YLTESCIA: A Reincarnator’s Tale in the Lands of Merusia

Chapter 322: The First Rounds (pt. II)


Excitement brewed and danced in the air, musical tunes bobbing up and down as they filled the arena, the sound of gongs bellowing all the while. The sun continued to fall but the excitement had yet to die down.

A few hours had passed since Lisandra's victory and the Carnival of Swords unfolded smoothly, without a single hitch. The Intermediate Division's 16 matches were all successful, the people applauding with bright smiles blooming on their faces.

It was now time for the Senior Division, loud clanging rupturing the air as their swords clashed with one another, sparks and shockwaves unfolding from time to time. Their swings were heavy and their sword art was simply on another level.

"Go, Sir Icarus! Show them the pride of a Royal Guard!"

"Lord Javis, do your best! Don't let the enemy land a single strike!"

"Lady Margaret~! Go! You can do it! We believe in you!"

And despite having cheered and screamed all day, the people's energy has yet to die downー or rather, it only rose when it was time for the big guns to show up, shouting on the top of their lungs and chanting the names of their idols.

Well, who wouldn't be? After all, more than a dozen of the participants were High-Rankers, and even those who aren't are on the pinnacle of C-rank, swordsmanship already at the "High" level, and some even at "Advanced". They were monsters.

"Lord Javis takes victory against Sir Lyle! He moves to the next round!" [Konan]

Another round, another victor. The moment the announcement rang, the audience's deafening enthusiasm followed. They were all having the time of their lives, chatting merrily about the highlights of the duels as the swordsmen made their exit.

"Hohoho! The Senior Division really is something else, isn't it, Partner? Only here can you see what the true worth of the sword really is!" [Terry]

"I couldn't agree more, Partner! If it weren't for the barrier, we would have already been blown away. Hahaha! How truly fortunate we are!" [Konan]

"Hey now, don't say something so ominous. Let's just admire the Swordmasters and their swordsmanship. Hohoho!" [Terry]

"Swordmasters... I like the ring of that, Partner. It's only natural that we address them with the most honorable of titles. Don't you think so too, everyone?!" [Konan]

The stage was being repaired and the commentators were back on their casual tone, trying not to bore the crowd and rallying them with their words, everyone cheering in affirmation the moment Konan asked them a question.

They talked and then talked some more. A couple minutes later, the stage was finally restored to its former glory, not a single crack nor bump to be seen anywhere. Magic truly was a convenient tool to have, both in battle and in everyday jobs.

"Yuna, you're up next, aren't you?" [Lisandra]

"Un! I think my opponent was another High-Ranker named... Umm... What was it again...? Li... Lis... Liz... Laz... Umm... Larks...?" [Yuna]

"Haah... At least remember your opponent's name... It's Lazareth...." [Grey]

"Un! That's right! It's Lazareth! He also uses the wind attribute like Grey!" [Yuna]

She was already up next, but there was not a trace of worry on her face. Rather, she was happily humming to herself, munching on some meat buns without a care in the world, swaying her head left and right as she smiled.

Lisandra already knew Yuna was a cheerful and carefree person, but she didn't think she wouldn't even flinch at the face of such a challenge. It can only make one wonder where the once meek and easily nervous Yuna had gone to.

"Forget it, Lisa. Yuna's just the way she is." [Grey]

"Just the way she is... Grey, you simply spoil her too much..." [Lisandra]

"Urgh... I can't retaliate about that..." [Grey]

Well, it's not like Grey was any different though. He was also calm and composed, looking forward to his match which was a few matches away from Yuna. He would also be up against another High-Ranker known to be the "Emerald Blade".

"Oh... Yuna, stay still... There are some food stains on your cheeks." [Grey]

"Ah, thank you~!" [Yuna]

Well, rather than a swordsman, he looked more like a father taking care and doting over his daughter, only that he wasn't a father and the said daughter was actually his fiancée. Lisandra could only sigh at the sight of the two.

Back in the audience areas, the excitement over the previous match was now over, people looking at the gates as they await for the entrance of the next contestants, keeping their eyes peeled and their ears perked, readying their heart for yet another wave of fun and thrill.

"Ohh! Looks like we have an interesting match up next, folks! An exciting duel I'm sure many have been looking forward to!" [Konan]

"Hohoho! I have also been looking forward to it, Partner! I've always heard about her, but I haven't seen her battle yet. I can't wait to see her in action." [Terry]

"Well then, you're in luck, Partner! Because you don't have to wait any longer! Here they come...!" [Konan]

Konan's voice echoed in the air and the gates resounded with heavy clacks. They were soon lifted, subtle lights shining from inside the waiting areas as two people made their entrance, carrying longswords by their side.

