YLTESCIA: A Reincarnator’s Tale in the Lands of Merusia

Chapter 318: A Hardworking Princess

Whoosh Swish Splish Splash Splosh

A heavy downpour veiled the city, the howling winds running amok as they slammed the doors and windows. The leaves of green were drenched with rain, tiny raindrops trickling down their veins, acting little water spouts.

The breeze was cold, the day appearing gloomy as dark clouds swallowed the sun. Not a single ray of sunlight passed through, only the magic lights illuminating the city, the chimneys giving everyone warmth as the fire crackled in peace.

The Royal Castle was no different, the symphony of the rain echoing all over as the heavy rain continued to pour, the garden plants soaked and the ground muddy. The knights and soldiers roamed around, heavy footsteps ringing in the cold corridors.

In a room lit up with gentle light and filled with loving warmth, the flames danced gracefully and the raindrops applauded it. The curtains fluttered like the wings of a butterfly, two figures enjoying the comfort of the bedroom.

"Mmn~! Hot chocolate is the best!" [Yuna]

"Yuna... How many cups does that make?" [Grey]

"Three... Ah, wait, no, four! Four cups! They're just so delicious! Especially when it's raining. It makes me feel warm and cozy." [Yuna]

Said the young elf, swaying her legs up and down as she sat on the bedside. She held her cup with care, sipping on the warm chocolate and smiling soon after. There was nothing much better than a warm drink on a rainy day.

Meanwhile, her fiancé could only shake his head and sigh in resignation. While he loves to spoil her, there are times when he just wonders if he's spoiled her too much. Not that she can go against her adorable please anyways. He always loses.

"Haah... You didn't buy more sugar again, did you?" [Grey]

"N... No...?" [Yuna]

She replied, her eyes swimming away from her beloved. Grey didn't even have to use his "Judgement". It was clear as day that she was lying, hands trembling slightly and face clearly nervous, cold bullets of sweat trickling down her face.

When it was a serious situation, she could keep her cool and act accordingly, but when it was just the two of them, it was completely different. She couldn't even lie properly, only evading the question as much as she could. She was unfathomable.

"So, how many more bags did you buy? You do remember you can only have 10 bags monthly, don't you?" [Grey]

"Umm... Did we agree on that? I don't quite remember..." [Yuna]

"Oh, really now? Should we decrease your sugar limit even more? 10 bags are too much, after all... How about we settle for 5 bags?" [Grey]

"Uuu... Sorry..." [Yuna]

Yuna tried to skip lie way through, but Grey's defense was too high for such a tactic to work. Rather, she was the one who was driven to a corner, surrendering easily at the mention of decreasing her limits, tears forming in the corner of her eyes.

"So, just how many bags did you buy? Don't worry, I won't get angry." [Grey]

"Umm... I bought 15...?" [Yuna]

"15...? That's a lot less than I imaginedー" [Grey]

"Boxes... I bought 15 boxes worth of sugar." [Yuna]

It was too much, it was too over the top. Each box contains 24 bags of sugar, and she bought a whole 15 of them. He just left her yesterday with Lisandra and she already bought so much. She simply cannot be left alone.

The young lady didn't need any more instructions. With a guilty smile on her face, she brought out al, the boxes of sugars she brought, piling up on the floor and making a mountain which could make one's teeth ache just looking at it.

Grey didn't know whether he should be mad, confused, shocked, or crying, severely overwhelmed by Yuna's words and actions. He was both stunned and amazed about his fiancée, in ways more than one.

It wasn't just a liking for sweets anymore, but an addiction to sugar and he only has himself to blame for making Yuna that way. He was simply too weak to her pleas, a complete opposite to the demon he is in the battlefield.

"Grey, are you mad...?" [Yuna]

"Haah... No, I'm not... It's just... Umm..." [Grey]

"Please don't say you're disappointed... That's even worse." [Yuna]

Just like a little puppy getting scolded, Yuna was now trembling slightly, eyes clearly crestfallen and ears drooping down towards the ground. It was a sight Grey couldn't bear to endure, his heart aching just looking at her.

"No, I'm not mad or disappointed. Don't worry, I won't decrease your sugar limit. Next time, just tell me when you want to buy this many. I'll buy it with you." [Grey]

"Uuu... Grey, you're the best! I really, really love you!" [Yuna]

He was completely hopeless. With a wave of his hand, he quickly stored the boxes of sugar inside his "Inventory". Just looking at it again, it would take them more than a year to finish them allー or at least, that's how long it should unless Yuna goes on a sweets rampage once again.

