YLTESCIA: A Reincarnator’s Tale in the Lands of Merusia

Chapter 321: The First Rounds (pt. I)

Clang Clang Clang

Furious winds blew all over the Grand Colosseum, violent lashes and hasty slashes giving birth to thundering explosions as blades clashed against one another. One was a violent gale and the other a serene creek, glimmering under the sky.

Two figures clenched their blades tightly, creating shockwaves with each and every swing. As sparks flew in all directions, a storm of man brewed more turbulent, leaving deep gashes on the ground and piercing the clouds above.

As the clamoring of swords rang out like the screeches of falcons and roars of lions, the crowd only added to the excitement. They screamed and they bawled out their hearts, pouring every bit of strength as they cheered.

⟨⟨Heavy Slash!⟩⟩ ⟨⟨Soaring Edge!⟩⟩

They waved their blades and blades of mana rushed out from their swords, another loud clash filling the air. The audience couldn't help but look at the beautiful exchange of blows, hearts smiling heartily like the expressions they wore.

They were still young, but their skills were polished as they came. They wielded their swords with years of experience, finally revealing their sharp and deadly glints in front of the masses, eyes burning passionately with determination.

"And Lady Jimena strikes again! Breaking the gap in Lord Hark's defense! Will she be able to turn the tide of the battle?!" [Terry]

"Looks like that's a hard no, folks! Lady Jimena's strikes may be fast but Lord Hark's recovery is even faster! He stands with pride yet again!" [Konan]

It was the final round of the Junior Division, and all participants had given it their all as they brandished their swords, one fierce duel unfolding after another. The crowd howled in excitement, raising their fists towards the sky.

There was a little bit of concern when the decision of adding divisions were made, but seeing the reception or the populace, it seems that those worries were all for naught, two figures screaming to the top of their lungs as they hyped the audience.

"Kids these days really are something, aren't they, Partner?" [Terry]

"You're absolutely right! Even as I am now, I'm afraid I wouldn't stand a chance against any of them! Truly frightening indeed!" [Konan]

"Hohoho! These are Graystone's future! We're witnessing history unfold!" [Terry]

Their flamboyant voices thundered throughout the Grand Colosseum, drowned out by the excitement and enthusiasm of the crowd. The Carnival of Swords had barely just started yet the atmosphere had already peaked.

"Oh! She strikes and she scores! Lady Jimena is driving Lord Harks into a corner with her rapid thrusts and merciless blows!" [Konan]

"Will this be the end, folks?! Will Lord Harks be able to make a recovery?!" [Terry]

"Haha! My blood is boiling in thrill!" [Konan]

Konan and Terry made such a loud racket, slamming their desks in excitement as they peered towards the two contestants. All eyes were on the two youngsters, not blinking as the match slowly approached its conclusion.

The young lady drew back her sword and pulled as much mana as she could. She grit her teeth and clenched her heart, putting all her strength towards her arms. It was all or nothing, a final strike to end it all.

⟨⟨Pierce!⟩⟩ ⟨⟨Barrier!⟩⟩

Harks planted down his sword, erecting a barrier before him. Light swallowed the stage the moment Jimena thrusted her sword, the sound of glass shattering echoing in the air as the two forces collided ever so violently.

The light soon faded away, one figure remaining standing. She was panting heavily, bullets of sweat trickling down from her forehead and hands trembling ever so slightly and nervously, her sword pointing towards her fated opponent.

"Th-The match is overrrr!! Lady Jimena has taken ahold of victory! Lady Jimena advances to the next round!" [Konan]

"What a beautiful display, folks! It may be the last, but it wasn't the least, I'll tell you that much! Let's give it up for Lady Jimena and Lord Harks for such a wonderful and awe-inspiring performance!" [Terry]

"Folks, let's give them a wonderful round of applause!" [Konan]

"Hohoho! Such great youngsters they are!" [Terry]

One attained victory and one suffered defeat, yet despite the contrasting results, both only received praises from the audience. It wasn't just a duel, but a masterpiece of art where two people poured out their hearts to reach their dreams.

