YLTESCIA: A Reincarnator’s Tale in the Lands of Merusia

Chapter 319: Signing Up

"Oi. Looking pretty neat today. Where'd you buy this new sword from?"

"Just got it at Kano's. Thought I'd brush up my style today."

"Hey~! I've been waiting for you! Over here~!"

Noise, noise, and even more noise. There was bustling and chattering adrift in the air, people of all races and ages gathering at a single place, equipped with swords on their backs and hips, traces of excitement to be seen everywhere.

Several lengthy lines stretched like slithering serpents, hundreds upon hundreds of people, flames of passion and eagerness burning bright deep inside their hearts. The sun graced them with warmth as they moved along ever so slowly.

Amongst them, a number of figures stood out, drawing curious eyes upon them even when they were just standing still. Be it beauty, strength, or pizazz, they stood out quite much compared to others.

"Whew~! I didn't expect there to be this many. It's good tha we arrived here early. I don't want to get stuck here during noon." [Grey]

"That's right... I don't want to miss lunch as well." [Yuna]

"Yuna... I was talking about how hot it will be... No, never mind..." [Grey]

Of course, amongst those who stood out were Grey, Yuna, and Lisandra. Not only were they famous, they are also well respected because of their fears. Especially the way they trashed their challengers, it had become the talk of the town.

It had been a few days since Grey and Yuna defeated swordsmen after swordsmen, and the big event was just a single day away. The registration had already opened and it was time for the three of them to put their names down.

As to be expected from the King's announcement, the number of people had risen significantly, many of the younger generations appearing more often to sign up for the Junior and Intermediate division, all raring to go.

"Are you still nervous, Lisa?" [Grey]

"Yes... It's you two who are amazing... You look so calm and carefree despite this being your first time signing up..." [Lisandra]

"Fufufu! We've experienced all sorts of things, after all. It would take a True Dragon for us ro be shaken up." [Yuna]

"Urgh... Please don't say something so ominous..." [Lisandra]

One of the aspiring participants of the Intermediate Division was the Princess. She is 17 years old, just a couple months younger than Yuna and was also a Mid-Ranker. It would be of surprise if she passes the preliminaries without much difficulty.

The way the Carnival of Swords work, the aspiring participants would sign up during the registration period and undergo a trial, one simple yet also challenging at the same time. Only those who rank in the top 32 would be able to move on.

However, even when she is lauded as a genius in the Royal Academy, Lisandra still couldn't help but be anxious about the results, it was the first time she's signing up and she was trembling ever so subtly, hands cold and shaky.

After all, although she fits the criteria, Lisandra was still amongst the younger end of the spectrum in the Intermediate Division. There would be people far more powerful and experienced than her. The preliminaries were already difficult.

"You're worrying too much, Lisa. Everything's going to be alright." [Yuna]

"Uuu... I don't know... There's many powerfulー" [Lisandra]

"You trained with us, remember?" [Yuna]

"... Ah, right..." [Lisandra]

They were only a few words, but they had a significant impact on Lisandra's will. A fountain or confidence sprung inside her heart as Yuna's smile bloomed bright. Her hands now calm, a sense of tranquility showing in her eyes.

It was only for two weeks, but in that short amount of time, Grey and Yuna had taught her many things she wouldn't have learnt even with several months. She experienced a boost not even the best of instructors could provide.

She has yet to master the techniques and swords arts they taught, but she was able to gain invaluable experience thanks to it. Especially after sparring with the two. She was now much stronger than before.

Moreover, it was hell. Just looking back on the past days, she could remember all the pain and breakdowns she had when sparring against the two spartan demons. If she could survive such hell, she could survive anything and everything else.

"Lisa, you're thinking of something rude, aren't you?" [Grey]

"N... No... I just thought the sky was pretty..." [Lisandra]

"But you're looking down at the ground." [Grey]

There was no need to elaborate any further. If Grey and Yuna were to learn even a shred of what her true thoughts were, she would surely be the one to suffer. She didn't want to shed any more tears because of them.

The line moved slowly but surely until it was finally their turn. There were a number of reception desks at the front, receptionists divided into three, several for each division. All were wearing such friendly and professional smiles.

"Next, please."

Said the receptionist, and the line moved along another step. The line continued to slither and the participants soon scattered, heading towards their respective training areas. Before long, it was finally their turn, then preparing their identity cards.

"Y-Your H-Highness?!