The day continued and the rain continued to fall. After drinking one cup after another of hot chocolate, Grey and Yuna spent the rest of the morning lazing around in their room, playing games and cuddling, simply enjoying one another's warm company.

Still, even with all the time they spent with themselves and the familiars, there was only so much excitement they could do. With the rain as heavy as it is, Grey could only wonder what they could do inside their room, then using his "Heaven's Eyes" to survey the Royal Castle.

'Hm? Isn't that...' [Grey]

Just as he did, a single figure stood out like a sore thumb. She swung her sword again and again, unfazed by the cold and heavy rain. There was a strong flame burning ablaze in her eyes, unwavering despite the adversities.

She brandished her blade and droplets were slashed in half, her form shining even brighter under the dark and rainy clouds. Grey could only continue to watch, his eyes entranced by the determination of the young lady.

At the same time, a note suddenly popped up in his mind. He just remembered there was something he needed to give to her. With the day as slow as it was, there was not a time more perfect to do his bidding.

"Yuna, would you like to go outside? I just saw something interesting," [Grey]

"Oh?! I'm in! I'm in! Let's go!" [Yuna]

There was no need to think too deeply, Yuna over the clouds as she raised her hand cheerfully as can be, her ears flapping up and down, and her blue eyes sparkling in excitement. She really was like a little puppy, excited for a walk outside.

"Then, everyone, we leave the room to you. Don't be too rowdy, okay?" [Yuna]

"Okay! Have fun, Master! Mistress!" [Vega]

"We'll make sure to protect the room, Mistress." [Arcturus]

They were speaking such grand and considerate words, but with the wolf pup form they are in, they only looked adorable of anything. Grey and Yuna could only chuckle and giggle as they watched such cuteness unfold.

Two sets of footsteps wallowed in the hallways accompanied by two distinct voices. Two figures walked side by side, hand in hand as, looking out the window from time to time. The rain continued to pour.


"Haap! Haap! Hyaap!" [Lisandra]

Downwards slashes, quick stabs, thrusts, and evasions. The princess moved and twisted her beautiful body, her sword gleaming in the rain. She struck and struck, not slowing down even when her arms had already started to ache.

The young princess endured the cold and pain, and kept on waving her sword. Her breaths were already cold and heavy, her eyes locked on the dummy before her, blasting heavy blows time and time again from all directions.

⟨⟨Double Cross!⟩⟩ [Lisandra]

She gripped her sword and coated her sword with mans. She waved it downwards and to the side, two blades of mana appearing as if he drew them, soon clashing together and combining into a single powerful star.

She struck at pointblank range, a loud explosion resounding throughout the training ground and mud splashing all over the place, creating ripples, big and small, littering the flooded ground and clearing away the mist created by the rain.

⟨⟨Black Star!⟩⟩ [Lisandra]

She didn't just let it end there. As soon as her strike connected, darkness swallowed her sword. She slashed again and again, creating a star of darkness which darted out like a deadly bullet, clashing with the stagnant dummy yet again.

BOOOOMMMMMMM Fwoosh Fwoosh Fwoosh

An even louder explosion devoured the training ground and the rain was blown away. A loud thud and splash soon followed and the dummy fell towards the muddy ground, now tattered, covered with scars and gashes all over the place.

Lisandra's breath was now ragged, her chest heaving up and down as she gasped for air. She was clearly tired yet there was no time to rest. She looked at the dummy one more time, gritting her teeth as she clenched her sword tightly.

"No... This still isn't enough..." [Lisandra]

It wasn't the first dummy she took down, and she has been progressing at a rapid rate, yet despite all her progress, she was unsatisfied. She may be powerful to the common folk, but in front of the truly strong, she was but an insignificant pebble.

Grey and Yuna... She considers them her friends, and yet, she couldn't help but be envious. To attain such strengths at such a young age, they were worthy to be called as prodigies no other could hope to match.

She could only grit her teeth and keep slashing her sword if she wants to shorten the gap between them. The strength she possessed was nowhere near enough to be proud of. She could only strive harder and harder, her heart swallowed by dread.

Clap Clap Clap

And just as she wallowed in despair, ready to swing her sword again, a sudden round of applause echoed in the air. She quickly turned her head towards the shed, and saw two familiar figures standing with smiles plastered on their faces.

Grey and Yuna were there, looking at her with such delightful faces. Just when she was thinking of them, they appeared before her. They didn't say a single word and simply waited for her to move, the rain pouring in the background.

