YLTESCIA: A Reincarnator’s Tale in the Lands of Merusia

Chapter 320: The Carnival of Swords

Toot Toot Toot Bam Bam Bam Ding Ding Ding

A loud fanfare thundered towards the sky, clamoring cheers and chatters booming all through the whole arena. A parade of drums, trumpets, xylophones, and many more marched and circled, a rhythmic symphony brewing in the air.

The massive gates opened and heavy creaks resounded in the air. A large cohort of knights pouring out, bearing silver swords, golden spears, and scarlet flags in their arms. They stopped their march and faced one another, a loud thud echoing.

Majesty, dignity, and honor. The knights raised their hands in attention, performing their salutes as the important figures of the Kingdom made their entrance, waving their hands with smiles on their faces.

"Your Majesties, Your Highnesses! We love you!"

"General Harold! You're the best! Take back the seat of the Champion!"

"Long live Graystone! May the swords of the Kingdom shine bright!"

There were the High Officers, the Ministers, and the Royal Family. The King waved his hands and the crowd cheered fervently, chanting his name towards high heaven. The majesty of the Royal Family graced the arena, each step prim and proper.

There was no end to the ruckus and commotion, excitement brewing heavier in the air. The Royal Family soon arrived at the Royal Chambers and the flags of Graystone were raised proudly by their side, music coon playing in the air.

"♪ Our beloved motherland. In the land of the caves and seas. The waves will turn and the earth will quake. But our sword will remain standing proud ♪...."

It was the national anthem of Graystone, everyone standing in attention no matter how young or old. They closed their fists and placed it atop their chests, their words drifting along the fleeting music. Everyone was in harmony.

The violins and the piano were played, and the drums were beat. As the voices of the masses drifted afloat the air, the winds whistled ever so gently. The beats and notes soon reached their conclusion, merriness returning to the crowd.

"My dearest and loyal subjects, the time has come yet again. He was a great King and a great swordsman. With his own hands, he brought forth peace over the lands and built the very lands we stand here today.

King Parsifal, the first and greatest King of the Graystone was a man of conviction and devotion. He swung his sword for the people and paved the way for the people, gifting us the paradise we live in." [Archen]

The King continued his speech and the people listened to his preaching. There was not a single chattering to be heard, everyone listening attentively to the stories they have since heard when they were children.

The tales of the first King had been passed down from generation to generation, and for more generations to come. He was not just a King, but a hero as well. One who spent sweat, blood, and tears to build Graystone.

It was a story sung by bards and writers 300 years ago, yet it still felt fresh to the hearts of the populace. The King's words only fanned the flames of their endless gratitude to a man they have never met before yet had changed their lives.

"However, like all stories, the tale of our great founder also reached its conclusion 300 years ago. On this very day, King Parsifal had joined the stars in the night sky, forever watching us from above.

He left a legacy in our books, a burning will in our hearts, and a dream for the future. Today, we celebrate his departure and the gifts he bestowed us. Today, we shall cross our swords in his honor and remember him for ages to come!

To King Parsifal! Glory to Graystone!" [Archen]

"""To King Parsifal! Glory to Graystone!"""

The King raised his hands and the crowd raised their voices in unison. A boisterous and flamboyant round of applause echoed in the air, people smiling as they honored the First King deep in their hearts.

However, the excitement has yet to begin. With the King finishing his piece, a sharp ring rocked the skies and two figures took his place. The crowd clamored at their entrance, the atmosphere getting rowdy and lively.

"What a wonderful speech from His Majesty! Truly a glamorous way to start the Carnival of Swords, don't you think so too, Partner?" [???]

"I agree, Partner. I have already heard it countless of times but my heart still quivers every time I hear it. His Majesty, King Parsifal, truly is a great man!" [???]

"No wonder many people see him as his idol. I'm sure everyone here wanted to be like him at some point in time. To reach the pinnacle of swordsmanship!" [???]

"Hahaha! That sure brings back memories. It feels like it was just yesterday." [???]

They were rowdy and flamboyant, their voices echoing in the Grand Colosseum as they chatted ever so casually. They were seated in a separate chamber just across and a little ways below the Royal Chamber, the perfect vantage point.

"Oh! Looks like we got carried away again, partner. How about we introduce ourselves before we continue chattering?" [???]

"Hohoho! That's a wonderful idea! In fact, that's the best idea!" [???]

They laughed and chuckled, clearing their throats all the while. The people listened to their chit chat and they successfully grabbed the attention of everyone. People could only chuckle to themselves as they listened to the two's silliness.