The moment the match ended, Jimena extended her hand and lifted Harks off the ground with a smile on her face. They concluded the match with a handshake, relief blooming in their hearts. What beautiful and youthful sportsmanship.

But perhaps the most delighted one was the King, seeing rays of hope for the future of the Kingdom. Seeing such a wonderful performance, he could rest assured that the Kingdom of Graystone will be in good hands, now and for centuries to come.

"Hohoho! The round of 32 was such a blast! I never thought I'd see the day where such bright stars will grace the Grand Colosseum." [Terry]

"You said it, Partner! There is nothing more refreshing than watching such intense and beautiful fights! You could only look forward to their future!" [Konan]

"Hohoho! I'm sure they will shine brighter than they do now! Not just in Avalon, but throughout the whole continent!" [Terry]

"Hahaha! I wonder if we're already watching the debut of a future hero." [Konan]

The commentators talked with such a lax and carefree attitude, talking about all the important happenings of the Junior Division, praising the brilliance of the younger generations and looking forward to the days to come.

Everyone was in agreement, wishfully hoping that such days would come very soon. They could only keep on talking about them, bright and cheerful smiles on their faces as they recalled what just happened. A moment of peace and enjoyment,

"Well, with that folks, it's the end of the Junior Division's round of 32! We will be back after a short break!" [Terry]

"Make sure to fill your stomachs, because we will be in for another wonderful ride! Next up is the Intermediate Division's round of 32!" [Konan]

Still merry and jolly, the Grand Colosseum was soon cleared of people and the crowd soon dispersed. Everyone had a quick early lunch break to fill their stomachs before the next set of duels commences, all wearing excited faces.

But some, rather than excitement, were wearing both determination and anxiousness, trying to lull their fluttering hearts as they took deep breaths. They held their swords tight, clearing their minds of uncertainties and steeling their resolve.

One of them was none other than the Kingdom's very own princess, Lisandra. She is up first in the Intermediate Division and she couldn't help but feel anxious, her hands trembling in cold and nervous sweat.

"Fufufu! Don't worry too much about it, Lisa. This will be a breeze!" [Yuna]

"That's right. You just need to enjoy yourself. Fate will do its work." [Grey]

"Uuu... Easy for you to say...." [Lisandra]

And a complete opposite to her were Grey and Yuna who were simply snacking on some skewers and sandwiches as they calmed the young princess down. There was not a single shred of anxiety in their eyes and hearts.

"Tell you what, if you get to enter the semifinals, I'll forge you the best sword I could, and if you win the championship, I'll give you an item we got from our Labyrinth dives. What do you think?" [Grey]

"Then, I'll also brew you a good potion! Something you've never seen before! Doesn't sound pretty bad, right?!" [Yuna]

"That's a little difficult, but... I'll do my best! I will win!" [Lisandra]

"Furufu! That's the spirit!" [Yuna]

There was no need to think too much about it. All she needed to do was wield her sword and give it her beat. She had already experienced sparring against Grey and Yuna, so a match against anyone else would be but a walk in the park.

Time passed and the clouds drifted away. The Grand Colosseum's seats were once again filled to the brim, excited crowds bringing snacks and enthusiasm to the place, eyes now afixed towards the stage.

There, two figures stood in silence, looking one another in the eyes. One was the princess and the other was a young man, a scar streaking across his face. They both wielded longswords by their sides, tension and pressure hovering in the air.

"Ohh! What an exciting match! Who would've thought the first match of the Intermediate Division would be with Her Highness!" [Konan]

"Hohoho! She may be a princess, but don't be fooled folks! She is trained in the quill and sword, winning gladiator matches with her own strength! The pride and joy of the Royal Family!" [Terry]

"That's right! The red rose who is as strong as she is beautiful! Let's give her a round of applause, Princessー No, Gladiator Lisandra myr Lantre Graystone!" [Konan]

Konan was about to introduce her as the princess, but he suddenly cut off his own words. She came here as a swordswoman, and so, it was only proper that she is treated as a swordsman, one proud of her kind.