The crowd clamored like a brood of chickens, the two figures marching their feet forward towards the stage. They were both calm, eyes still like a stagnant lake all while blazing and furious flames were fanned deep inside their hearts.

"He is a man whose name has been sung by bards for decades! The hero of the east who subjugated a horde of Eartheaters and saved the city of Granados when he was still a C-ranker, all on his own! A man donned by the moniker of 'Stormblade'! His Excellency! Lord Lazareth!" [Konan]

"Lord Lazareth! We love you~!"

"Long Live Graystone! You're the best, Lord Lazareth!"

"Master~! Do your best! I will be cheering for you!"

His name was known all throughout Graystone, and despite his old age, he was still loved by the people. He may not be as grand of a hero as Grey and Yuna were, but he was a hero nonetheless. An inspiration to many,

"And his opponent...! Hailing from the Kingdom of Alfrione, she had braced herself throughout countless adversities and conquered the impossible! A prodigy from the heavens who achieved S-rank at the young age of 16! The 'Phantom' of Galderia! Her Highness! Lady Yuna!" [Terry]

"Lady Yuna~! Look over here~! Give it your all~!"

"Lady Yuna, we're looking forward to your duel!"

"Your Highness, our shop is always open for you! We have new bread for sale!"

Yuna's reception wasn't any less warm than Lazareth, though some were already promoting their products. They were the usual vendors she buys her snacks from. Still, support was still support nonetheless, she could only giggle to herself.

『Good luck, Yuna. Let's celebrate later, alright?』 [Grey]

『Un! I want to eat some buffalo wings this time.』 [Yuna]

Of course, the most important cheer was none other from her one and only, dearest beloved. He only said a few words, but it was enough to fill her heart with confidence. With how happy she was, not even a dragon would be able to stand her way.

"Huhuhu! I never thought I would be fighting against such a prodigy... This old man feels honored, Your Highness." [Lazareth]

"I feel the same. Let's have a good match, Lord Lazareth." [Yuna]

A short exchange later and the two warriors shook their hands, soon heading towards their respective sides. They looked calm and indifferent, but both were ready to draw their blades the moment the gongs ring.

The audience couldn't help but anticipate the start of the match, all eyes now on the stage before them. The commentators could only smile and clench their fists in hot and boiling excitement, grabbing their microphones and holding them high.

"Hero against hero! Adventurer against adventurer! Swordsman against swordsman! Who will win this fateful battle?!" [Konan]

"Will Her Highness strike her opponent down in a single strike yet again or will His Excellency prevail and prove himself once more? Let us find out!!" [Terry]

""Let the duel... Begin!!"" [Konan and Terry]


He may be old, but he was still a High-ranker. As soon as Konan and Terry's voices rang out in the air, Lazareth immediately closed the distance between him and Yuna, using wind magic to boost himself at speeds faster than sound.

Lazareth had already seen Yuna fight before, and he knew full well he would be in big trouble the moment he let the young lady attack. The best strategy was to close the gap as soon as possible and landing a decisive strike before anything else.

⟨⟨Rapid Slash: Tempest!⟩⟩ [Lazareth]

The winds bellowed at his words, violet winds wrapping his sword, creating blasts after blast, gaining both speed and power and the winds continued to lash out. A sharp and deadly storm heading towards Yuna's crown.

It was unbelievably fast and Yuna's speed was now limited, however, there was no need to dodge. She simply stood still and received the blow head onー or at least, that's how it seemed to be for the others.

Lazareth couldn't stop his strike, a deadly tempest rushing towards Yuna at insane speeds. Both dust and smoke was blown away, creating a tornado inside the Grand Colosseum, splitting the tiles and thundering as it crashed towards the barrier.

The people were shocked, eyes unable to believe what just happened. Lazareth was especially shocked, eyes wide open. Shock which only grew the moment the clouds of dust cleared out, eyes filled with confusion and bewilderment.

"Waah~! That was amazing~!" [Yuna]

Yuna was untouched, Lazareth sword leaving a deep gash in the stage under her. There was not a single hair of her body damage, smiling ever so happily as she admired Lazareth's deadly yet mystical masterpiece.

As for what happened, Yuna simply activated her "Phaseless" the moment the match started, making her immune to any and all normal attacks. It was a broken cheat, a rigged ability which could easily overturn the world at its very roots.

Lazareth was shocked, but he composed himself soon after, withdrawing his sword to his side and not wasting the opportunity while Yuna still stood in front of him, drawing a large amount of mana as he thrust his sword towards her chest.

⟨⟨Point Blank: Gale Pierce!⟩⟩ [Lazareth]

The winds howled once more and guided his sword. A massive drill of wind adorned his blade, sharper than any dagger and rotating faster than any spinning wheel. His eyes glowed white as he gritted his teeth and poured all his strength.

