YLTESCIA: A Reincarnator’s Tale in the Lands of Merusia

Chapter 317: The Champion’s Secret


Loud cheers rocked the ground and sky, blissful smiles floating throughout the sea of people, kids and elderly alike yelling to the top of their lungs, their words lost in the whirlpool of noises, brewing louder and louder as the sun sank.

Under the seating area lay the waiting areas for the gladiators, only a few remaining as the day's end drew near. All waited patiently for their turn, going in and out as the matches ended one after another.

The highest ranking of gladiators received special treatment, of course, receiving a room of their own complete with living necessities and training equipment. Such was the privilege of the strong and mighty in the Grand Colosseum.

"Then, if Your Grace doesn't need anything else, I shall be taking my leave. May the rest of your day be pleasant and delightful."

Creak Thud Click Clack

A series of four distinct sounds echoed in the hallways as the door closed, footsteps following them soon after. A lone figure was left in the room, basking in the warm and golden sunlight, his white hair swaying gently by the whims of the wind.

There was a sword by his side, not a single chip to be seen on its beautiful blade. He raised his sword towards the light, brilliance enveloping the place as light fragmented and refracted, putting it back down soon after.

"Hmm... Was I just imagining things...?" [Deltran]

That figure was none other than the Champion of the Colosseums, now locked in a trance as he thought long and hard, the deathly silence ringing in his ears as he closed his eyes, recalling the fragments of the past.

He just won the match against Enak and the crowd was in an uproar, merry cheers and boisterous applause filling the air as the crowd lauded him, punching their closer fists towards the sky as they chanted his name over and over again.

His eyes soon swam towards the Royal Chamber which was usually void of people, strangely enough, now seating three figures. There he saw a familiar young man, gazing at him with a curious look on his face.

Deltran had felt the stares of many over the course of several years, yet it was the first time he felt such bottomless gaze as if the abyss was staring at him. It was as if the young man was measuring him, knowing all there was to know.

'Did he notice?... No... That's impossible...' [Deltran]

He thought again and again yet despite all the pondering he went through, he didn't get a definite answer. It was like he was waddling through muddy waters, trying to find an answer despite the truth veiled by a curtain of mud.

"Haah... What am I doing..." [Deltran]

Thinking too much would just make his head hurt, and so, he gave up on the topic before the day fell deeper. He soon stood up from his seat, the sound of several bones clacking echoing as he stretched his body.

With a wave of his hand, the sword vanished into thin air, a dim glow emanating from the ring on his finger. He marched towards the door, another series of clacks echoing as he opened it slowly, eyes indifferent as can be.

The sky was still bright but time was slowly ticking. With the sky slowly turning an amber hue, the Champion's footsteps echoed in the air. It was time to head back, locking the doors before storing the keys in his storage ring.

"Oh! Your Grace! That fight was very splendid!"

"As expected of Lord Deltran. You really triumph over everyone!"

"Lord Deltran, when is your next match going to be?"

Many a people greeted him, but he simply responded with a nod, a cold air looming over him. He just continued walking his lonely steps, until he was out of the Grand Colosseum, not minding the endless stares and gossip.

Some thought of tailing him, but with his agile steps and nifty movements, not a single one was able to catch up. He leaped from roof to roof, not making a single sound whilst his expressions remained the same. The sun slowly descending behind him.

'Hm?' [Deltran]

It was subtle, but he was certain that something was off. Still, he didn't do anything unnecessary and simply continued treading along, a blur appearing and disappearing atop the high rise buildings, vanishing like a passing lie.

Plant boxes, windowsills, ropes, and missing tiles. The Champion used everything he could as a foothold as he descended towards a dark alley, not a single soul to be seen and only dust and pollen carried by the whispering winds lingering nearby.

The alleyway was silent like a cemetery, only the chirping of the little insects to be heard. Deltran soon halted his steps, heaving a lengthy and exasperated sigh whilst he faced the wall, irritation blooming in his heart.

"You can show yourself now." [Deltran]

Deltran's words danced in the air and the shadows danced along with it, yet another figure appeared from thin air. A black-haired young man with eyes as beautiful as amethyst. It was none other than Grey.

Grey wasn't even trying to hide himself, only using a bit of illusion magic to veil his figure yet not doing anything about his presence. It was not like he was trying to hide it anyway. He wasn't a stalker or anything of the sort.