"And facing her bravely is a young adventurer who has braced all challenges and has proven himself time and time again! A young man or conviction and honor! The pride of the Adventurers! Lando!" [Terry]

The contestants were introduced and the crowd was in turmoil. They chanted both the youngster's names, many looking forward to their duel. It was their first time on such a massive stage, but wore composure over their faces.

"Let's have a good match, Your Highness." [Lando]

"I feel the same. May the sword guide us." [Lisandra]

A short and friendly exchange and the two shook their hands. They then headed to the other ends of the stage, facing one another with their hearts ablaze with the intent to win, reading to unsheathe their sword the moment fate calls for it.

"Then, without further ado..." [Konan]

"Let the duel..." [Terry]

""Begin!!"" [Konan and Terry]

The gong rang and the stage thundered. Two figures unsheathed their swords from their scabbards and rushed towards one another, sparks flying out as their swords connected, metals screeching as they scratched against each other.

Lando planted his feet firmly towards the ground and drew out more strength, waving down his sword to resume his slash. A bright glimmer shone on the stage, a heavy thud resounding as his sword shattered the tiles.

Lisandra had no other choice but to dodge and leap a couple steps backwards, Lando chasing after her with indifferent eyes. He then performed a thrust, lunging his sword forward towards the young princess' left flank.

However, it wasn't fast enough. Lisandra simply parried his sword and deflected its trajectory with a simple swing, using the spin and momentum to draw closer to her opponent and prepare a counterattack.

⟨⟨Heavy Slash!⟩⟩ [Lisandra]

She twisted her body and brought forth force in her strike. A silver glint gleamed in the stage as a horizontal slash targeted Lando from his right. One he barely dodged by bending his body forward and planting his sword to the ground to balance himself.

Yet Lisandra didn't just stop at a single strike. Following her horizontal slash, she then changed the trajectory of her sword. With another spin, a sword came rushing from above, bearing the force enough to crush bones with ease.

⟨⟨Heavy Slash!⟩⟩ [Lisandra]

Yet another slash, yet another narrow escape. Lando used all his strength and pulled his body towards his sword, straining a couple muscles to bring himself forward. He then followed up with some simple acrobatics and sprung up towards the air.

There was no time to waste. Whilst Lisandra was still preparing for another attack, he quickly pulled his sword, just in time to defend from a fierce strike, sparks once again flying in the air, drifting along the dust.

Clang Clang Clang

A series of clashes echoed in the air, Lisandra on the offensive and Lando doing the best he could to defend against her aggressive fury. He remained calm and collected, eyes watching every single movement without missing a beat.

She struck and she struck, and Lando continued to defend. There are times when he counterattacks, but they all miss without exception. His eyes continued to observe and his hands continued to block and parry.

⟨⟨Raging Whirlwind!⟩⟩ [Lisandra]

A sudden gust blew and a fury of blades came raining down towards Lando, each strike packed with the intent to destroy, getting faster and faster as the sands of time continued to trickle down the hourglass.

With each strike, Lando's steps were pushed back, drawing closer and closer to the edge of the stage. The crowd cheered and bellowed, chanting the Princess' name in support and excitement until all others were drowned out in the pandemonium.

"Ohh! Looks like Her Highness is pushing back contestant Lando! What a quick and aggressive development!" [Konan]

"You're right, Partner! Contestant Lando is doing his best parrying all her strikes. He's being driven into a corner with every moment!" [Terry]

"It had only been a minute, but the duel had already reached such a development! Will contestant Lando be able to recover and make a comeback?!" [Konan]

Commented the two, fueling the excitement of the match. The crowd was in a ruckus, yet a few figures couldn't help but frown, looking at the match with stern and cautious eyes, not saying a single word and patiently waiting for the tides to turn.