Of course, such a reaction was to be expected. They have yet to hand in their cards and all eyes swam towards them once again. The receptionist didn't notice before, but now that she was in front of her, there was no way she could just ignore her.

"Why... Why are you in line...? You could have justー"

"No, that won't do. I'm not here as the Second Princess, but as a swordswoman. It is only proper that I stand in line as well." [Lisandra]

"I... I see... Please pardon my sudden outburst."

Lisandra was firm on her beliefs, seeing everybody else as her equal and not caring about her status at the slightest. She was there to prove her skill with the sword, not to show off her social standing. A swordswoman through and through.

"And... If we are talking about privileges, then why is His Majesty, the King, standing in line as well?" [Lisandra]

"Urk!" [Archen]

The princess pointed at a conspicuous masked man, and the latter flinched at the sudden mention, all eyes following Lisandra's finger. At the same time, their mouths fell towards the ground in agape, eyes wide open as their hearts almost burst open.

The masked man soon heaved a sigh and took off his very strange and eye-catching mask, and surely enough, he was the King. His scarlet hair flowing like water and his golden eyes shining like the sun. There was no mistaking it.

"Haah... How could you ruin my fun like that, Lisa? Do you know how much effort I spent in trying to make the perfect disguise?" [Archen]

"Father, you're the only one who would pick such a ridiculous disguise." [Lisandra]

"What do you mean ridiculous? That was perfect. How did you even see through me? My acting should have been perfect." [Archen]

"You're missing the point, Father...." [Lisandra]

The Royalty of Alfrione really was something. Despite all eyes befalling on them, they still managed to ignore them and talk ever so casually as if it was the most natural thing to do, not batting an eye to anyone else.

The nobility of Alfrione were already carefree, but the ones in Graystone were simply on another level. They could even afford to get drunk and brawl during a formal ball. They don't know whether their culture was just unique or they were just rowdy. Either way, they were very interesting.

"Anyway, Father! Please go away! You're disturbing the peace in here!" [Lisandra]

"Hey, come on now. I'm just a little ways away. I should just register while I'm at it. It's just going to be a few minutes at best." [Archen]

"Father, why don't you look around before you say that?" [Lisandra]

"Hm? Is there something... wrong...?" [Archen]

The King looked around and surely enough, he found his answers. Tense smiles and stiff shoulders filled his eyes in the sea of people. He didn't even need to ask, they were uncomfortable with such an important figure before them, some even shaking.

"See you around, Father. Please don't cause any more trouble." [Lisandra]

Wallowing in overwhelming defeat, the King couldn't retaliate anymore and simply headed out. There was a private reception desk for important figures so there really was no need for him to stand in line. He simply headed there.

"Right, where were we again, Miss Receptionist?" [Lisandra]

"A-Ah! Yes, Your Highness! We were going to start your registration."

"Then let's proceed right away. Here is my identification card." [Lisandra]

Meanwhile, the princess acted as if nothing happened, simply proceeding with the process after she handed in her identification card. She was simply something else, Grey and Yuna only able to break their lips with a wry smile.

"Umm... Excuse me, are you signing up for the Carnival of Swords?"

"Yes, we are... Is there a problem?" [Grey]

"Ah, well... The line for the Intermediate Division is over on the other side. This line here is for the Senior Division."

Meanwhile, Grey and Yuna were confronted with some technical difficulties. After all, no matter where the receptionist looked at them, they were still in their teens. They stood out quite evidently, lining up in the Senior Division which were mostly filled with people in their thirties or forties.

However, there was no need for needless efforts. Grey and Yuna simply handed out their guild cards, their dark sheen shining with grandiose and glamor. It took the receptionist a while, but when she did....

"P-Pardon my impudence, Your Highnesses! I-I will begin processing your registration right away!"

... She was in shock and surprise, panicking a little bit. Even then, she still did her job properly, moving her hands as she filled the paperwork, then handing them to Grey and Yuna with a nervous smile, trying to keep her panic from showing.

Grey and Yuna felt a little bad for her, but they have gotten quite used to such scenes already. The least they could do was hurry and fill up the forms to hasten the process and bring her some relief. They soon handed the form back, their mana signatures imprinted with their names.

The processing was quick and easy, the receptionist frantically handing them a pair of number cards soon after. With that, all that was needed to do was head towards their testing area and wait for a few more minutes again.