"You should have called me out sooner if you've already sensed me." [Grey]

"Quit yapping. How could I not sense you when you're leaking such a conspicuous aura? Anyone with a brain would figure it out." [Deltran]

"Well, I thought I might as well repay the favor since you also watched our duo match secretly... Isn't that right, Lord Deltran?... Or should I say... Prince Lionel?" [Grey]

A serious tone was engraved in Grey's voice at the end of his statement, making the Champion flinch, quickly drawing his sword in a single second. His eyes were quickly invaded by wariness, ready to strike without hesitation.

He didn't know what Grey wanted, but he couldn't let his guard down. It wasn't just once or twice that he fought against mercenaries and assassins, and he always triumphed over them without fail, his sword laced with the blood of many,

"Ah, wait.... It seems you're misunderstanding something here. I'm not here to hurt you. Though a little unusual, I do have my reasons." [Grey]

"Reasons... Haha... Tell me who hired you." [Deltran]

"Hey, isn't that a little harsh? I really didn't come to harm you or anything," [Grey]

Or so he says, but his previous actions already contradicted everything he said. No matter where one looked at it, he was acting like a crazed stalker on his way to bring harm to the champion. Either that or he was a robber. Only one of the two.

With his words, the Champion was even more on guard, gripping his blade even tighter than before, cold sweat trickling down his forehead. The very moment Grey does something suspicious, his sword would lunge at his throat.

"I mean... If I really wanted to, you wouldn't still be standing here anymore. Have you forgotten already? I'm an S-ranker. I could blast you away along the whole of Avalon without much trouble. A single, powerful spell would be more than enough." [Grey]

Said Grey, ending his words with a terrifying and domineering smile. They were only words but they were even sharper than daggers, plunging straight to where it hurts. The Champion couldn't even retaliate.

The may be an even match in the colosseums, but the alleyways were different. In a place where their strengths are not restricted, Grey wouldn't even need to put effort in eradicating Deltran. It was harsh, but it was the truth.

'That worked quite well, didn't it?' [Grey]

It was uncharacteristic of Grey to be so domineering, but he has learnt over and over again that there were simply times he needed to assert his authority, it was a little bit uncomfortable, but it was effective to say the least.

The Champion finally loosened his grip and sheathed his sword before storing it back to his storage ring. The tension in the air finally disappeared, only replaced with a tad bit of confusion as the Champion looked at Grey once more.

"So, which should I call you? 'Lionel' or 'Deltran'?" [Grey]

"Please suit yourself. It really doesn't matter anyway." [Lionel]

"I see... Then Prince Lionel it is." [Grey]

Grey remained calm, but the prince was quite different compared to when they met them at the ball. He already knew something was wrong before, but after seeing him again, he was still a little baffled.

I mean, who would have ever guessed... The sickly Second Prince who was always holed up in his room would actually turn out to be the three-time renowned Champion of Carnival of Swords. If it weren't for his eyes, Grey would still be in the dark.

"I never thought I would meet you like this again, Your Highness. To think you would reach out to me first... I can't say I'm not surprised." [Lionel]

"The same goes for me. I never thought the Kingdom's 'Sickly Prince' would actually be the Champion of Avalon. Quite the surprise it is." [Grey]

"You say that, but you found out quite quickly, didn't you? How long have you known about this, Your Highness?" [Lionel]

"Believe me or not, it was just recently. And don't worry, I haven't told anyone about this yet. I was just curious." [Grey]

"I see. That's such a relief." [Lionel]

Such were his words, but there was still suspicion in his heart. He's been hiding his true identity for almost a decade already, not even telling even his closest people. Yet despite all his efforts, he was still found out, and by someone he barely knew as well,

"How did you find out, Your Highness?" [Lionel]

"Hahaha. That's a trade secret so I can't tell you much, however... I don't think this is the right place to continue our talk, don't you think so too?" [Grey]

Bugs crawled all over the floor, broken windows creaked again and again, and the sudden squeaks out of the blue. Thankfully, there was no spoiling trash or anything of the sort. Still, it wasn't really one one could call pleasant.

"Certainly..." [Lionel]

"What do you say we change our location? I saw a nice place on the way here. What do you think? It's my treat." [Grey]

"Then, I'll take you up on that offer, Your Highness." [Lionel]

There was no need for further discussions, Grey and Lionel soon heading out of the alleyways. Their footsteps resounded in the air, accompanied by a deathly silence.

