters were present, aside from Master Albert of course but he would give him a private presentation later on. It was the least he could do since it would also give Alfred(Partition) the opportunity to discuss his research in more depth.

Pointing at the silently floating shiny box, Alfred(Partition) continued, “This is something that would soon be standard across all the buildings of our organisation. This is something that would allow us to churn out more and more Masters than ever before. And yes, I am not making empty boasts about it, you will see the results in a few months anyway. It is currently in its miniature form. Once you command it using a unique energy signature that will be keyed into the CHI frequency of your heart, it will change forms.”

Alfred(Partition) waved his hand towards the box and for the sake of the audience who was now clearly invested in whatever he was trying to sell, he made it so that the miniscule amount of CHI necessary was visible for all to see. A small ray of CHI exited his arm and coincided with the wall of the rectangular box.

The blue streaks turned yellow before the box began expanding in all dimensions. Soon, the small box that was present before was now converted into a box that resembled more like an old-school telephone booth.

Alfred then floated closer to it and pressed his hand towards a door. A palm-shaped depression appeared precisely where Alfred pressed his palm. The depression lit up once Alfred had pressed his palm on it and then thousands of little sheets began extending from the walls of the box. They then completely enveloped Alfred, leaving him covered in metal. The Masters outside could see flashes of green, yellow, and red before the covering receded back into the box, leaving behind Alfred as he was before.

“Tada!” Alfred exclaimed once he came out of the box hale and hearty.

Looking at the shocked faces of the Masters, he sighed, “Alright, my bad my bad. I guess the effect would have been more pronounced if the person was injured but anyway,”

“What the Sorcerer Supreme was trying to tell us was about the other features the box has and all the ways it would help us defeat our enemies, right?” Master Wong interjected with a meaningful look in his eyes.

“I was?” It took a while for him to realise what Master Wong was doing.

“Oh, yes, I was.”

“The Healinator, as I have taken to call it, is an advanced product that would not be available for anybody else to use, anytime soon. It has a multitude of features, the least of which are advanced healing solutions, advanced nutritional solutions, limited de-aging features, and so on and so forth.”

By now, Alfred(Partition) could see that all of them were hooked on the product as all of them looked at the Healinator with clear greed in their eyes. The greed intensified particularly when he announced the de-aging features of the Healinator.

It was understandable as nobody wanted to remain old if they could become a younger version of themselves without having to sell their soul to an extra-dimensional entity or lose their minds in the process.

The Ancient One was an outlier in the fact that she was able to steal from Dormammu and become biologically unaging without ever losing her sanity or her mental faculties despite being under tremendous stress due to her having experienced millions of timelines, failed or otherwise.

“What’s the catch?” In the middle of all the excited clamoring that was happening in the chamber, an old rough voice called out to him.

He smirked as he heard the question. He was hoping that at least someone would have the mind to question the literal miracle machine.

“I am glad you asked. The drawback is that the machine works on the principle of CHI. As you all know, there is only a finite amount of CHI that a cell can store before it literally bursts from energy overload. Of course, the limit of a normal cell can be increased with regular dosages but overall, there is a hard limit to the amount of CHI that can be given to a regular human. The operative word being “regular” here. I can enhance all of you to reach the same level of physical fitness of Captain America himself but unfortunately, I don’t yet have the clearance for that. In the meantime, however, daily scrapes and bruises, including broken bones, torn muscles, and ligaments, basically all types of injuries can be either healed or greatly accelerated using the Healinator.”

The Master, an old hunched Asian person, nodded in acceptance once he received the answer and sat back down in his seat.

“Alright,” He could feel the avalanche of questions that was about to come his way so he clapped his hands and invoked a small resonance between the energy stored within his body and the ambient energy in the atmosphere, creating a booming noise in the chamber that stopped everybody’s questions in their tracks.

“For any more questions, please consult AlfredGPT or you can always approach Master Wong here,-” Wong looked at Alfred(Partition) with such a betrayed look that he had to struggle to not break out in laughter right then and there,”-will be available round the clock for the next few days.”

Saying so, he disappeared from the place in a facsimile of the famous teleportation method of the Harry Potter Universe, Apparition.

“Alfred?” A small voice broke him out of his thoughts as he looked behind him. He had appeared right where he had teleported from, in front of the training grounds and it seemed that Aditi had not taken his advice and taken proper rest after the all-out spar they always have at the end of the day.

“Hmm, what is it, Aditi?” He asked once he pinged her body with a few spells that gave him feedback on the exact state of her body.

He could see multiple things that would need correction but nothing that would jeopardize her overall growth toward becoming the strongest magical swordsman of her era.

The entirety of the batch of 30 people he had found were bound to one day become cornerstones of the human civilisation, at least the magical part, that is, but Aditi, in particular, was someone who had the potential to even become a Sorcerer Supreme and a Sorcerer Supreme who could be spoken of in the same sentence as the likes of Agamotto, The Vishanti, The Ancient One and in the future, Stephen Strange.

Aditi was a rare case of being descended from the Kree themselves. Not the Inhumans but an actual descendant of the Kree.

It was surprising because Kree were wildly xenophobic and would rather kill themselves than touch “lowly” species like humans but somehow somewhere, a Kree mated with a human or humanity’s ancestor and that gene was then passed down for centuries through Aditi’s bloodlines. Now that alone would not have been a cause for his interest. His interest in her stemmed from the demon blood that was present in her body.

Not in her bloodline.

In her body specifically. According to his spells, the blood of a pretty high-ranking demon was ingested by Aditi during her toddler years. He didn’t know how that came to be but scanning through records, he could find no details, and even Aditi herself was way too young to actually remember any of that.

The search was made even more difficult due to the fact that Demon blood could remain intact for decades after it had been separated from the main body so he had no practical way, aside from using the Time Stone, of finding out the lineage of that blood.

The advantage of that blood however was that it allowed her magical potential to skyrocket and combined with the naturally better physique of the Kree, she was going to naturally grow up to become an A-tier combatant but with his careful nudging?

She was sure to reach S-teir and even the higher echelons of the S-tier soon enough.

That is why he chose to take her as a direct disciple in his capacity as the Sorcerer Supreme instead of just chucking her in the Ascendancy training program, not that Maria would have allowed him to do so considering her young age.

It also helped him keep a close eye on her since he was not sure how the demon blood could act up if the Demon was alive on the other end and chose to manipulate her somehow.

“I need better training than everybody,” Aditi pouted at Alfred(Partition).

“Huh?” Was his only response.


Word Count - 2139

If you guys would like to read ahead, you can head onto my P-atreon. It is the same name as my username.

You know you want to, why resist?

I already have up to 15 extra chapters uploaded there.


A/N - I had just watched an episode of Phineas and Ferb. 

Thank you for reading!

Catch you guys in the next one. Toodles!


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