"Looks like we still have some time to spare..." [Grey]

They soon arrived at their waiting area, and as luck would have it, there were still quite a handful of participants waiting for their turn, whilst some showed off their skills, slashing through the tiny orbs which were afloat in the air.

The test was pretty simple. The examiners would control 100 tiny orbs with magic and have them bolt all over the testing area. All the participant had to do was hit as many orbs and as quickly within 1 minute.

Of course, as it was a test for swordsmanship skills, every participant must lower their physical strength as advised. Anyone caught breaking the rules would immediately be disqualified without a second thought regardless of status.

"Oh. Looks like it's Lisa's turn. Should we watch how she's doing?" [Grey]

"Yes, please~!" [Yuna]

Grey waved his hands and mana danced at his tune. With the use of illusion magic, Grey showed Yuna what was happening in the Intermediate Division Testing area with the use of his "Heaven's Eyes", the two watching excitedly.

A lone princess was now standing at the center, all eyes gazing at her with curiosity and interest. Before long, the orbs were finally rebooted, rushing like preying eagles, only leaving blurs and afterimages at their wake.

'Hooh... Take a deep breath... You can do this, Lisa!' [Lisandra]

Yet the princess remained still, breathing in and out whilst she closed her eyes. She listened to the buzzing sound of the orbs and the vibrations in the air, her hands by her side, ready to draw her sword at any given moment.

"Ready... Start!"

The examiner gave her signal and clicked the stopwatch, the princess opening her eyes soon after. The air suddenly got stern and heavy, blurring images reflecting in Lisandra's blue eyes as the orbs darted before her.

She poured her strength towards her legs, springing into the air with a single leap. She then drew her blade, mana gathering towards it like a vortex, gleaming brighter as she gripped it tightly, twisting her body as she brandished her sword.

⟨⟨Silver Halo!⟩⟩ [Lisandra]

A blade of silver lashed in the air, thundering like lightning as it connected towards the tiny bolts. Many survived but their trajectories were rocked by the shockwave, slowing down significantly as they wobbled about.

⟨⟨Black Star!⟩⟩ [Lisandra]

Still hovering midair, Lisandra slashed and slashed, a star of darkness borne from her light. It roared and roared, taking down several more orbs with it, dropping like flies as the princess landed on the ground with a spring on her steps.

She didn't waste any more time and continued her rampage, listening to the tiniest of vibrations and striking the moment it matters. All those who happened to lower their altitude were immediately slashed, her score increasing by the moment.

⟨⟨Pierce!⟩⟩ [Lisandra]

The princess turned around and thrusted her sword, three down at the same time. However she didn't just stop there, as soon as her thrust ended, she then changed the trajectory of her sword, changing the thrust into a slash.

⟨⟨Starlight Blossom!⟩⟩ [Lisandra]

Not just once, twice, nor thrice, but she slashed and slashed whilst giving it her all. The flower of blades soon bloomed and a whirlwind of destruction rocked the testing area, catching the tiny orbs in its deadly maw.

The slashing continued and many more blades ran rampant across the testing area. The other participants couldn't take her eyes off her, their hearts drowning in awe as they watched her dance along the clouds of dust and blades.

"Stop! Time is up!"

The storm has passed and an orchestra of applause echoed in the air. The princess breathed out a sigh of relief and disappointment, looking up upwards as she sheathed her blade. Some still remained...

'Three more, huh...' [Lisandra]

It wasn't perfect, but her performance was excellent. Looking at her, Grey and Yuna couldn't help but smile. They wanted to congratulate her if they could, but with things the way they are, as they could do was wish her well.

"#244, please read in the testing area."

"Oh! Looks like it's my turn now! Wish me luck, Grey!" [Yuna]

"Alright, break a leg." [Grey]

It was finally their turn and Yuna headed to the center of the testing area. Soon after the previous participant left, the staff quickly reset the orbs by recharging them with mana. Since only a few had fallen, it didn't take long before they took the air again.

All the previous participants were nervous and serious yet neither could be seen in Yuna's attitude. On the contrary, she was carefree as can be, happily humming to herself as she awaits the signal of the examiner.

"Hey... Isn't she a little bit too young? Why is she in the Senior Division?"

"Huh? Don't you know who she is? She's Her Highness, Lady Yuna. She's an S-ranker, you dolt!"

"Even then, isn't it alright to be that carefree?"

The other participants were gossiping and the staff couldn't help but make a worried face. He had faced countless swordsmen, but it was his first time seeing one who looked like she was on a stroll. He couldn't help but feel worried.