"Gooooddddd morning, Ladies and Gentlemen!! This is Konan speaking! It'a a pleasure to see your beautiful faces again this year!" [Konan]

"And the name's Terry! In your service!" [Terry]

""We will be your commentators for the day!!"" [Konan and Terry]

They were none other than the commentators for the Carnival of Swords, lively and rowdy as can be. The moment they introduced themselves, the audience was in an uproar, raising their hands and chanting with enthusiasm.

It wasn't the first time they handled the commentary for such a great and grand event, and throughout the years, due to their liveliness and charisma, the people only grew to love them, everyone full of energy, squealing like little hamsters.

"Partner, have you heard, it seems like there's quite a change in the way we're doing things this time around." [Konan]

"You're said it, Partner. I was pretty shocked too when I heard it. But more than shocked, I was even more excited! To think that not just one, but we'll be having 3 champions this year!" [Terry]

"You heard it right, folks! Three! There will be 3 champions in this year's Carnival of Swords! One from each division!" [Konan]

Many were already aware of the fact, but some were still in the dark. The moment they heard about the commentators' words, a furor thundering amongst the crowd, the audience in a wild and turbulent craze.

Fortunately, they weren't negative reactions, but rather, a wave full of positivity, the people smiling from ear to ear from excitement. One was already exhilarating, and now they have three. They eagerly looked forward to the matches.

"In this year's Carnival of swords, the participants are grouped into three divisions, namely, the Junior Division, the Intermediate Division, and the Senior Division, all having 32 swordsmen ready to battle for the crown." [Konan]

"And that's not all! Since there are now three divisions, rather than two days, the Carnival of Swords will now be three days!" [Terry]

"Three times the excitement and three times the fun!" [Konan]

The Carnival of Swords would be a long event. On the first day would be the round of 32, for the second day is the round of 16 and the quarterfinals, and lastly, on the third day, would be the semifinals, and the grand finals.

The Junior Division would play in the morning, the Intermediate Division during noon, and the Senior Division in the afternoon, a 30-minute break separating each division from one another.

Of course, as there could be unforeseen accidents, healers and support classes are always on standby in the area, even the Archbishop of Avalon present and ready to give aid when the moment is called for.

The barriers have also been checked so that no sudden problems occur during the event, everything double checked just to be sure. With all the time and resources spent on the event, there was nothing more grand and luxurious as it is.

"I wonder just what kind of prizes the champions will pick this year." [Konan]

"If I'm correct, Lord Deltran chose a new sword last year, right?" [Terry]

"That's right, and not just any sword, but a High-Tier Superior-Grade sword. It was one which would cost millions to make!" [Konan]

"If it was me, I would have chosen a mansion instead! Hohoho!" [Terry]

Of course, the grand prizes for the champions were just as luxurious. As long as they are reasonable, the winner of the Carnival of Swords can be granted any single wish from the Royal Family the moment they win their divisions.

Be it a mansion, fame, money, good equipment, an expensive item, knighting, and many more, the Royal Family is ready to grant it, and thus many of the swordsmen participate year by year. It was basically a one-time wishing well,

"Ohh!! Just thinking about it makes my blood boil in excitement!" [Terry]

"Your said it very well, Partner! There's no greater thrill and honor than to watch such honorable swordsmen cross swords with one another!" [Konan]

"Oh! And have you heard? We have some interesting new faces this year! They just shocked the whole capital recently! I really want to see them!" [Terry]

"I know who you're talking about, Partner. It really seems like the Carnival of Swords would be very interesting. I can't wait to..." [Konan]

The commentators babbled and babbled on, running their mouths as they hyped the crowd up with rumors and gossip which has been floating in the Capital for quite a while already, poking at the people's interest as they continued to speak.


"Have... heard... are... champions..." [Konan]

"... right... The... had... fought... time...." [Terry]

Voices faint and thin echoed throughout the walls, the ones hearing it barely making out what they were supposed to be. Only deep breaths and howling slashes echoed in the air, a number of figures preparing for each and their own.

Under the searing areas where the sun couldn't reach, various swordsmen gathered along their swords. Each one of them was a cut above the rest, hearts springing full of confidence as they held onto their swords preciously.

Some seared themselves carefreely, some were polishing their swords, and some were meditating to ease themselves. They were all different and unique, yet they bore the same wish inside their hearts... The dream to reach the top.

