TF Amethyst

TFA2 24.1 – Mekar Corporation

TFA2 24.1 – Mekar Corporation

Settlement 116

08:20, 29 Sept 2025

After his arrival at Harley Quinn, the first thing that came to Vex’s mind was visiting Settlement 116. Before returning to earth, he wanted to check on Reem and other kids. In Settlement 116, Vex found Reem and the other kids were helping Lieutenant Kim Dong-Chun harvested blueberry in the green house.

Reem and the other kids had aspiration to become modern farmer. That’s why they also had a class in green house and ranch. After a small talk with Lieutenant Kim Dong-Chun, Vex then approached Reem.

Vex knew that a few months ago Reem’s father go to Makai Royal City as part of clandestine mission. Meanwhile, her mother had not fully recovered from the trauma of losing her youngest child. It could be said that Reem was the head of her household at the moment.

‘What a tough kid.’ Vex muttered as he knelt next to Reem. “Reem, how are you?”

As he looked at Vex with a big smile in her face Reem replied, “Super fine.”

“Glad to hear that.” Vex then started harvesting blueberry in Reem’s plot. “But please remember, if you need something, you can always come to me.”

“Okay.” Reem gave Vex a nod before asking, “Teacher Vex, will you stay in Harley Quinn this time, and teaching us again?”

“No, I just stop by before my next trip.” Vex put a scoop of big blueberry into Reem’s basket as he continued, “However, when I come back later I will stay in Harley Quinn and have a lot of time to teach you and the other kids again.”

“Okay, Reem and other kids miss Teacher Vex and your class so much.”

“I know. I miss you all too.”

Vex still want to talk about a lot of things with Reem, but the other kids came and immediately joint the conversation. Of course, Vex didn’t chase them away. He also enjoyed the talk with other kids, who were eager to tell him a lot of things.

Vex stayed in Settlement 116 until noon and had his lunch together with Reem and other kids. Then, he returned to Harley Quinn in a cheerful mood. After a short meeting with General O’Neil, Vex started his journey to earth.


Joint Military Base, Central African Federation.

12:20, 2 Oct 2025

By using Gulfstream G650, Vex flew from a covert airfield in Antarctica to a military base in Central African Federation. The base was a joint base between army and air force of Central African Federation. In addition of housing a rapid reaction brigade and a squadron of Hercules, the base was also the only training facility for Advance Sniper Course in Central African Federation.

It could be said Vex knew the base very well. He visited it for the first time when he received the offer to train Army Sniper Regiment of Central African Federation. This time, he also stayed in the same room as the one he used back then, a small personal quarter for instructor.

After enjoying a simple military lunch, Vex casually sat in the terrace. A moment later the first man he wanted to meet arrived and sat next to him. 

Vex’s first guest was an old man in casual clothes. He finished his carrier in military as four-star army general before becoming Defense Minister. After that, Vex helped him to become CEO of Mekar Corporation, the biggest oil company in the country, before finally he entered politics and was elected as President of Central African Federation a few months ago.

“Vex,” In a calm tone President Ghezo said, “I thought you were dead.” 

Vex laughing for a while before saying, “I can’t die yet. I have lot of things I need to complete.”

“Good, don’t die yet, until I say my thanks at least.”

“Actually, that’s the reason for my visit.”

“Then, tell me what I can do for you.”

Without delay Vex went straight to the purpose of his visit, “First, may I know the condition of Super Hornet from your air force and the latest border situation with your neighbor?”

“The Super Hornet is in good condition, 80 units of 4.5th gen fighter with mission availability at 82%. Only our country has such capability in the region. Meanwhile, our damnable neighbor grounded more than half of their Super Flanker, so the weather in our border is calm and quiet recently.”

“Glad to hear that.” 

“It’s just that, to this moment, your government still limits our missile purchase around 800 units for air-to-air, 120 units for long-range air-to-ground and anti-radiation. But other than that, we can buy anything else as many as we want.”

Vex nodded a few times before saying, “In that case, may I borrow some weapons and spare parts of your Super Hornet?”

President Ghezo flabbergasted for a moment before asking, “Are you for real? Why don’t you buy it from your own country directly?”

“My primary channel met an unforeseen circumstance, while my client is in a dire need to defend themselves.”

For a long time President Ghezo fell into a deep contemplation. Then, in a serious tone he said, “I need to discuss it with the high-butt officers from air force and I can’t guarantee how many items we can put aside for you.”

“No problem.” Vex handed a memory card as he added, “This is the list. Whatever items you can put aside, Amethyst Security Group will resupply your air force in six months with an additional fee.”


“In that memory card, I also have a list of ammo I want to buy from military industrial complex in your country.”

“What kind of ammo? My country can only produce dumb ammo.”

“Small caliber, medium caliber, grenade, mortar round, artillery shell, rocket, dumb bomb, etc.”

“How many?”

“For the next four months, I will arrange 20 freighters of 24.000 ton each. They will anchor in Guinea Bay alternately. For every item in my list, you can put them into those ships as many as you can.”

“My country can’t meet that quota in four months. Can I invite a friendly country in the region to join in?”

“As long they don’t sell garbage items, I don’t mind.”

After an ear to ear grin President Ghezo cheerfully said, “Understood. As for now, let’s get some good lunch.”

“I just ate my lunch. Let’s just grab some drink in the officer club.”

“Vex, you can’t call junk in this place as a food. You are not military man anymore. Let’s go to down town.”

“I don’t remember there is a nice place to eat in downtown, or I would already go over there.”

“I bring my personal chef. He stay in down town because it easier to get the ingredient.”

“Okay then. Actually, I also miss your personal chef’s delicacy.”


“I knew it.”

Wasting no time, President Ghezo took Vex to the down town. Along the trip, he recalled the event when two years ago Vex suddenly gave him a phone call. At that time, Vex asked him if he interested in becoming CEO of Mekar Corporation, a brand new Canadian energy corporation that just won exploration right for an oil field in Central African Federation.

President Ghezo happily received the offer, but never did he imagine that Mekar Corporation would grow into the biggest energy player in the region. It secured another four exploration right in Central African Federation, and established a dozen of subsidiaries in manufacturing industries and modern agriculture. And to this moment, he had not yet expressed his gratitude to Vex other than sent some money to his account.

Somehow, Vex just disappeared after his phone call. No matter how hard President Ghezo tried, his effort to track Vex bore no fruit. In the end he could only concluded that someone had killed Vex silently, so he put an international bounty on the killer. Then, Vex suddenly gave him a phone call yesterday.

President Ghezo was very happy because he finally had a chance to offer his gratitude to Vex personally. However, it seemed he had to double his gratitude as Vex also came to tell him that Mekar Corporation would receive a supply of crude oil from outside Central African Federation. 

It was good news for President Ghezo, as it would increase Central African Federation’s economy. Moreover, he currently held 6% share of Mekar Corporation.


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