『Grey... Lando's measuring Lisa, isn't he?』 [Yuna]

『Yeah. He's just waiting for the moment Lisa makes a gap. No only is he stronger, he's also much more experienced than her.』 [Grey]

『Mmn... This is going to be a difficult match then...』 [Yuna]

『Well, we'll just have to wait and see.』 [Grey]

Grey and Yuna were perfectly right. Every movement, every strike, and every little gesture. With his "Observation (2☆)", Lando made sure to take account Lisandra's attacks pattern, taking note where there were gaps in her defenses.

It may look like her fury of blows was impossible to breach, but there were countless gaps appearing here and there every time she struck. The time window was small, but a gap was still a gap no less. A little force, and her rampage would be broken.

'There...!' [Lando]

And it didn't take long before a large gap appeared in front of Lando. The moment he saw it, he immediately grabbed the opportunity and gripped his sword tightly, planting his foot firmly and performing yet another thrust.

Lando's eyes glimmered differently and a cold chill suddenly ran on Lisandra's spine. She didn't hesitate any longer and pulled herself away, trying to escape before Lando finished preparing for his counterattack.

⟨⟨Wild Thrust!⟩⟩ [Lando]

He poured all his strength and his sword shone with brilliance. A shockwave rocked the stage, a sharp beam of light piercing the air and clashing with the barrier, a loud tremor driving the winds violent and amok.

If it wasn't for her "Danger Sense", Lisandra would have been caught up in such an attack and received a couple wounds at the very least. At the worst, her stomach could have been pierced and she would have been out of the competition.

However, there was no time to be relieved. As soon as his first attack missed, blue currents of electricity clad Lando's sword, his eyes shining white as he was donned with a veil of lightning p, thunder resounding with his steps.

⟨⟨Cross Spark!⟩⟩ [Lando]

He waved his sword twice, up and across, a cross of blue and white bolted towards Lisandra's direction. It was much faster and stronger, ready to devour the princess like a starving tiger chasing its prey.

He didn't just stop there. As soon as Lisandra dodged the first attack, he followed up with another blade of lightning, leaving shallow gashes on the stage. A thundering boom resounded over the Grand Colosseum one after another.

All the princess could do was run and keep on running, bending her body and waving her sword to escape the claws of the storm. The tide had now completely turned, the young man now gaining control over the battlefield.

"Urgh...!" [Lisandra]

Yet however much she dodged and parried, the claws of lightning still managed to graze her. They were not much, but they were enough to make her flinch, giving her opponent enough time to launch yet another deadly strike.

⟨⟨Cross Spark!⟩⟩ [Lando]

And launched another attack, he did. As soon as Lisandra was paralyzed for a short while, he immediately brandished his blade, yet another cross cruising towards the princess' direction, bolting faster than the other's before it.

It was already far too late to dodge. All the Princess could do was brace herself and grit her teeth. Darkness swallowed her hands and sword, flames burning brighter deep inside her heart and soul, crackling louder than thunder.

⟨⟨Black Star!⟩⟩ [Lisandra]

A star of darkness was born at her wake, clashing with the cross of blue, a booming explosion resounding in the air. Clouds of dust filled her field of view, fragments of broken tiles flying in the air as the howling winds continued to blow.

"What a spectacular explosion! Truly befitting of geniuses!" [Konan]

"Hohoho! We are now in the climax, folks! Keep your eyes peeled if you don't want to miss a single thing!" [Terry]

The crowd was now even more excited, not anticipating the sudden turn of tides. The clouds of dust had yet to clear out, but they didn't keep their eyes off the stage, Grey and Yuna seating calmly as they watched the fight unfold.

However, despite the princess destroying the enemy's attack, the chill has yet to thaw away from her heart. Lando had already vanished in front of her, and an even colder chill made her very being quiver, a sharp glint glimmering in the corner of her eyes.