The barrier was rocked by a heavy force, a thundering echo resounding in the air. Yet it was all for naught. Yuna remained standing in front of him, not a single wound on her body, standing perfectly still with a smile on her delicate face.

"Then... It's my turn, right?" [Yuna]

Asked Yuna, sending a cold shiver down Lazareth's spine. All fibers in his very being told him to run away, his heart racing erratically, galloping like a panicking stallion. He ran away, not waiting for trouble to come at him.

"I practiced hard just for this moment, so I hope you'll like my present to you, Lord Lazareth... Please brace yourself." [Yuna]

Yuna didn't need to warn Lazareth. Even if she didn't tell him what to do, he would have raised his guard to the maximum, fully wary of the young lady before him. His head was ringing with panic, heart unable to take a break.

The once violent winds were now still and quiet, a cold breeze filling the air. As Yuna unsheathed her blade, the temperature immediately started dropping, powder snow falling from the sky, her breath painted white from the cold.

⟨⟨Cleaving Crescent!⟩⟩ [Lazareth]

Lazareth's instincts were telling him to stop whatever was happening, but his efforts were all for naught. The moment his blade was in Yuna's range, it was immediately frozen, soon shattering into pieces like broken glass.

⟨⟨Silver Rush: Blizzard⟩⟩ [Yuna]

Yuna opened her mouth and she disappeared soon after. The freezing wind blew and howled, a storm of white brewing inside the barrier, the frost gnawing away at the floor and walls of the arena. A cold and deadly wonderland.

"Kugh...!" [Lazareth]

However, Lazareth has no time to be distracted. He suddenly felt a sudden pain and coldness from his left arm. The moment he glanced at its direction, he found a blue crystal latching on him, veins of red frozen insideー No, they weren't crystals, they were his blood!

A silent storm was brewing inside, a sharp cut befalling on Lazareth. His wounds then bleed out, a fountain of red gushing forth only to be frozen by the piercing and deadly cold. Ice then devoured it whole, leaving a crystal of red, blue, and white behind.

'Wh... Where the hell is shー Kugh...!' [Lazareth]

He couldn't even finish his thoughts, another stinging and freezing pain inflicted on his aged body, not a single trace of the culprit to be seen. There was only a field of white, the air getting colder and colder as the snow fell.

Once... Twice... Thrice... And many more times. Yuna kept on inflicting more and more wounds on Lazareth as she dashed forth unnoticed, the old man's body slowly covered in frost, pain aching all over his body.

⟨⟨Bladed Gale!⟩⟩ [Lazareth]

Lazareth tried to swing his blade, but it was useless, he still wasn't able to hit Yuna. If anything, it only aggravated his wounds, a veil of red ice swallowing him whole as the blizzard of death raged on, his breath getting more ragged by the moment.

The commentators were so confused, they couldn't even make out a single moment about the fight. All they could see was a one-sided beatdown, an aged man slowly consumed by frost as his pained grunts echoed in the air.

Yuna soon appeared from thin air, veiled by the falling snow and her sword gleaming before her. The air suddenly got colder and the frost pierced even the barrier, winds howling and bellowing as she laid down her judgement.

⟨⟨White Dream: Fluttering Snowflakes!⟩⟩ [Yuna]

The already white stage turned even white, the snow turning into snowflakes, falling ever so graciously and dancing along to the tune of the freezing winds. They turned and they landed, brewing up a storm of blue at Yuna's command.

The young lady brandished her sword and a wave of blue filled the stage, chunks of glacial blue devouring the stage whole as they rushed towards the old man, engulfing him whole in deep blue ice. The match has been settled.

"I... I don't really know what happened, b-but the winner is Her Highness! Gladiator Yuna takes ahold of victory and moves on to the next round!" [Konan]

Everyone was still in shock about what just happened, but such shock was soon thawed by Konan's declaration, an intense pandemonium of confused yet excited cheers rocking the Grand Colosseum.

『Yuna... That was too over the top...』 [Grey]

『Teehee! Sorry, I got a little carried away!』 [Yuna]

『A little, you say...』 [Grey]

Grey was at a loss for words about his fiancée, only able to praise her doing a good job, resigning himself with thinking too much about it. They already promised to face one another in the Grand Finals, so he must keep his promise.

After the stage was cleaned up, the next matches soon commenced, and the fierce clashes continued, two sides exchanging heavy blows and shockwaves booming in the air. Walking disasters clashed time and time again.