"Ready... Set... Start!"

⟨⟨Bladed Tempest!⟩⟩ [Yuna]

There weren't any warnings from the young lady. As soon as the examiner clicked the stopwatch, Yuna immediately unsheathed her sword, a storm of mana brewing in the testing areas soon after, getting stronger and stronger like a whirlpool.

One... Two... Three... Four... The more she slashed, the more blades appeared out of thin air, cycling ever violently like a hurricane until a tornado of blades was birthed, scarring the ground and dicing the air without a shred of mercy.

No matter how far the tiny orbs were, they were all pulled in towards the raging storm of death, slashed and riddled with gashes as the spell grew. Tens... Dozens... And even more, the orbs couldn't flee from Yuna's destructive wrath.

Yet despite all the violence, the young lady shined bright, dancing in the eye of the storm as she waved her sword, silver glimmers twinkling like stars. She halted her steps, and the storm died down, a rain of fragments falling soon after.

"Wh-What the hell was that?! Isn't that way too quick?!"

"Yeah... It should be less than 10 seconds... No wonder she was so carefree..."

The crowd which was once laced with worry and concern were now filled with awe as they watched the young lady walk away. The examiner was so in awe, he almost forgot to stop the timer. It was all too beautiful.

"Fufufu! Grey, it's your turn! Good luck!" [Yuna]

"Thanks. I'll make sure not to disappoint." [Grey]

He was just as carefree as his fiancée, not a shred of concern reflected in his eyes, even whistling as he walked towards the center testing area. And like before, the staff once again reset the orbs, changing the ones obliterated by Yuna.

"Ready... Set... Start!"

At the examiner's words, Grey immediately kicked the ground and leaped towards the air, soaring to the sky with the use of wind magic. In just a single second, he was already more than a hundred meters in the air, eyes shining along the sun.

He pulled his arms back, his eyes watching all the orbs at the same time. After all, what better angle was there to get the best vantage point than above?

⟨⟨Flash Rain⟩⟩ [Grey]

His cold words rang out in the air, a downpour of blades rushing towards the ground. It may not be as beautiful as Yuna's technique, it was just as effective, all the orbs pierced and crushed with every blade falling down.

Not a single one escaped and all dropped towards the ground. The moment he was back on the ground, so were the orbsー or what used to be orbs. There were only thousands of fragments to be seen, mixing along the dust in the ground.

『Fufufu! Quire the show off, aren't we? That didn't even take 5 second.』 [Yuna]

『You're the last person I want to hear that from, Yuna,』 [Grey]

The two were casual and carefree, but the same couldn't be said for the others. They were so shocked, they couldn't even make out comments, everyone unable to believe their eyes despite seeing it for themselves.

"Ah! Grey, Yuna, you're done! How did your tests go?!" [Lisandra]

"Fufufu! It went well~! Should we get some snacks? I'm getting hungry." [Yuna]

Carefree as ever, the three left the testing area and the staff were still in shock. They simply headed outside and headed down the streets to taste some delicious delights. It was still early, but there was nothing wrong with celebrating their success.

Time passed by and the sky had turned golden, the sun slowly sinking down over the faraway horizon. Many people had left the testing area and the results were finally posted on the announcement boards.

Some were delighted, but many were crestfallen, heading out with their heads hung down. Of course, our protagonists were also in front of the announcement boards, looking at the results with excited eyes, Lisandra holding her hands together as she read the names printed in front of her.

"I... I'm in! Grey, Yuna, I'm in! I'm really in! I really made it!" [Lisandra]

"Fufufu! Good for you, Lisa." [Yuna]

It wasn't just Lisandra, Grey and Yuna's names were also in the finalists as expected. There were only smiles on their faces, as they watched the announcement boards again and again. A few familiar names were also in there.

Of course, the King's name was also in there, lined up along Grey's main bracket. He had always wanted to fight with them, and now he has a legitimate reason to. They don't know whether they should be relieved or not.

"Grey, look! Look! We're in different brackets!" [Yuna]

"Then I guess we'll see each other in the finals, huh." [Grey]

"Fufufu! That's right. Don't you dare lose to anyone else, got it?" [Yuna]

But perhaps the most exciting aspect was that Grey and Yuna were in the farthest of brackets. If they want to fight against one another, they must defeat every single one of their opponents until they face one another in the finals. It was exhilarating!

The Carnival of Swords draws close!


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