⟨⟨Wild Thrust!⟩⟩ [Lando]

He suddenly appeared behind her, his sword aiming towards her neck. She managed to dodge it by a hair's breadth, the floors dyed red as she was wounded by a simple graze. She didn't wait any longer and retreated as fast as she could.

"Wh-What a predicament! The first blood has been shed, and the princess is now in her last straws! Folks! Looks like we're reaching the conclusion!" [Konan]

The battle was reaching its last moments, two figures standing still as they gasped for their breaths. They have already poured out most of their strength into their fierce and feisty exchange of blows, muscles aching in pain.

"Your Highness! This is my resolve!" [Lando]

There was no time for hesitation, with all the strength left in his body, Lando poured all his power into a single strike, the air howling as lightning devoured the stage, his sword glowing blue like a storm ready to hurl.

The princess was the same. In kind, she also poured all she had left into her sword, darkness engulfing the other end of the stage and her eyes glowing a deep blue color like the vast ocean, massive waves brewing in her heart,

⟨⟨Cross Spark!⟩⟩ [Lando] ⟨⟨Black Star!⟩⟩ [Lisandra]

A cross of blue and a star of blue. Two destructive forces bolted towards one another at breakneck speed, violent winds blowing the debris away and the stage quaking, a number of cracks streaking across its surface.


A loud explosion thundered, blowing away the tiles and leaving deep gashes in the arena. The stage was once agin veiled in pillars of dust, obstructing everyone's views and filling their hearts with thrill and tension.

The thick cloud of dust and debris continued to brew and Land kept his eyes peeled. He was already exhausted yet he kept his guard up, listening to the most subtle of sounds and watching out for the faintest of shadows.

'There...!' [Lando]

A sudden darkness appeared in the corner of his eyes, and his guard rose up in a fraction of a second, gripping his sword as he prepared a thrust. It was just like what he did against Lisandra... Except that it was not.

He thrusted his sword and the dust cleared out, yet there was no princess to be seen. All there was was a piece of darkness, vanishing along the cloud of dust, the sound of footsteps soon echoing as the mist of brown was unveiled.

'Crap...!' [Lando]

"Hyaap!" [Lisandra]

Lisandra suddenly appeared from the opposite direction, her sword bearing at him. He tried to defend, but it was already too late, a resounding clang reverberated in the air as Lisandra brandished her sword towards the sky.

The very next moment, Lando's sword was blown away by Lisandra's stroke, a series of clangs and thuds resounding in the air as it landed afar. A silver glint shone once more, the princess' sword pointed at the young man before her.

"It's my loss... Congratulations, Your Highness." [Lando]

"Thank you, that was a good match." [Lisandra]

They were both out of breath and riddled with pain and fatigue, but there were only bright smiles on their faces. It didn't matter who won or who lost, all they knew was that it was a beautiful match, a wonderful learning experience for the two of them.

"Th-The Victor is Her Highness! Gladiator Lisandra has won the match and advances to the next round! Glory to Graystone!" [Konan]

"Whoohoo!! You rock, Your Highness!"

"That was a good match, you two! Long live, Graystone!"

"You're our pride! Keep on fighting!"

There was no division in race, gender, or age. Everyone stood in ovation and gave the two youngsters a boisterous round of applause. They chanted their names and sung praises for their bright smiles floating all over the place.

The Royal Family was especially proud, the King smiling gently as she looked at his precious daughter, now a full-fledged and respectable swordswoman. And so was the Champion, eyes filled with warmth, cheering for his younger sister deep inside.

She breathed out a sigh of relief and shook Lando's hands. As her eyes toured the audience, two familiar figures caught her eyes. She looked at them, a smile on her face, showing them a thumbs up ever so cheerfully.

"Fufufu! Look at her smile." [Yuna]

"Looks like we should prepare some sweets for her today." [Grey]

"Fufufu! We should~!" [Yuna]

Onwards, to the next round!


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