"The match has been decided! Lady Olivia achieved victory and advances to the next round!!" [Terry]

"Only to be expected from our great King! His Majesty, King Archen, struck down his opponent yet again and moves onto the round of 16!" [Konan]

"Yet another overwhelming victory! With a fierce temperament, Lord Elain crushed his opponent and heads forward to the next round!" [Terry]

Of course, with each match comes a well deserved victory, the commentators doing their best to keep the audience merry and bring excitement to their hearts, one victory at a time. The round of 32 continues to unfold.

With the passing of time, it was finally time for Grey to take the stage. His reception was just as warm as Yuna's, the commentators introducing him with a number of titles, the crowd cheering eagerly for him.

There was no need to tell more. Though not as broken as Yuna's match, Grey easily overwhelmed his opponent. His opponent was of the plant attribute, a perfect prey for him who wields "Vulcan's Wrath".

⟨⟨Deadly Stinger!⟩⟩

The man waved his sword, a verdant arc appearing before him. From such an arc, dozens upon dozens of swords appeared, bolting towards Grey without any mercy, packing both power and poison which could easily take down Goblin Kings.

Bang Bang Bang Bang

However, it was futile. With a strike of his scorching sword, Grey easily obliterated the flying swords, a series of tiny explosions ringing in the air. The flames were so strong, it even burned poison, posing no threat to Grey.

The enemy had already shot countless kinds of poison, but not a single one broke through Grey's defense. His physical strength may be limited but the resistance of a Calamity-Class Ranker was not something mere poison could hope to breach.

It was all or nothing. With all the mana he had left, the enemy poured his everything into a single strike to end it all, viridescent light swallowing the whole arena, the stage quaking as weeds and flowers cracked the tiles and bloomed.

⟨⟨Emerald Bane!⟩⟩

The jaded stage was shattered even further, massive roots emerging from the depths of the earth and rushing towards the man's sword, twirling and twisting as if they were being devoured by a whirlpool, dyeing the stage a dark green color.

The sword grew massive, verdant light emanating from it as the man raised it towards the sky. He brandished it with all his might, a sea of green surging towards Grey and ready to engulf him like a flash flood. A shark opening its maw.

⟨⟨Scorching Crescent⟩⟩ [Grey]

Scarlet light erupted on the stage, soon turning pitch black as "Hellfire" strengthened them. The burned blaze and razed the ground, roaring like dragons and lashing out like High Treants, a burning hell in an instant.

A wave of black rushed towards the sea of green. There was a clear difference in size, but the former devoured the latter without mercy. It streaked across the stage, devastating everything in sight, not even ashes remaining.



The opponent wasn't safe either. Grey's flames blasted him away towards the barrier with such destructive force, a loud crash thundering all over the Grand Colosseum, a loud thud following it soon after. The man was now unconscious.

Nothing remained on the stage, only a charred ground and rampaging flames. Grey soon sheathed his sword, the fires extinguishing soon after it. He didn't break a single sweat nor was he out of breath. An overwhelming victory was what it was.

"The match has reached its end! His Highness, Gladiator Grey had triumphed over the 'Emerald Blade'! He advances to the next round!" [Konan]

The crowd chanted his name and he exited the arena. It was a little underwhelming, but with it, he was one step closer to fulfilling his promise. A bright and radiant smile welcomed him as he returned to the waiting area.

"Fufufu! You sure were flashy, Grey!" [Yuna]

"I don't want to hear that from you." [Grey]

"Mou...! Let go of my nose, you bully...!" [Yuna]

Yuna tried to tease Grey, but she was the one who got teased instead, her fiancé pinching her nose albeit gently. A scene which only served to make Lisandra giggle to herself, all the while Yuna puffed her soft and plump cheeks.

Time passed some more and the Carnival of Swords continued to unfold, one victory announced after another, the crowd cheering with excitement. They really were balls of energy, not even tired even when the sun was about to set.

But perhaps the match they looked forward to the most was the final match between the reigning champion and a Lt. General of the Kingdom. It was fierce and feisty, but it didn't take too long before it reached its conclusion.

⟨⟨Heavy Slash: Omega!⟩⟩ [Lionel]

Just as the sky was painted amber, a massive and equally heavy sword came down from the sky, a heavy force weighing down on the Lt. General's shoulder. It was as if he was pushing against a mountain, all to no avail.

The Lt. General could hold out, but the same couldn't be said for his sword. Cracks ran all throughout and the sword shattered like glass, a massive sword crashing from above, forcing him towards the ground.

Clouds of dust, smoke, and debris, curtained the stage, a gigantic crater revealed as it cleared out. Only one figure remained standing, basking in the golden sunlight as the sun sunk down the horizon, his golden eyes, just as brilliant.

"H-His Grace grabs the flag of victory by his hands! Gladiator Deltran, our reigning champion, moves on with an overwhelming victory!" [Terry]


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