"Feeling uneasy, Lisa?" [Yuna]

"A little bit... But don't worry, I'm not as nervous as yesterday, I'm sure I can overcome this adversity!" [Lisandra]

"Fufufu! That's the spirit, Lisa! Just believe in yourself!" [Yuna]

Of course, Grey, Yuna, and Lisandra were also there. After attending the parade, the Princess quickly came down the waiting area and changed into her swordswoman attire, equipping the sword Grey and Yuna made by her side.

It has only been a few days, but Lisandra had already familiarized herself with the sword. Not only was it light, it was very sharp and durable as well thanks to Grey's enchantments. It felt like an extension of her own body.

Well, it wasn't just them who were present, but a few friendly and familiar faces as well in the mix. There was the General, the Lt. Generals, Galahad, Eliazar, knights from the Royal Guards, and of course...

"That's right! I can't always be like this! I need to be firm!" [Lisandra]

"That's right~! Just keep up that mindset and fortitude, Lisa!" [Yuna]

"A-A-After all... L-Lord Deltran is here as well!" [Lisandra]

.... There was the Champion. The moment Lisandra saw him, she immediately got panicky and fidgety, squealing and screaming deep inside her heart, watching from afar like a truly insane fangirl, obsessed with her idol.

Little did she know, that very idol was someone she was super close toー or rather, someone she knew very well. Only Grey knew of the fact, and he could only chuckle at Lisandra's unusually meek and adorable reactions.

It wasn't just the princess, but many of the younger generation were in awe as they looked at him, eyes sparkling brightly as they bored a hole in his head. It was quite the amazing feat that he could remain unfazed even after such intense gazes.

"If you're going to stare that much, why don't you just approach him and ask for an autograph? It shouldn't be that hard." [Grey]

"E-Eh?! N-No way! My heart's not ready yet!" [Lisandra]

"Fufufu! She has a crush on him, after all~! My, how innocent~!" [Yuna]

"No! I do not! I really don't! And I already have a fiancée! How many times do I have to tell you that, Yuna!" [Lisandra]

Whispering whilst shouting, Lisandra tried her utmost best to keep her voice down as she shook Yuna's shoulders. Her face burned a fierce red like a ripe tomato as she kept on shaking Yuna, the latter only having fun as much as she could.

And her words were true. Lisandra doesn't hold any romantic feelings for Deltran, only feelings of respect and admiration as a fellow swordsman. She looks up to her like he looks up to Lionel and her father, heart holding them dear.

'Well, I guess that works out...' [Grey]

Otherwise, it would have been a pretty big and messy problem. Lionel may be hiding his identity as Deltran, but he's still the same prince. They were brother and sister, and one could only imagine how wrong it would be,

"Haah... Lisandra, give me the scabbard of your sword real quick." [Grey]

"Hm? Is there something wrong with it?" [Lisandra]

"Not really, I just wanted to check something." [Grey]

The princess tilted her head in confusion, but she only got a smile in response. She didn't hesitate any longer and unsheathed her sword, then giving Grey the scabbard, a curious look brewing on her beautiful face.

Grey inspected the scabbard, turning it up and down, carefully scrutinizing it with a serious gaze in his eyes. He looked very serious, but it was all just a ploy, standing up soon after, his footsteps resounding in the air.

"Hm? Grey...? Where are you...!!" [Lisandra]

Lisandra was just about to ask, but the answer revealed itself soon after. It took her a little while, but the direction Grey was walking towards was clearly towards Deltran, her face traced with panic as soon as she realized.

She wanted to call Grey back, but raising her voice would be the same as asking to be the center of attention. Deltran would surely also look at her curiously, and she'd look like a fool. It would be so embarrassing, it might as well be a death sentence.

The same couldn't be said to Grey. With a face which looked like he didn't have a single ounce of care, he walked up towards Deltran, only stopping his steps when they were just a couple inches apart, the latter looking at him with curiosity.

"It's been some time, Lord Deltran." [Grey]

"Likewise, Your Highness. Have you been well?" [Lionel]

He was cautious as ever, not letting himself suddenly slip and acting naturally with a polite smile on his face. If Grey had not known his true character earlier on, he would have been fooled as well. Acting skills deserving of an award.

"Now, now, no need to be so formal. I already casted a sound-proofing barrier along with some illusion magic. Only the two of us can hear our conversation." [Grey]

"That quickly? You sure move fast, don't you, Grey?" [Lionel]

"Well, you know what they say, the early bird catches the worm... Now, that phrase doesn't really fit the situation, doesn't it?" [Grey]

Grey didn't just erect a barrier, he also veiled themselves with a bit of illusion magic to prevent the people not only from eavesdropping but reading their lips as well. It was the perfect spell for such secret talks.