"Good morning, you two. Do you need something from me?" [Lisandra]

"Fufufu! Nothing, really. We just decided to drop by and saw a certain princess swinging her sword." [Yuna]

"A certain princess, you say... Is my name some sort of a curse or a taboo that you can't say it? Hm, Yuna?" [Lisandra]

"Fufufu! I don't know what you mean~!" [Yuna]

The day was dark and gloomy, yet there was only a bright atmosphere hovering over them, Yuna's smile especially shining radiantly. Lisandra soon headed towards the shed, droplets trickling down her wet hair as she entered.

It was cold, but she didn't shiver a single bit. Still, they could just leave her drenched and cold. Grey then grabbed a warm and dry towel from his "Inventory", and threw it towards her, the latter catching it without much difficulty.

"You really are handy, aren't you, Grey? Thank you." [Lisandra]

She gracefully accepted the towel, dying her hair, her face, and her body. She may be unbothered by the cold, but warmth and comfort was still the best. And speaking of which, there was a warm aroma suddenly drifting in the air.

"Here's some hot chocolate, Lisa. Enjoy." [Yuna]

"Oh? You still have some cups left? I thought you already drank them all." [Grey]

"Fufufu! I have them ready just in case of emergency. Nothing's wrong with preparing for the worst, isn't there?" [Yuna]

"Just what kind of emergency would you need hot chocolate for?"... Was what Grey wanted to ask, but such a question was futile. He would only get a headache if he tried to understand his beloved. It was better to leave things as they are.

Lisandra took a sip of the hot chocolate, a sweet and creamy flavor exploding in her mouth, and warmth cruising inside her body. The warmth of the towel over her body and the hot chocolate warming her heart. It was perfect.

"Fuwahh~! Hot chocolate is the best! I love it..." [Lisandra]

"Fufufu! I'm glad you liked it. Here are some chocolate chip cookies and some macarons as well. Take as much as you'd like." [Yuna]

"Ah, then I'll be taking some. Thank you." [Lisandra]

Cheerfully, replied Lisandra as she took some treats for herself. Meanwhile, Yuna was also now sipping her cup of hot chocolate, still not satisfied from all the cups she had drank already. There was delight on both their faces as they enjoyed the snacks.

Of course, Yuna didn't forget to give Grey a cup of hot chocolate from her "emergency rations", happily sharing with him. Grey could only accept, sighing in resignation from how unpredictable his fiancée was. Still, she was adorable.

They enjoyed the treats and had a merry chat over it. The downpour only got heavier, but their company remained warm and cozy. Both their hearts and stomachs were filled, Lisandra's fatigue melting away as they wasted their time away.

"Okay. I think that's enough rest for now. Sorry, Grey, Yuna, I need to get back on my swordsmanship training." [Lisandra]

"Eh? Already? It hasn't been half an hour yet and it's still raining, you know? Can't you rest for a while? Just a few more minutes." [Yuna]

"Sorry, but I really need to train... You already know this, but the Carnival of Swords is approaching close..." [Lisandra]

The tone in Lisandra's voice changed at the end of her statement, heavier and more serious than before. Her eyes glowed a sharper and bolder glow, removing the towel covering her body and heading out to the rainー or so she was about to.

'Wha... What's happening...?' [Lisandra]

She had yet to take a step and her body was already frozen, unable to move a single fiber of her body. The shadows under her had come to life and grabbed ahold of her legs, restricting her movements like heavy shackles binding her body.

"Shadow Bind"... Such was the name of the spell, belonging to the dark attribute. One which restricts the movement of the target with the use of shadows. An intermediate-level spell which could even retrain a dragon as long as one possessed the mana to.

"Lisa, breaks are also a part of training. Don't push yourself too hard, otherwise, you'll break before you even get the chance to achieve your dream." [Grey]

The one who casted such a spell was none other than Grey, sipping his cup of hot chocolate as he listened to the lonely downpour. There was a trace of concern dyed on his face, looking at Lisandra soon after.

"I... I know, but if I don't work hard... I'm never going to catch up to anyone... I... I'm still not strong enough. Even Father has yet to approve of me." [Lisandra]

"His Majesty... I don't think that's the case. He's just worried about you, and seeing how you are right now... I could clearly see why." [Grey]

"Lisa, let's sit down for a while, okay?" [Yuna]

They tried to keep themselves calm and didn't ask questions whilst they enjoyed their time together, but deep inside, they were both worried about her. The calluses in her hands, the bags under her eyes, and her pale complexion. It was all too worrying.

Grey and Yuna's endless training method is effective, but also risky. If it weren't for the fact that they could use holy magic, even they would hesitate to go through it. If they didn't possess holy magic and the healing effects of the Divine Amulet, their bodies might have already broken down.