"Oh, right, and before I forget..." [Grey]

Grey flicked his finger and dim light shone in the dark alleys. His hair which was once dark as the night sky was now a beautiful shade of silver, his amethyst eyes turning to a similarly beautiful pair of sapphires. The colors of his beloved.

The Prince wasn't any different either. His appearance which was already from a magic tool he was wearing was quickly overwritten by Grey, his hair turning brown like walnuts and eyes black like obsidian, his hair shortened a bit.

With how popular they were, the moment the step out of the alleyways and into the streets would also be the moment a flood of mobs crowd towards them. Now, they looked like normal peopleー Well, at least Lionel was. Grey's silver hair would still stand out like a sore thumb.

"This is... Illusion magic...?" [Lionel]

"Yeah, just a tiny bit. We should be able to get around easier with this," [Grey]

Said Grey casually, but it wasn't just a simple feat. Changing still objects may be easy for illusory mages, but the same couldn't be said living things were. Only experts and expensive magic tools would be able to. Grey's fear was a sight to behold.

"Let's go." [Grey]

Lionel still puzzled and in awe, they continued their steps and soon reached the main street once again, a bustling crowd greeting them. With the illusion magic in effect, not a single one was able to identify them. A simple yet effective change.

They walked and they walked to a restaurant soon after. It was neither too big nor too small, but it was beautiful, the figure of a crisp and roasted duck engraved on the signboard hanging by the entrance.

Soft chimes rang as they opened the doors, a waitress welcoming them as they headed inside. They were soon given a table and a menu to match, the waitress listing down their orders, a delightful smile on her face.

"Would this be all, Dear Customer?"

"Yeah. And could I take out another 3 sets as well?" [Grey]

"With pleasure! Please wait momentarily. Your meal will soon be ready."

The waitress bowed her head and left for the kitchen, leaving Grey and Lionel alone. Only a silent and awkward atmosphere loomed about them, not saying a single word towards one another, unable to break the ice,

Of course, Grey had already erected a sound-proofing barrier over their table. No matter how loud they talk, not a single soul would be able to hear them. Well, not that there was anything to eavesdrop on. They were still silent.

"That white ring on your left hand is the one you're using to hide your identity, isn't it? It's pretty good... Superior-grade, isn't it?" [Grey]

"I'm surprised you could tell, Your Highness." [Lionel]

"Let's just say I shave quite the discerning eye... Anyway, you can drop the formalities now. Just call me Grey." [Grey]

"In that case, please refer to me as 'Lionel' as well." [Lionel]

The ice was soon broken and the conversation finally flowed. There was still a cold atmosphere about Lionel, but it was much better than staying silent. At the very least, they could satisfy their curiosity by asking questions.

"Actually. I've been curious about you since we met at the ball. I've already known you were an A-ranker since the beginning... Though, never did I think you would be the Champion of Avalon." [Grey]

"Haah... So you already knew from the beginning..." [Lionel]

The Prince could only sigh at Grey's words, unable to believe how perceptive the young man before him was. He had already polished his acting skills over several years. Yet despite that, Grey immediately saw right through him. It wasn't pleasant.

"So, what do you want from me, Grey? A duel, perhaps?" [Lionel]

"No, no, not at all. Like I said, I was just curious. There's nothing more to it." [Grey]

Silence. There was only silence brewing over the dining table, Lionel' eyes filled with disbelief as he stared at Grey right in the eyes. He has prepared himself already, but he never expected such a curveball of an answer.

Be it blackmailing, creating connections, or a challenge to a duel, there were many much more understandable answers. Not only was he a prince, he was the champion as well. To think that it was all due to curiosity... He was speechless.

"Haah... I'm not even going to argue with you... Still, do you not know? Curiosity is what kills the cat." [Lionel]

"Hahaha. Then let's see what could kill this cat." [Grey]

"Quite the carefree soul, aren't you?" [Lionel]

Lionel finally gave up on thinking. He has met all kinds of people over the many years he had lived yet never did he encounter such a powerful yet carefree person. It felt like he was thrown into a loop, a roller coaster of emotions.

However, now that Grey had satisfied his curiosity, a couple more questions popped inside his mind. The more he thought about the Second Prince's situation, the more he found it puzzling. He could only sit and ponder, tilting his head all the while.