"So, why did you approach me? Are you in need of something?" [Lionel]

"Not really, but here, take this..." [Grey]

"A... Scabbard...?" [Lionel]

"That's right, it's a scabbard. Now, please sign it with your autograph," [Grey]

The prince was puzzled, no he was baffled and bewildered. He had thought it was going to be something valuable and important, but to think it was so trivial as a mere autograph... He was at a loss for words, unable to utter even a single word.

There have many who've asked him for an autograph, and he's sighed many of them over the course of several years, yet it was the first time someone approached him with such a serious look, even erecting a sound-proof barrier just for it. It was quite shocking to say the very least.

Lionel looked at Grey again, and his eyes remained unchanged, still serious as he held the scabbard towards him. The latter could only sigh in resignation and accept. There was nothing he could lose with just a mere signature, anyway.

"Haah... I didn't think you would ask for an autograph, Grey. That really threw me off. You should warn me next time." [Lionel]

"Ah, no.... It's not for me." [Grey]

"Then who is it for... Oh, for Lisa, huh..." [Lionel]

The Prince answered his own question, following Grey's glance to a now fidgety and panicky young princess. His younger sister was full of worries as they looked at them, not knowing what to do and trembling ever so slightly.

Lionel already knew that Lisandra admired her, but he never knew it was to such a great extent. He felt guilty hiding his identity, but there was only so much he could do about it. He heaved a sigh of resignation, not dwelling on the topic any longer.

"Haah... You should have told me sooner." [Lionel]

"Aren't you going to wish her good luck? She worked really hard, you know?" [Grey]

"I know... Trust me, I know..." [Lionel]

It was subtle, but there was a tinge of softness and gentleness in his voice as he said such words, a little smile blooming on his face as he picked up a pen and signed the scabbard of his dearest younger sister.

He could still remember her sparkling eyes when she was still a child, hopping cutely and excitedly as she watched him train his swordsmanship. To think that that very same child had grown up to be such a fine young lady... He couldn't be any happier.

"Alright... I'll be heading back now. I'll be sure to give it to her." [Grey]

"Yeah, and while you're at it, tell her exactly this... 'May the sword guide and bless you on your path to greatness'... It's something I read in a book once." [Lionel]

"Alright, you can count on me." [Grey]

He was now smiling confidently, eyes filled with gentleness. Grey couldn't help but break a smile as well, soon turning around and heading back towards Yuna and Lisandraー or at least, he was going to, when suddenly...

"Oh right, and one more thing... I look forward to our match." [Lionel]

It wasn't just a statement, it was a big declaration. A declaration that he wouldn't be losing to anyone else until they face one another, and so, Grey should also the same. It was an invitation from the Champion towards his challenger,

Of course, being the man that he is, Grey wasn't one to turn down such a challenge. A spark has ignited deep within him, an exhilarated smile blooming on his face as excitement exploded inside his heart like fireworks.

"Sure, I won't disappoint you, so you better keep your word." [Grey]

"Hahaha. Just who do you think you're talking to, Junior?" [Lionel]

Smiles on their faces and eyes burning with passion and resolve. Grey soon turned around and headed back towards the other two, returning the scabbard and relaying Lionel's words as it is to Lisandra.

The moment he saw the sweet smile on his younger sister's face, he couldn't help but smile as well. He had achieved many goals in life and gathered many treasures, but nothing was more valuable than her smiles. She was his greatest treasure.

"And now! Let's welcome our honorable swordsmen!" [Terry]

The announcer's voice boomed throughout the Grand Colosseum, a booming fanfare following it soon enough. One after another, the swordsmen poured out towards the stage, holding their chests high as they marched forward.

There was the Junior Division, the bright future of the kingdom. The Intermediate Division who are the rising stars which will soon become pillars of Graystone. And finally, there was the Senior Division, legends who had already made their name.

"Whoohoo!! Lord Deltran, make sure you crush them all!"

"That's my son! I'm sure he would win this in a breeze!"

"Chifon, do your best! Show them what an adventurer really is!"

The crowd was ecstatic, merry and joyful cheers fluttering in the air. The excitement only grew and grew, adding in more to the chaotic symphony. There was not a single soul who was nor shouting, all were yelling to the top of their lungs.

『Grey, you remember our promise, right?』 [Yuna]

『Of course. Have you forgotten who I am, My Dear?』 [Grey]

『Fufufu! Then let's have as much fun as we can!』 [Yuna]

The Carnival of Swords has begun!


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