It was okay for now since Grey and Yuna were there to support her, but when they finally depart, the same couldn't be said anymore. They are worried she'll work herself to the point of collapsing. She would only deteriorate rather than improve.

"Is winning the Carnival of Swords really that important?" [Grey]

Grey asked, but there were no answers which came after. Lisandra could only clench her hands and furrow her brows in silence, also confused like Grey and Yuna. She had never asked herself such a question, so she doesn't have an answer.

She was beautiful, she had good pedigree, she was talented, and she was blessed with a wonderful family. No matter where one looked, there was no need for her to push herself to the point of breaking.

"I... I want to reach the pinnacle of swordsmanship..." [Lisandra]

No reason except one. Ever since she was a child, she had always heard stories and legends about various heroes aiming for the pinnacle of swordsmanship, techniques so beautiful one could only stand in awe and observe.

Many children had dreamed of it, and even though she has grown up now, she still wants to chase such a farfetched dream. She simply wanted to see for herself what the pinnacle is like, dreaming like a little child chasing the stars.

'Haah... How bothersome... She's just like him...' [Grey]

Grey and Lionel had talked about many topics the day before, and amongst them were their dreams and inspiration. Not only does he want to experience the world, Lionel was also chasing after the so-called "pinnacle of swordsmanship".

He was now at A-rank, and the journey was still long. Still, he continued to chase such a dream, his hands reaching closer and closer with every effort he poured in. They really were brother and sister.

『Yuna, what do you think?』 [Grey]

『Fufufu! Is there even a need to ask that? I'm sure you already have your answer, don't you?』 [Yuna]

『Yeah... You're right...』 [Grey]

Grey could only hang down his head and sigh in resignation. He doesn't know why he keeps meeting such stubborn people, but it was in no way terrible. Rather, he quite liked such people. It kind of reminds him of Yuna when he first met her.

『Grey, why are you chuckling all of the sudden? You're thinking of something mean about me again, aren't you?』 [Yuna]

『Hahaha. Not at all... I just remembered how cute my fiancée is.』 [Grey]

『Mou...!! Stop teasing me already!』 [Yuna]

There was no use complaining about it, it wouldn't be able to change anything about the situation, Lisandra's eyes still burning brightly. He released the binds with a flick of his fingers, the latter able to move her body freely once again.

Grey scratched his head, walking towards the rain. He could have erected a barrier, but he didn't, thinking it would be a nice change of pace. Yuna followed suit after him, drenching themselves in the rain and making the princess confused as one can be.

"Grey...? Yuna...? What are you..." [Lisandra]

"You said you were going to train, right? We just thought we would be able to help, plus, it seems like it's going to be fun!" [Yuna]

"Right... And here you go." [Grey]

Grey gave no warning, pulling something out of thin air then throwing it towards the princess' direction. It was light and covered in white wraps, a great surprise greeting her as she uncovered Grey's little present.

"Wait! This is...!" [Lisandra]

"That's right. It's your order. Sorry it took a while." [Grey]

It was a longsword made of Fallenov, gleaming brightly under the dark sky. Jewels of black and crimson decorated its hilt, and the length of a blade measuring about 70 centimeters. A single swing and it could slice boulders.

It wasn't just made by Grey, but Yuna as well. She used alchemy to modify the gems and metals used, and made them stronger. Grey then used blacksmithing to make the sword, and imbued abilities to it with enchanting. The best of its kind.

"So beautiful..." [Lisandra]

"We're glad you liked it." [Grey]

It was a masterpiece both in practicality and aesthetics, one nobility and royalty alike would surely pine for even if they had to spend millions. It was still High-Grade, but it was already on par with an unenchanted Superior-Grade. The perfect gift.

"What do you say we give it a little test run, Lisa? It would be a shame to just let it gather dust in a corner, wouldn't it?" [Grey]

"Eh?" [Lisandra]

"I meant a spar, Lisa. What do you think?" [Grey]

Said Grey as scarlet light covered his arms, a terrifying blade appearing before him. He grabbed ahold of it and so did Yuna, the two now prepared for battle, smiles then blooming on their faces as they faced the music.

"Of course! I will be in your care!" [Lisa]

"Fufufu! That's the spirit!" [Yuna]

The water was littered with ripples and shockwaves thundered across the training ground. As the cold winds continued to howl and bellow, the sound of sword clashes ruptured the air, clamoring ever so loudly as sparks exploded like fireworks.

The rhythm continued and so did the clashes. As the raindrops continued to fall, a chaotic yet strangely peaceful melody played in the air, three figures dashing and rushing, as they brandished their blades.


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