"Lionel, if it isn't too much to ask... Could I know the reason why you're hiding your identity? I don't think His Majesty would object if you ask him to join. As you are now, you are already plenty powerful," [Grey]

"That's right, however... I still think I made the right choice... Grey, what do you think of becoming royalty?" [Lionel]

"I would have to pass on that. I already have a fiancée." [Grey]

A quick answer without a hint of hesitation, only to be expected of a fool who is head over heels for his beloved. He had already encountered endless offers from all sorts of families and his answer remain- the same. The one he would marry was Yuna and Yuna only.

"Lady Yuna, right? However, I am not talking about that exactly... I just want to ask if you would like to be royalty if given the chance." [Lionel]

"No way, it's too troublesome. I just want to live my life with Yuna in peace." [Grey]

"That's right, it's troublesome... It's exactly because it's troublesome that I chose this path. This is only the path where I'm truly free." [Lionel]

Living in a massive castle, eating luxurious dishes every day, attending lavish balls, owning riches and authority, and many more privileges. At first glance, being royalty would seem like a dream come true for others, however, to some, it would be closer to a nightmare.

Political marriages, heavy responsibilities, strict education and protocols, stiff rules, and the list goes on. There are so many things to bear in mind, it was suffocating to those who couldn't adapt. It was a life also full of ups and downs,

Lionel was also in such a situation, arranged to be married to a lady of an influential noble family and educated to become a great lord to assist the kingdom. He carried the responsibilities of a prince, caged in a luxurious lifestyle.

While he considers himself lucky compared to those barely living by gathering scraps and trash, he still longed for the freedom his hands just couldn't reach. He longed to be normal and experience the world for himself.

"And that's when I got this little guy." [Lionel]

It was a chance encounter. As he was out on an incognito walk in town, he happened to come across a merchant selling all kinds of goods, and he purchased the ring from there, only buying it out of boredom.

However, he didn't expect what would happen next. As soon as he got to his room and wore the ring, his body glowed dimly and his appearance changed albeit subtly. Still, it was enough for him to be unrecognizable,

He ran various experiments and tested various things, learning more and more about the ring. He also started acting ill, using all sorts of skills and tricks to fool everyone as he continued his research.

Before long, all his efforts bore fruit and he was finally able to get out of the Royal Castle, soaring like a free bird in the sky. He only brought his sword with him, then registering in the Adventurers' Guild, and so, Deltran was born. The rest was history.

"So, you got your engagement broken, your responsibilities lessened, and became a gladiator. Are you the hero of a novel or something?" [Grey]

"Well, I wish I was... Though, I'm already satisfied as I am. It's a nice and relaxing life where I don't have to worry about responsibilities or the sort." [Lionel]

The duty of a prince was heavy, however, it wasn't like there weren't any leeways. He was only the Second Prince, and his older brother would be the one to inherit the throne. There was no need to try needlessly.

It wasn't like Grey couldn't understand him. They, as adventurers, are born to explore and experience the world and satisfy their curiosity. Sitting inside a massive castle was not what suits them. It was better to break free the cage and fly high.

"How about Lisa? You do know she admires you right? Both as 'Lionel' and 'Deltran'. You're her biggest idol." [Grey]

"I know and I feel guilty for that child... Well, I'm not planning on hiding forever. A time will come that all will be revealed. I'll be the one to tell her." [Lionel]

"I see... Then just prepare an autograph just in case." [Grey]

Grey's wasn't planning to tell Lisandra everything, but it was still good to hear that Lionel himself would be the one to tell her about his secret. He could only chuckle and imagine how she would react when the time comes.

"How about His Majesty?" [Grey]

"Well, Father... He's a different case... Truth be told, I don't even know whether I want to tell him. Things would be bothersome if I do." [Lionel]

"Good luck with that... I mean it..." [Grey]

The Prince was totally right on the mark. Grey doesn't even need more explanation. Knowing how much of a battle maniac the King was, he would surely challenge Lionel into a duel every time he gets the chance to.

They continued their chat and their lovely meal was soon delivered, appetite-arousing aromas wafting through their noses, making their stomachs growl ever so subtly. They enjoyed a delicious dinner, just chatting their time away.

"Right... Wasn't there a rule about faking an identity as a gladiator? Are you sure you won't get yourself in trouble?" [Grey]

"Right, there was that... But I'm sure it would be fine. It's almost a decade already, and I have yet still to be caught. It's too late to worry about it now." [Lionel]

"I guess you're right... Mmn... This steak is delicious." [Grey]

"It sure is. I really appreciate the treat." [Lionel]

"No problem." [Grey]


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